
You reason like a child. "i know you are but what am I..." is the foundation of how you reason.

Believe me, if anyone in the UN gave you money, they would be getting fooled!

Using the word "vanity" repeatedly is what you are good at. Good luck with that.

Steve, you never asked if I knew how to solve problems. You judged me and used your favorite word "vanity". But you never engaged me. You reason like a child.

the problem is not there , we don tneed lessons about how to build a city and at new york, it lacks planets and ecosystems on the walls, do you encircle this , the future is to create cities more ecological, vegetal walls, composting at big global scale, and others, are you against the ecology , it is a sciences that I know well, do you want some lessons in all humility, I can teach you

we are all vanitious at different levels, and the universalism also can be ranked, all we see quickly that you speak about too much assumptions and not really about concrete solutions, I want to create this manifest of concrete solutions with relevant thionkers, persons relevant able to see the global common well, not only for a snall part or a country, the difference is there, I don t need money, I need solutions and relevant thinkers, I don t want to be a leader, we are all equals in this group but the persons finding a problem for the most simple solution and too much iun their fanaism ideological , religious or politics are not welcome,

plants, not planets, sorry. New york is the most developed city in technology and others but they must insist on ecology for the harmonised interactions between animals and vegetals, and for the agricultural productions also, I beleive strongly that this composting at big global scale more the vegetal multiplication nor the harmonisation of interactions are foundamentals, it lacks this at New York, the governements can create jobs and the eneterprises also, it is my aim , New York can show the example and can show an incredible revolution ecological, it is possible and essential, are you against this?

Steve, vanity is your cross to bear.

God gave me an understanding of the expanding graviton, that is my cross to bear.

NYC is not a good example of anything right now. The mayor and governor are not good quality people.

no God has told you nothing, it is just a sick mental comportment, you beleive that you are jesus or what lol ??? and a genius, no Jason you are Jason the irrational thinker, and yes we have all a cross, mine are the spheres , you don t like this simplicity , lol make like ponce pilate put me on the cross because I tell truths and contredict the lines of beleifs of limited minds know Jason you are very bad fallen with me, be sure,

lol steve 42 points, Jason always zero , but accept , be humble lol like a real christian , don t compete when you cannot , it is like you play alone against a team of 11 at soccer football lol humor is good for heath, that helps to realtivate and breath, so breath :)

One day, we will replace rocket propulsion with gravity propulsion drives, and we will send workers to the asteroid belt to mine for ores, to build large space stations.

    this is interesting, I beleive that indeed we can check this gravitation in the future and it will be revolutionary, hope we shall find quickly this secret, we must check this quantum gravitation probably more other parameters , it seems very difficult actually, regards

    7 days later

    Problems in Kashmir, Palestine and Gaza, discussion on facebook with a lecturer in physics.

    Steve Dufourny Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji, yes I am understanding, the problems between muslims and indians exist since a long time, and it is the same for the palestinian israelian problems and gaza , the UN seem not able to solve and the governements also cannot apparently , the hate increases and the problems continue due to ideological or religious heritages, I find this sad knowing that we come all from the same origin and familly considering the evolution, the humans need to be more universal , and the UN must find the adapted solutions, but it seems so complex due to this hate increasing, maybe the leaders could create democratic discussions and solutions and try to decreaase this hate between the different parts. What a sad planet globally speaking dear friend, these political , ideological and religious problems seem the most complex and difficult to solve, friendly


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    Steve Dufourny

    Steve Dufourny you know Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji, I see only one solution for these problems, the leaders much teach the peace and the love and forgiveness must be taken into account, of course the politics must try to improve also the quality of lifes , because this helps to decrease the rage at my opinion and there the UN has a responsability in improvement with concrete investments to create jobs and better qualities of life. The problem for Gaza is more complex because they are encircled by israel, maybe the egypt has an important rule to do , they could liberate a part of the country and israel also to permit to gaza to breath, this geography is a problem for me and also the leaders must teach this peace , love and forgiveness, they have a enormous responsabilities and this UN also of course in helping these leaders, politicians and religious leaders.


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    ツキ Rテゥpondre ツキ 1 h

    Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji

    Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji Steve Dufourny off course our leaders are not in favour of our country and our people.

    They are selfish.

    They use bad words for each other to win the election!!@

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    ツキ Rテゥpondre ツキ 1 h

    Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji

    Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji Steve Dufourny our present prime minister imran Khan went to America for a conference. So, do you heard what PM said?

    PM imran said , I will cut AC connection from the room of Ex_ PM of Pakistan Main Muhammad Nawaz Sharif.

    Why our Current PM use so bad words instead of valuable words in UN , American parliament.

    They are trying to win only election.

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    ツキ Rテゥpondre ツキ 1 h

    Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji

    Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji Steve Dufourny Not all Indian are bad!!

    But due to infinite religious factors they are very narrow minded people.

    Suppose if an Indian say, long live Pakistan, then Indian can kill his citizen.

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    Steve Dufourny

    Steve Dufourny Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji thanks for sharing, it exists in both countries good universalists fortunally, maybe they could take the keys and decrease the peace by good teachings and good political solutions, it is sure that the leaders for the war and the hate are not the solution, this problem seems so complex in details considering the rage and the sufferings of people, the psychology becomes a key , I find this so sad and odd that the religions are for the peace and the love and paradoxally they implies these problems , sad global reality and when we add the unconsciousness and the bad governances, we understand better this global state and the correlated problems, we have had always the same problems in fact globally , always the human stupidity in resume and unconsciousness


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    Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji

    Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji Steve Dufourny You put forwarded Good points. Thank you for that.

    Since the world are getting smart by the seconds but unfortunately some countries and especially many peoples burning this planet using religions.


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    Steve Dufourny

    Steve Dufourny Ulla Mattfolk, Paul Bowen, Grzegorz Hoppe, Omar Jaimes,Maarten Heskamp,Prasad Divate,Rima Meta,Esethu Mkoyana, ミ'ミクミコムひセム\ ミ'ミオミキミウミセミエミコミセミイ what are your ideas about this problem in the Kasmir and gaza, what could the UN and the leaders make for you ?


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    ツキ Rテゥpondre ツキ 58 min ツキ Modifiテゥ

    Grzegorz Hoppe

    Grzegorz Hoppe Steve Dufourny Without realize our equality and common source of all you don't change it.


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    ツキ Rテゥpondre ツキ 50 min

    Steve Dufourny

    Steve Dufourny Grzegorz Hoppe yes I know but the problesm are complex in these countries and actually it seems that the solutions must be found to decrease them


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    ツキ Rテゥpondre ツキ 48 min ツキ Modifiテゥ

    Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji

    Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji Steve Dufourny Grzegorz Hoppe , due to Kashmir and Gaza issues, N- number of people were killed and no one knows why they are killing?


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    ツキ Rテゥpondre ツキ 45 min

    Grzegorz Hoppe

    Grzegorz Hoppe Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji Currently world ? is Matrix of greed and power over others and lies.


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    ツキ Rテゥpondre ツキ 42 min

    Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji

    Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji Grzegorz Hoppe that's the correct.

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    ツキ Rテゥpondre ツキ 41 min

    Steve Dufourny

    Steve Dufourny Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji so true, the rage , hate and revenge and unconsciousness have taken the hearts and minds of people unfortunally


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    ツキ Rテゥpondre ツキ 38 min

    Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji

    Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji Steve Dufourny reality

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    ツキ Rテゥpondre ツキ 36 min

    Steve Dufourny

    Steve Dufourny Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji yes unfortunally, it seems easier to find solution in sciences for a better economy global, the water, the food, energy, jobs and others than to solve the human psychology and the differences of heritages, cultures, religions and ideologies, maybe in harmonising globally the qualities of lifes, that could already decreqse a little bit these rages and hates ancestral between the different parts, there the UN must find adapted solutions, general in boosting the governments and in giving the keys in good hands, this world bamk also must take its responsabilities, it lacks funds it seems to me and a new revolutionary global industrialisation, furthermore the AI arrives and we must find manual jobs, I fear for a near future if nothing made


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    ツキ Rテゥpondre ツキ 32 min

    Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji

    Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji Steve Dufourny It is the responsibility of UN what you said.

    Religious leaders cannot solve this problem.

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    ツキ Rテゥpondre ツキ 28 min

    Steve Dufourny

    Steve Dufourny Muhammad Abdul Basit Khilji yes it seems that yes indeed in decreasing the sufferings and so the rage and frustration and for this they must create jobs and harmonise the qualities of lifes , it is foundamental for me

    All peace programs are essential and several places need helps quickly, like in yemen and others they suffer too much like the kurdes also and the UN must take their responsabilities, the problem is complex due to old wars between different cultures, we must decrewse the hate, the problem of revence and unfortunally the religious leaders cannot do it, I beleive strongly that we must improve the quality of life first of all and try to find geographical solutions too , the peace is easier when the people are occupied to live a decent life , these problems need really a global calmness and for this , the accords are important but the solutions are better where all find their interests.

    You know Jason, it exists persons working on the ground since so many years and who merit the Nobel Prize, it is not just a paper you know but a long long work trying to help for the democracy and equality, I can see that several politicians try to act but let s be serious, Trump has maybe made a good accord but it is probably after some advices and for a nobel prize it is when we are invested more than just this, let s be rational please

    Steve, Jews and Arabs achieved peace without relinquishing their culture (as you suggested was the cause of the conflict). Perhaps the promise of "peace and prosperity" is the key.

    If you truly wanted peace, you would be delighted that president Trump is actually achieving it. Instead, you complain and cry that others are more deserving. If there are others who are more deserving, then where is the peace that they have created?

    Jason, the problems are more complex than you imagine, first of all there is not only Israel , the palestine and Gaza, there are the yemen, the kurdistan, the somalia, the kashmir and others like in ukraine also and others, the accords have always been made but have noty been really respected generally. The people agree on peace and the day after they fight , so it is not accords who are going to solve, it is sure and certain. The UN has a big responsability but is not able to solve at this moment unfortunally, we need a global different strategy and the quality of lifes and the hope are essential to decrease the rage and these ancestral wars between different cultures. When the people are happy they are less motivated to fight.... But I agree about peace and prosperity being keys, but unfortunally the prospertity is not global and general, even in belgium we have big problems in psychology because the global system lacks of several foundamentals, and mainly jobs well paid and a hope.

    And stop now to tell stupidities please, I have nothjing agianst trump but are you conscious of what you tell ??? the USA is not the only one country and trump is not our savor, are you crazy and brainwashed at this points or is it a problem of education, do you know the geography , history and others Jason ????

    Steve, you're being negative. Negativity is a way to cause strife and conflict.

    you know what Jason, I ask me if you know the politics international and the geography in fact ???? the reality is like it is , many persons suffer since a long time and in africa I don t see a prosperity really, and the persons having make accords , that exists since alsways, it is not a reason to see a global changement, you eat maybe well and live in a country more evolved but it is not the case for all, do you know the asia and africa or south america Jason ???? at this present , children don t eat and die