The gluons problem, the color confinment, the quantum gravitation , the gap mass considering the yang mills theory can be improved in considering the DE and DM in this standard model. The abelians groups can be imporved, we can consider 4 E8 , 3 for the free systems free cosmologically, the cold DM, the DE, the photons, and one for the result when they merge creating this standard model. We can so utilise the lie groups and subgroups with the non commutativity, the non associativity....

If the higgs has permitted to give a mass to the bosons of the weak interactions,we can improve it with the DM taken for the mass and the scalar fields of the DE, the same logic can be applaied for the nuclear forces, the quantum gravitation and even the electromagnetism maybe in considering a specific mechanism and group.A fith force seems to appears too but it is an assumption.

I need help to renormalise all this puzlle with the spherical geometrical tpological algebras and these 3D spheres , Like you can see the general philosophy is different, we add this DE and DM. After all if they are a reality at this cosmological scale like the photons , they are in our standard model too. The relevance too is this DE antigravitational like scalar fields possessing the main informations, see that it balances the other mechanism of our SM with the mass, the gravitation,the electromagnetism, how to renormalise all this puzzle , it is the questions, that is why I need help of specialists in maths

We know these problems of renormalisation for the quantum gravitation but we know that the QFT and the yang mills theory need to consider deeper parameters to be coherent.

The non linearity and the non abelian mathenmatical tool can permit with the good subgroups and these depper fields and this deeper philosophy to reach a coherence for all this puzzle.

The different groups of gauge are important and we must probably consider the different topological spaces.We have not only this pacetime of the GR andf that imlies a complexity for the rankings. The vectorial fields, the tensors fields, the scalar fields so can be ranked too .The real question is how , where and why. There are phasis, couplings.....and that is why the differential forms too can be ranked and developped with different paritions where probably the numbers, reals, inaginairies, complex are considered, even maybe the padics analysis in these lie groups , subgroups....That implies lagrangians.

I beleive humbly that the main problem to unify with the other forces than this electromagnetism is the fact to consider vectors massless like for the electromagnetism , and if we change this philosophy and in taking the reaqsoning that I explained with the DE and DM, so that permits to complete and solve. We need at my humble opinions to consider massive bosons , that has been made with the nhiggs but not for the nuclear force and this QG, and furthermore this higgs mechanism can be improved with the DE and DM and this electromagnetism too .

The strong interaction so can be completed and the assymptotic freedom and the couplings constant can be better understood with the rankings of energies and fields in considering the 2 other systemes than just photons and this GR.

It is mainly this vacuum of the DE which is a key too ,possessing the main codes and permittinmg to solve the gap mass problem with the photons and cold dark matter encoded.

It seems not possible without this vacuum of the DE for even the color confinment.

It seems that this vacuum is the key and the non pertubative process and the broken symmetries.If we take the QCD and the gluons condensates it is there that this vacuum and scalar fields of this DE imply mechanisms to give the mass and we need this mass non baryonic of this cold dark matter to complete this mechanism it seems to me. That implies that the tensors of this spacetime alone relativistic cannot solve the problem. We must probably improve in adding things to the gluons field. The tensors of this field with just this spacetime of the GR cannot solve and the scalar fields of the DE and this DM permit to solve for the inensities, the motions and the mass.If we consider the differential geometries, the curvature and the tensors of riemanian varieties with lie algebras, it is not sufficient.

The problem seems still the philosophy of origin and the works about this GR and the electromagnetic tensors, and we have tried to converge with the same logic for the QCD , the gluons but it lacks things. That tells us a simple conclusion about the intensity of fields of this QCD , why a different intensity, and we can simply consider what I told about this scalar field of the DE encoding these photons and CDM, that permit with the number simply of particles of photons and CDM encoded to better understand the intensities of fields. Furthermore the scalar field of the DE permits to understand better the evolution, the diversity of the mendellev table, the chemistry, the biology if the main informations permit all this didversity and its evolution,

All seems a question of how we consider the vacuum and the condensates.If we consider only the QFT , the photons and this GR like primary essence, so we forget to add these deeper parameters. So the condensate of quarks and gluons need these new parameters with a different interpretation of the vacuum and a diffrenet philosophical interpretation.The lorentz invariances and lorentz symmetries so alone cannot solve and the vectorial, scalar ,tensorial fields them can be improved wit nthis deeper philosophy considering the cause of our standard model.

That tells us smply that the SR and GR and the lorentz covariances are not sufficient. All this imply a deeper undertand of scalars, tensors, vectors and not just with the SR and GR.

This vacuum of the DE is fascinating you know ,it is like a primary oscillator harmonical possessing the main codes and informations and for me made of these series of 3D spheres .

If we try so to consider these 4 lie groups and the 3D spheres like foundamental objects, that can converge with the good rankings and mathematical tools with the poincare groups and the isometries in considering the actual works of this minkowski space time anfd the non abelian lie groups and in superimposing the 2 other spacetimes , the translationm rotations ,m boost and the theorem of noether can be considered too. This gap mass and the yang mills equations with the axioms of Wightman for the gluons, the QCD and the QFT so can insider these deeper parameters and consider this vacuum differently. The inferior mass and the levels of energies can be analysed with different parameters added . The scalar products and the hilbert space too is relevnat and the theorem of wigner. But the continutity of fields and the functions and operateurs are just considered differently and there are bridges appearing .

The transformations of fields adding these deeper mechanisms imply commutativities and non commutativities, associativities and non associativities and causalities for nthis gap mass.And the connections with the spin statistics go farer and the aim is to go farer than this special relativity .

That becomes interesting now to consider so these series finite of 3D spheres and these 4 E8 for the phases and dimensional analysis with the positions and momentum in a hamiltonian and in considering the liouville theorem simply . We can rank all this and in considering this sorted General relativity in higher dimensions even if we have a pure 3D at all scales, these tools are interesting and we rank the tensors, vectors, scalars and we try several paratitions and we consider the mass density too and the volumes with the rotations and phases.

In all case the paritions possible are infinite and it is there that it becomes relevant to reach our deepest unknowns , we try all the partitions possible by simulations and computings. See that the series finite of spheres for the 3 free systems cosmologicallly speaking, the photons, the CDM, the DE can have many different partitions for the series and the volumes too and their motions oscillations too ......the combinations are infinite and it is there that these spherical geometrical topological algebras become relevant in trying all these possibilities. See that the SM is when they 3 others merge and if the volumes and the number of the serie is preserved, it is very relevant about their positions, momentum, motions, oscillations, densities, properties

I have thought about this theory of wave pilot and the wave particle duality, I have considered in my theory a superfluidity due to specific spherical volumes for the series of spheres , for the photons, thye cold dark matter and the dark energy, that imply that all is in contact and that these spheres oscillate and are in motion, so that can help for this wave particles duality ,there are interesting roads with the equations of schrodinger and the potential vectors and potential scalars if we consider that these 3 systems free cosmologically merging to create our standard model . The fact to have deeper fields and a main scalar field from thje DE possessing the main informations seem relevant . There are hidden variable it seesm evident but this GR , SR and our actual limitations due to fact that we can just observe this electromagnetism and photonic reasonings imply that we need to utilise probablilties and statistics to reach these unknowns, there are partitions in all case .

The uncertanty and the different interpretations, the qubism, the debroglie bohm theory, the copenaghe one, the relational one, the many worlds can consider a kind of spherical reasonings about this sueprfluidity due to these spheres and so the wave particles duality is interesting to consider if the main informaions are in this vacuum and that these hidden variables come from this vacuum more maybe others to superimpose due to the mechanisms of fields appearing due to fact that the 3 systems merge to create this SM.

Four forces as Electrodynamics, Weak forces, Strong forces and Gravitational forces can be explained through the symmetry breaking of the Super Unified Theorem SU(11).


Dr. Narayan Kumar Bhadra

Lakshmipur Swamiji Seva Sangh High School (H.S),

Gobardanga, North 24 Parganas

West Bengal, India



We study a Nano-Structural 4-forces of New Atomic Model, a lithography of biological elements on the basis of Super Unified Theorem SU(11) вЉѓSU(6)Г--SU(5)Г--U(1) or SU(11) вЉѓSU(6)Г--SU(3)Г--SU(2)Г--U(1). The existences of up-converting quantum masses or positions or dots of colloidal lithographies from exotic matter fluid to ordinary matter through colloidal stages, have been consider as four coordinates, such as x = П‰1t; y = П‰2t; z = П‰3t; within the three dimensional real time 't' and П‰4t, a pseudo co-ordinate appearing by optical holography beams of photon-like[neutrino-likes created from the new energy sources of SU(6), SU(12), SU(24),....etc. interacting with photons creating by the group of U(1) through the respective framework of SU(6)Г--U(1), SU(12)Г--U(1),......etc. appears photon-likes quanta with ordinary photon of non-monotonic fluxes of flows (such like as laser pulses), appearing it, as incoming information through light rays with different gradient forces of multiple foci, behaving then as like different laser designated beams of holographic optical tweezers(HOT), then optimizing or controlling its potentiality for trapping multiple nano-particles fabricates colloidal lithography] fluxes of rays by new energies, an aperture or nano-hole based creation within a closed space or closed universe (an area filled with known & unknown energies, may increasing like a balloon, unfolding up-to a certain range then contraction), where П‰1, П‰2, П‰3, П‰4 are assumed to be the angular momentums. Assuming, in this model formed a General Atomic Structure where any formations was influences by exotic matter fluids through the creation of strong forces by the new energy sources of SU(6) in the framework of SU(6)Г--U(1) using with GUT symmetry breaking. We then find different status formation of ordinary matter atoms by the hidden interactions forces of new energies between different framework of sub-groups (as explained before) with U(1), the electrodynamics created magnetic monopole (once created does not destroyed) found it is highly polarizable particles. Thus, there created an electromagnetic force fields with appearances of "Charges" by quarks through the model of SU(5)вЉѓ SU(3) Г-- SU(2) Г-- U(1). In this new SUT model, we study the formations of some kind of new quantum particles-like in wave status created through colloidal stages firstly before GUT model by the exotic matter fluid maintaining the entanglement of wave-wave duality. The stiffness's of different nano-particles within colloidal environment was appeared frequently by different resonance vibration mode through new light energy waves of high intensities of short wave lengths but strong strength forces created by SU(6) after the symmetry breaking of SU(11)вЉѓ SU(6) Г-- SU(3) Г-- SU(2) Г-- U(1).

For the explanation of Gravitational forces we need to go beyond the Standard Model of Physics. Our so called matter universe unfolded with the symmetry breaking of SUT instead of GUT that means you need to considered an unified energy group SU(11) whose subsets are SU(6), SU(3),SU(2) & U(1)instead of SU(5) whose subsets are SU(3),SU(2), & U(1). Here SU(6) creates Gravitational forces. For details cordially requested to read my articles.

The main interest now is to consider these deeper primitive structures . Our actual principle of gauge symmetry gives us our foundamental interactions considering the mediating particles for the forces . The photons, the W and Z bosons, the clor gluons and this hypothetical gravitons for this quantum gravitation. Let s try to think beyond the box of this GR and let s consider the logic that I explained with this cold DM and the DE present in our standard model too. Let s consider that these force are emergent from these depper structures, primitive, primary possessing the main codes, informations, particles and fields even. The scalar fields of this vacuum of the DE becomes fascinating.

The curvature of this GR is just a part of puzzle in this logic, and is not the cause of our SM. That is why even that the approach of this gravitation and this quantum gravitation is different. That implies a deeper philosophical and ontological meaning due to these depper primitive structures

The derivations are interesting to do , the covariances, the gravitation,the relativity, the geometries, the tpopologies, the holonomies are in this case interpretated differently about mainly their origin. If the superfluidity is a reality and that the 3 systems are essential and made of 3D spheres , we can consider partitions for their motions, rotations, deformations, it is there fof the deformations that these symplectomorphisms are interesting.

I try to create general equations for all this puzzle with the spherical geometrical topological algebras, and these motions, rotations, orientations, positions, angular momentum ......

The enormous difference is that the causes are in our standard model and the tensors can be taken from these deeper structures of this vacuum and scalar fields , and particles even of this DE. The fact that this vaccuum is antigravitational is important to balance . These spherical volumes and their motions, orientations, momentum, positions, oscillations,vibrations,...are interesting in considering the actual gauge symmetries and gauge fields and we can create many partitions and combinations in trying to find and explain unknowns with determinism.Many dynamical equations can be created.

That permits a different bapproach for this quantum gravitation in respecting furthermore the newtonian mechanic instead to consider the gravitons like the quanta of gravitational waves . These deeper structures, primitive are fascinating and permit the actualknown emergent properties of our gauge symmetries and gauge fields , that implies that the deformations of bodies and spheres are not from this GR but from the informations of this vacuum and the series of spheres primitive. The nuclei, the chemistry, the biology ....can be deformed with this logic and the yang mills equations can converge in superimposing these depper structures and informations.

I have downloaded a program of maths, like this I can write my equations and mathematical tools for a formalisation here on FQXi.

The partitions of numbers seems important and we can consider them with correlations with these spherical volumes of primitive structures of spheres . The Reals R , the complec C and hypercomplex H and O for the quaternions and octonions are interesting but it is mainly this different general ontological and philosophical origin of the universe the main point and the cause of this standard model. The padics analysis seem important too but if the general philosophy is considered , so the morphisms and geometries and topologies are totally different because they come from deformations of these spheres due to primitive deeper structures of this vacuum of the DE in the superfluidity. So it is not from the scalar fields, tensors fields, vector fields of this GR but from this scalar main antigravitational field of this vacuum possessing the main codes. That implies that the known forces of this SM are emergent from these primitive strucutres of this DE encoding this cold dark matter and these photons.

even I d say that the numbers and the spheres are under specific partitions in function of what we analyse, so the natural numbers N, the integrers too Z, the irrationals and and rational Q , more the imaginairies and these R C O H dance in specific partitions and the padics too and these spheres are correlated at my opinion like primitive strucutres and the 3 main primordial series , photons, cold dark matter, DE and the fourth one is when they merge implying the standard model, so these numbers and spheres are under partitions and I d say even that these new fields and the main scalar fields of the vaccum are important and even this scalar field of this DE permit furthermore the deformations and the diversity of atoms, the chemistry and the biology and this evolution with scalar fields different , we cannot even generalise the standard model and the scalar fields of this DE

How to formalise these couplings of scalar fields of the DE and DM in our standard model.The lagrangians exist , but how to formalise this enormous puzzle with these series primary of spheres and in considering these deeper primitive structures.

The 3 main lagrangians for the cosmology exist , one that we know for the GR an photons , but the two others must be considered and formalised, one for the cold dark matter and one for the DE and after they must be superimposed and in a psecific dynamic and mechanism to create this standard model. The superfluidity of 3 spacetimes is important and the fact to preserve the number of series of spheres and the volumes too when they merge to create this SM.

See that my humble reasoning seems on the good road about the fact that this vacuum of the DE possessing the main codes and informations encode this cold dark matter and these photons to create our standard model. Many unknowns can be solvedl, even the neutrons problems and their lifetime, this cold dark matter encoded permit even to solve this quantum gravitation, the gap mass and even to consider a deeper logic for this consciousness philosophically speaking. The antimatter too is better understood and the aim is to find all the mechanisms where this DE encoding this cold DM and these photons permit specific mechanism for the fermions, the bosons, the particles and their antiparticles and all this under deeper fields and under even this main scalar field of the DE .

the difficulty is that these mechanisms are more difficult to experiment due to their weak interactions or farer interactions . It was easier with the photonic and electronmagnetic reasonings for the experiments, now we are arrived at a difficult moment to experiment because these interactions, couplings and others are more difficult due to fact that this SR and GR are not really the answers

maybe that said there are interactions and couplings with these photons and electromagnetism and this GR and maybe there are lagrangians and motions relevant at all scales but we weak these interactions.

What could be the correct experiments to find these mechanisms, they exist these mechanisms it seems evident but not easy

maybe the simplicity of these spherical volumes are the key in the superfluidity of the universe but we don t know the number and the volumes of primary series , and still less the universal mechanisms of these photons,particles of CDM, particles of DE, the same when they merge for the standard model and the same if they create exotic particles at this cosmological scales even before to be encoded in the SM, You imagine the complexity without knowing these series of spheres and their motions.

E=m(c²+Xl²)+Y , I must probably improve it but here is the general equation about the matter energy of our standard model when the 3 systems merge to create the ordinary matter . Xl is for the cold dark matter, Y is for the DE , that implies new scalar fields and probably a fith force too. Xl in logic is for this DM and does not give a lot of E because they bare quanta of mass mainly these particles of DM, X is a parameter correlated with the cold , but Y is relevant like antigravitational energy .

The equation that I have writen here is intuitive and needs probably some improvements but you can see the general idea and that makes sense if my reasoning is correct about the fact that this vacuum of the DE possess the main codes and encodes the photons and the cold dark matter to create our ordinary matter and this standard model. The problem actually is that we consider this SR4 and GR alone to explain this standard model and the emergent geometries and topolgies like if god or this universe played with the fields and oscillations and waves of these photons to create this reality. It is an assumptions simply and this reasoning that I explain can be true and can give new roads of reasonings and interpretations . If we have these deeper mechanisms in our standard model , it is relevant to find them. The philosophy correlated is interesting too instead to turn always in round in this GR of einstein. If the equation that I have put here on FQXi is on the good road, you imagine the revolution about the energy and the possible technologies correlated .