The gluons problem, the color confinment, the quantum gravitation , the gap mass considering the yang mills theory can be improved in considering the DE and DM in this standard model. The abelians groups can be imporved, we can consider 4 E8 , 3 for the free systems free cosmologically, the cold DM, the DE, the photons, and one for the result when they merge creating this standard model. We can so utilise the lie groups and subgroups with the non commutativity, the non associativity....
If the higgs has permitted to give a mass to the bosons of the weak interactions,we can improve it with the DM taken for the mass and the scalar fields of the DE, the same logic can be applaied for the nuclear forces, the quantum gravitation and even the electromagnetism maybe in considering a specific mechanism and group.A fith force seems to appears too but it is an assumption.
I need help to renormalise all this puzlle with the spherical geometrical tpological algebras and these 3D spheres , Like you can see the general philosophy is different, we add this DE and DM. After all if they are a reality at this cosmological scale like the photons , they are in our standard model too. The relevance too is this DE antigravitational like scalar fields possessing the main informations, see that it balances the other mechanism of our SM with the mass, the gravitation,the electromagnetism, how to renormalise all this puzzle , it is the questions, that is why I need help of specialists in maths