Gerhard, Ulla, Steve,
I prefer to be condemned for the beliefs I really do have, not the ones you think I have. It is unfair to me to have perfectly good oppositional views that you ignore. You treat me like I am some figment of your imagination that you can just deride, gossiping about me like I'm not around. But I am around, I'm right here!!! ;)
I am an American and a Republican. I live in a time when the Democratic party has fooled everyone into thinking that racism is a problem in our country. Democrats are like magicians who point to innocent Americans trying to defend their valid beliefs, their love of country, and call them racists because it shocks everyone like throwing a social grenade in the room! No time for reason or fairness!
As for group think and religion, I happen to think that people who practice the same beliefs also get the same results. I sometimes wonder if Westerners have become too slack, too sloven in how they conduct their business. Maybe they would benefit from some Christian judgemental-ism; but that is just my own pondering, and nothing that would arise to a full scale argument on my part.
If you ask me if the atheist physics community is going in the right direction in their quest for new advanced technology, I would have to disagree with that. Superstring theory and quantum loop gravity are both fatally flawed because they don't actually behave like big bang cosmology. I have offered my own intuitive theory of an expanding graviton, an idea I got from studying the derivation of SR, the spacetime interval, the wave function and various other actual observations of physics.
Steve Defourny tells me I suffer from vanity and that I only value my own ideas. He might be right. I have spent years trying to discuss ideas that could lead to new breakthroughs in propulsion technology and graviton theory. The experiment is difficult to perform. One would have to pass a laser beam through a crystal to obtain pairs of entangled photons. In my view, entangled photons are actually photons that have a graviton trapped between them. An experimental apparatus would have to pass those entangled photons through an optical fiber that is being centrifuged, about a million times each. It's not an easy thing to accomplish, but it would store a gravitational potential energy between the entangled photons, that could be used for propulsion.