America is a second amendment capitalist JudaoChristian country. You have the freedom to buy a gun or not, you have the freedom to worship the way you choose. You have the freedom to start a business if you wish.

You have the freedom to believe what you want. But if you try to force Marxist values on us, we're going to have a problem. In fact, maybe it's time to tar and feather the likes of AOC and Pelosi!

Dear Jason, you don t understand I beleive what we explain you, I dislike the marxism communism and socialism when they are not free inserting a correct capitalism and I dislike the extreme capitalism without consciousness, you could understand what are the equilibriums between the capitalism and socialism in a modern universal way but apparently you don t want to encircle this and you beleive that the model of USA is perfect and cannot be harmonised. You tell that all are free to begin a business, in belgium too the problem is not there, but the psychology must be taken into account also, don t tell me that all are equals in USA and that all has the same chances to create a business. I love your country you know and you are the best for many things, the movies, the music, the technology, this and that, but your country has defaulsts also and you know them, what we tell is that the arms must be relativated and in your country there are too much deaths due to these arms, and also too much persons fear, it is probably due to fact that your country is young and the fear is a reality due to its past. There is also a big problem like in other countries of divisions of cultures and colors , and I find this sad, you know that the racism exists still in USA. Like in Belgium also you know, the racism increases due to an enormous immigration. Ps Ulla and me we dislike the marxism, we speak about the scandinavian modern socialism and the mordern adapted universal capitalism where the governances are harmonised and balanced, the conflicts between the parties must be harmonised with the complemetarity instead of a stupid competition. Do you understand this ? The cooperation when the universal values are respected are the best at my humble opinion, and it is maybe the future of governances for the well of all.


I don't expect you to understand our American culture, our Bill of Rights, or our prosperity that is based on Capitalism and hard work. What you call "harmonised and balanced", we call oppression.

I also don't expect a foreigner to understand that the cries of "racism" are fake; they are a way to sneak Marxism (which you love) into America. But it won't work.


You don t understand what I tell, here also in europa we can have a gun with a licence, what I try to explain you is that these arms are not a good creation and that it is better to evolve without where the consciousness is the best tool. We have everywhere criminals, ruffians, hoodluns, tyrans and indeed when they have a gun it is awful , and indeed they miust be stopped, like when we have an obkiged war, indeed we must utilise the force against, but generally it is sad, we are not created for this, do you encircle that if the consciousness evolves and wins , the borders, the money and the arms are dedicated to disappear, I love star wars but we are in the reality. The fact to tell that we are tyrans and immoral because we dislike the arms,it is odd , it is actually the opposite and there is a problem indeed , in fact you fear Jason of your fellowman and you are not free due to this fear my friend. There is a problem about the number of deaths due to guns in your country, that does not work your model, and I love your country but you cannot relativate Jason and think beyond the box for me. The USA has a big responsability like a big brother but this country can evolve still and be better in inserting universal paremeters. We are not in the far west globally you know, we are all linked and in the same boat towards this universalism. I can understand the disuasion in the theory of games, but it is sad that we are obliged to create arms to disuade , what I tell is simply that we are not so really evolved us the humans in conciousness.

I know the american culture Jason, that is why I explain you the problem, you cannot understand that your country can be inmproved, you speak like if all was perfect , and don t attack the persons in telling false things, you know where I put the marxism dude, I am a man eductaed in the street with a very difficult past and life , and I can defend my self like a man when a person give me a hand in the face you know, even a gun on my head I will look the eyes of the person dude, can you make this like a real man who don t fear of the death ? me I don t fear of nobody , I don t expect a person limited needing to lear more to encircle this , you love the extreme capitalism Jason, you love the arms, you love a fake freedom , and it is opposite to your faith, you want to discuss, ok , let s begin in going deeper in psychology, you are too much persuaded about your sciences, ideologies and philosophies and religion also, doubt like I told you , you shall be more credible

You didn't say you disliked guns. You said, "these arms are not a good creation and that it is better to evolve without where the consciousness is the best tool", as if you were claiming some cosmic moral high ground that says that guns are bad. But we both know that sounds like cultish sophistry.

You said, "We have everywhere criminals, ruffians, hoodluns, tyrans and indeed when they have a gun it is awful " So you agree that ruffians, hoodlums and tyrants with guns are aweful! That is why all citizens needs to have access to guns. Nobody likes to rob a house if they think the owners are armed.

Steve, do you realize that when you discourage the ownership of guns, it makes us all wonder what your real motive is? I mean, maybe you believe in all that universalism and evolution that discourages guns, but for Americans, we follow Christians values from the Holy Bible. B-I-B-L-E.

you cannot encircle what I tell, you cannot understand that these guns are not a good general creation, it is created by humans, not by god, I know that we are on a earth and that we must utilise these arms sometimes, I tell just that it is sad to have invented this, do you really beleive that god wants that we create guns or that we live in harmony everywhere in peace and democracy in a big village where the consciousness is evolved. I am against the fact to be obliged to create these guns, it is not christian to beleiv in guns simply , don t utilise god for the arms and weapons please, it is not linked

lol you speak about Jesus, his most important message was the universal love and the fact to give the other face of the head when we are attacked and the forgiveness also unconditionally, so where is the real understanding of the message of jesus in all this with the guns???

They didn't have guns in Roman times, but the lesson is the same.

He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. It is written: 'And he was numbered with the transgressors'; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment." The disciples said, "See, Lord, here are two swords." "That's enough!" he replied.

--тАЙGospel of Luke 22:36-38, NIV

Guns are the great equalizer. If a little old lady can pull the trigger on a shot gun, then ruffians and hoodlums will seek out another house to rob.

all this to tell that we cannot confound our actual present on earth with its parameters with the future and the aim of this universe, of course if I am obliged I will utilise these guns to protect and defend the universal values, but we are not in a global war, and I find sad to have created the guns and that we are obliged to utilise these arms, it is not what want this infinite eternal consciousness, God wants that the peace, the democracy, the freedom are foundamentals everywhere on all planets,what I tell is that we evolve and we can live without guns in the future, but apparently you don t want to accept this evolution universal , you prefer to have a star wars fighting the evil , but don t forget that the consciousness evolves and has an aim

you don t understand what I tell and you utilise the bible furthermore to satisfy your ideologies, that has no sense, it is an extermist religious comportment like make the extremist muslims , you must evolve Jason , really and encode the good informations,I just tell this for your mind me, you have many things to learn, you mix sciences, religions, god, esoterims, mysticism politics and hop hocus pocus you beleive that you are alected, it is odd , don t be persuaded but doubt and learn the universal foundamentals, you shall be more free in your mind and you shall be without fear also

"I am against the fact to be obliged to create these guns, it is not christian to beleiv in guns simply , don t utilise god for the arms and weapons please, it is not linked " It actually is very Christian to own guns/swords/weapons.

But why are you so upset about it?

Like I said. Citizen ownership of guns takes power away from bad people. Owning guns is a good thing.

you are brainwashed, probably a problem of education due to your familly more your environments, it is a kind of problem in your head religious and ideologies, you are like the extremists religious and it is dangerous , fortunally you have no power in the high speheres of governances, these comportments are dangerous for me, you are really like these extremist muslims, persuaded to work for god and persuaded about all the things not proved like elected , it is due to a spiritual euphoty and bad encodings due to your education in the familly probably, probably that your father thought like this also, it is writen in the bible, you shall not kill dude , even if of course we are obliged to fight the evil, these things are not universal, but you don t understand,

the problem is that you beleive that you work for god and that you are a kind of modern jedi fighting the evil like an elected , and you beleive even that it is god who told you all this by synchros maybe of this aether , but no Jason, it is just in your head with your own synaps and encoded informations, you interpret god and the bible and the ideologies politics correlated just to satisfy all this, it is not like this that God acts, be sure even if all the encodings in your head persuade you, it is false

So when I told you that you have the freedom to believe whatever you wish, you are telling me that you do not offer me the same freedom. Therefore, we can see that your god of spinoza, your "universality" is not about freeing people, it's about oppression. You are trying to oppress me by calling my Christian values "brainwashing". I find that offensive!

no I critic simply your encodings and conclusions, I am for the freedom, but I am free to tell you also that I beleive that you are false in your conclusions, it is this also the freedom of speech in a pyure democracy, we can discuss like civilised persons, not need of guns for this or to oblige the other to think like we want Jason

You are offensed, it is your choice, yes I beleive that you are brainwashed and persuaded about things anti universal, and if you are angry and that the hate increase, it is not christian, accept the critics and try to evolve

you you want to oppress, you are not for the real freedom in fact , you don t accept the critics and your vanity eats you like your ideologies dude, it is like this that acts the extremists religious, they are quickly offended andf cannot change or be logic

if persons like you have the power, they cannot accept with democracy the other systems of thoughts, they want to impose and it is the real oppresion and it is opposite to this freedom and total demiocracy and universalism, their hates eat them