Essay Abstract
Here I will discuss the three important results of 20th century math and physics: undecidable theorems, uncomputable problems and unpredictable dynamics. Undecidability, Uncomputability, and Unpredictability are usually seen as a limit of knowledge. But an analysis of the three concepts paints another picture. Uncomputability is a sign of an unknown powerful bridge to other areas which are essential to solve the problem. Here, I discuss the Uncomputability of Diophantine equations and the successful solution for Fermat's equation by Wiles. Undecidability is caused by the usage of a fixed set of axioms. It disappears if we know how many steps we usually need to proof a theorem. Here, I discuss the possible Undecidability between decoherence and the wave function collapse in quantum mechanics. Unpredictability is caused by the complexity of our world. Instead to predict everything we should consider how new properties appears. Examples like evolution or explainable AI are discussed. I argue that Undecidability, Uncomputability, and Unpredictability is not a limit but a chance. The Brave New World of computable, decidable and predictable science does not exists anymore!
Author Bio
I'm a researcher at the German Aerospace Center in Berlin. My research interests vary from condensed matter physics to quantum gravity. I'm also interested in the philosophical consequences of physics. One of my main topics is the application of low-dimensional topology to cosmology.