We're learning quite a bit from the Democrats. If you take away people's jobs, they riot and tear up your city. If you give people jobs and keep them employed, they don't have time to protests. If you defund the police, crime and murder rates go up. If you train police that they are the blue line that separates their country from anarchy, they will be more patient. If you teach citizens to treat the police with respect, there will be less need for arrests.

Democrats will not agree with me, but the truth is: only Democrat cities are burning and are overrun with anarchists and crime.

Dear Jason Mark,

Could it be that both Democrats and Republicans are fundamentally wrong?

Having people having multiple jobs just being able to get by is slavery and invariably will lead to conflicts in the long run. It simply can't work that 1% gets most of the wealth. It will always fail. A mathematical human psychics affair.

On the other hand Keynes will lead to government spending spiraling out of control. That won't work either.

Regards Gerhard


You claim that "both" are wrong! But here is the flaw in your thinking. People have to work, either in industry, corporate world, or do something that keeps them busy. Even if they are donating their time to a charity or helping to raise kids.

I don't know where you got the idea it was okay to tax excessively the working class. It's like you don't understand that socialism is slavery.

I remember a time when I wasn't making the money I wanted. I took the opportunity to join the US Army and serve my country. I know you have been brainwashed to hate the military. If so, you should reconsider your views. Freedom is not free. Peace only comes to those who are prepared for war.

Did you know that 92% of jobs come from people who are so rich, that they have to find workers to work at their factories and in their offices? Rich people give other people jobs. You should hate them less for it.

Hello to both of you, Mr Ris, yes I am frecnh speaking, that is why my english and grammar are not perfect, sorry for this, I liked a lot your post, I think like you , it is not easy to make understaning to people persuaded about the arms, weapons, borders , many think they are right about these arms, of course I know that we can reach a point of equilibrium with the theory off games and a kind of disuasion for these arms, because the strength if china, usa, europa , india for example work together, that will disuade the others tpo produce arms, so paradoxally that will decreqse these productions. I am aware that fortuannly the USA was there in europa during the WW2 , but the USA has a big problem considering the arms, it is a young country with a special past and they fear a lot and it is the country where we have the most numerous number of death due to arms. Jason is a republican petriot persuaded that they are are right, I am tolerant but I find odd sometimes to love this , and it is linked to fear also and catholicism, I don t understand this. I love USA but there is a problem like everywhere on earth simply, no country is perfect after all. I see also that in this country the USA the racism and the differences are a main problem, it is odd , I have the same problem in belgium due to immigration, the world changes and the UN is not able to find the adapted solutions, the future is to create a global village harmonised for all, that is why the patriotism is not the solution, even if they are persuaded. Kennedy was a person seeing clear and it is sad he has been shot because he jhas simply told truths like many , it exists things we cannot critic unfortunally.

Dear Jason, the republicans or democrats are not the problem, the problem is the lack of consciousness in all governances respecting the universal laws and the pure altruism, with or without our approvements, if we success to survive, the borders, the arms and money are dedictated to disappear, because it exists things wich cannot be divided or selt simply. I know you a catholic republican patriot , and I respect your choice, but be aware that we evolve towards an universal unification also , it lacks many things in all the different political ideologies and it is mainly this universalism wich lacks.

The socialism, the communism, the capitalism are not the solutiobns but an equilibrium between them with a pure universalism, yes

Dear Jason Mark,

Do please read more carefully what it is that I state: More Millionaires, No Poor, No War.

So, I'm quite opposed to socialism.

The root cause is somewhat more a problem. Namely that we humans are something different than our current paradigm makes us believe we are. We are all idiots - so am I, that need groupthink in order to think properly. Group think is not socialism, lest you think that. You can also do that in any organization, family or church if you like.

You would be astonished how little focus we individual humans have. A thing that illusionists and hypnotizers know and exploit.

40% of humanity even the 10% of the most intelligent thereof simply can't compute long term problems. 80% female thus 20% male.

A further 40% of humanity simply can't compute further than medium term affairs: 80% male and 20% female. Including the 10% most intelligent thereof.

Only 20% can think in more long terms on important issues. 50% male / 50% female. On far above average complex problems that leaves us (10% of this group thus) 2% that can dream up correct potential testable solutions in order not to let it spiral out of control.

Less than 1% deviation over the total.

You can learn to spot this as being true yourself B.T.W.

Alas the survival trait of internalized hypnotics that I also define as religion, comes to play. And then only a person seen as the authority can change the religion of the peer group without it becoming an open conflict.

If you are religious in this belief you state it is as if I were to state like Sherman, that I pointed out earlier saying to a toddler (that we all are thus, including myself) go ahead walk on the Duckweed of the pond, commit suicide with H2O. The toddler will hear "go ahead walk onto the strange pond, blah, blah unimportant." And thus walk onto the pond, and get wet and maybe drown.

So if you are indeed religious in this issue, then there is no way I can convince you to rethink this.

So then we'd best agree to disagree.

Unless you can prove that we aren't prof Dick Swaab type of robots and that hypnotism and religion aren't survival traits.

Oh, and by the way, I've been in the army and proudly so. And my grandparents were in the armed resistance in the war. I've been a D.A.. So I don't quite know where you got these ideas from? That Sherman was vehemently opposed to war, made him in your eyes I guess then a pacifist?

Regards, Gerhard

Mr Ris, happy to know you, you are a real universalist understanding the pure laws of this universe, I have remarked that it is difficult to change the adult humans, they are persuaded that they are right, like all. My project becomes very complex to solve seeing the human psychology unfortunally. It is a fact, that is why I prefer to work the globality and the basis in imporving the quality of lifes everywhere instead to try to change the thoughts of humans, it seems not possible unfortunally. A few number understand this universal altruism and that we are here to utilise our consciousness converging with this universe to optimise what we can optimise with this sciences and consciousness. It seems difficult for many to encricle that we are all humans brothers in the same boat and that we must change , the borders are stupid, the arms also and this money also, but we are obliged to make with these parameters unfortunally actually, that is why I try to find global solutions of harmonisations where all wins

Dear Steve,

Do please call me Gerhard. And thank you.

I think we are of the same mind set in order to get this shit we are heading for sorted out.

We need someone of authority to get that started. I see no other way.


Dear Jason, Mr Ris is not for the socialism, he just explains that we can harmonise both, the liberalism and the socialism can be modern political systems respecting the universal altruism, I am against the exterme socialism or the extreme capitalism, but an equilibrium between both with this universalism can be a good solution global, it is always a question of consciousness in the governances in fact, the keys must be simply given in good hands, in belgium my country the cpountry is divided in two parts, the flemmish and the walloons, and we are without governments since many years and the flemmish wants to divide the country, in wallonia the socialist party has helped in the past a lot but now they are a problem and I can affirm that the psychology of belgians in this part is odd, the socialism indeed can imply serious problems, so I insist about the equilibrium between both, we have in belgium the best social security on this planet and it is well for several reasons but it is not well for other reasons, your country needs a better social security for the forgotten and my country needs a better capitalism conscious for the enterprises simply, it seems good solutions everywhere on this planet, a kind of harmonised capitalism socialism moder universal simply where the consciousness is the main chief orchestra in the governances, it seems evident to reach the points of equilibrium. For this, we need funds, a new revolutionary industrialisation and better governances and better checkings of enteprises without consciousness.

:) thanks Gerhard, I agree indeed, we need help and a good authority to reach these aims, hope this group can success in unifying the good persons and in creating a manifest of concrete deterministic universal solutions where all wins. I beleive we can arrive but it needs time to be credible. I d like to have celebrities to help us , but they need opportunity I beleive , it is the begining and I thank FQXi to have created this group. I have remarked in all humility that the win win adapted to this actual global system seems the most important. What you told about the mantal health is so so important, this psychology is linked and like Ulla told me, the choas is increased if we don t improve this.

:) Indeed it is already spiraling out of control.

What I forgot to state was my new insight from a few days ago:

The formula of Bayes is more than just already part of the Theory of Everything it is already part of the Laws of Everything.

A simple all mathematics and logic encompassing Socratic Yin & Yang seeming Harry Potter formula that shows that the universe must fundamentally be deterministic yet only presents itself as probabilistic.

It also is thus the fundamental law for Human Rights and evidence and proof in the courtrooms and tax laws. Very simple like a game of chess to learn the basics.

The Romans were clever. They said, give food and entertainment to the people so they keep calm. Still the Roman Impere was destroyed.... we are never alone, Jason. US is not alone either, if you happen to think so...

Much work would be better undone. The right hand should know what the left hand does, they should be synchronized.

How big is the US export of weapons, and what could be done in a better way to serve the whole?


Gerhard, I present you a relevant general universalist skilling, Mrs Mattfolk :) she knows a lot


I think we are of the same mind set in order to get this shit we are heading for sorted out.

We need someone of authority to get that started. I see no other way.

The FQXI is a good starter. Are you some authority? We need to create something attracting good thinkers, and then also celebrities... Also money is no enemy, just a tool to make things possible. What do we use that tool to do? Is the way it works in synch with the whole?


what you tell Ulla is very important and foundamental, we know how these empires, the roamns and egyptians have fallen down due to a lack of global consciousness in their governances simply still and always, and unfortunally we make the same error, everywhere and in USA also. We have not evolved so much in fact. I tell me that it is sad seeing our potential, we go in the wall of chaos if we don t change quickly.We cannot accept this for the universalists knowing that these solutions exist , the future generations shall be in a pure chaos and disorders if we don t solve the main global problems in harmonising them. Like I told, I love the USA and they have a big responsability like the china, india and europa mainly and the others of course have the right to explain their ideas, but the main forces are these countries, china, usa, india, europa, they must take their responsabilities at this UN, and explain to lobbies and odd societies and enterprises that it is this , we change or all we loose soon.

Ulla yes indeed it is a good starter FQXi, and indeed we need celebrities and authorities, I d be honored to have Penrose in this project , he is very relevant and I love his works and ideas, a person like Neil de Grasse Tyson also could be relevant , they are already authorities and it is easier to open several doors for our credibility. The MIT also is relevant, they are the best university and is at New York and that can help a lot also, the responsabilities of universal thinkers for me is a foundamental, it is better to utilise this consciousness than to try to explain it in the formalisation mathematical at my humble opinion. Sometimes we must forget our ego and vanity and individualism and work in team and in complementarity for the globality and common well,

Your link is bad here. Can you correct it, thanks. Makes it difficult to read. Ulla.


remember that a bad authority is a very bad thing... This is why we first must do our homework here. Ulla.

Hi Ulla,

Indeed a bad authority is bad. I would only see it as a Bayesian prior odds way of using the argument of authority. Ergo never use it as a religious posterior odds for that is the incorrect way namely a fallacy.

In my model you may only idealize one person in the netherlands and that is Sinterklaas (sort of a santa). The exception to the rule.

Had the Romans had the Block model they would of freed the slaves let the rich stay rich, and we would of all still been Romans. Decent bread and decent games.

Roman law would even today work. Just one twist is needed. everywhere were the say dishwashing slave read dishwasher. etc.

Had the yanks had the block model they would of bought the farm i.e. the South and freed the slaves and if they still wanted to work provided them with a decent income. Simple mathematical function of half the GNP.

It would of cost the North far less and earn them much more. Akin the Marshall aid after WWII.

We humans have only just started. We are a bunch of apes on the aperock who have invented nuclear weapon toys before having figured out how the instrument between our ears function. Turning everything into ape shit everytime.

Ulla indeed, we need concrete sponsors and authorities, I don t want to have an odd authority a little bit crazy without consciousness, we must attract the good people, the real universal altruits having concrete solutions where all wins, we must be prudent I beleive simply also with this kind of revolutionary project.

Gerhard, Ulla, Steve,

I prefer to be condemned for the beliefs I really do have, not the ones you think I have. It is unfair to me to have perfectly good oppositional views that you ignore. You treat me like I am some figment of your imagination that you can just deride, gossiping about me like I'm not around. But I am around, I'm right here!!! ;)

I am an American and a Republican. I live in a time when the Democratic party has fooled everyone into thinking that racism is a problem in our country. Democrats are like magicians who point to innocent Americans trying to defend their valid beliefs, their love of country, and call them racists because it shocks everyone like throwing a social grenade in the room! No time for reason or fairness!

As for group think and religion, I happen to think that people who practice the same beliefs also get the same results. I sometimes wonder if Westerners have become too slack, too sloven in how they conduct their business. Maybe they would benefit from some Christian judgemental-ism; but that is just my own pondering, and nothing that would arise to a full scale argument on my part.

If you ask me if the atheist physics community is going in the right direction in their quest for new advanced technology, I would have to disagree with that. Superstring theory and quantum loop gravity are both fatally flawed because they don't actually behave like big bang cosmology. I have offered my own intuitive theory of an expanding graviton, an idea I got from studying the derivation of SR, the spacetime interval, the wave function and various other actual observations of physics.

Steve Defourny tells me I suffer from vanity and that I only value my own ideas. He might be right. I have spent years trying to discuss ideas that could lead to new breakthroughs in propulsion technology and graviton theory. The experiment is difficult to perform. One would have to pass a laser beam through a crystal to obtain pairs of entangled photons. In my view, entangled photons are actually photons that have a graviton trapped between them. An experimental apparatus would have to pass those entangled photons through an optical fiber that is being centrifuged, about a million times each. It's not an easy thing to accomplish, but it would store a gravitational potential energy between the entangled photons, that could be used for propulsion.