In reading the paper of Maudlin quietly, I have ideas , The aim is to consider an entangled entropy for this
quantum information and even quantum gravity but in thinking beyond the box of this GR like I explained and in considering deeper parameters added and scalar fields unknowns, the problem is that they are unknown and we don t know their mechanisms .But the densities can be relevant with the good partitions in considering the works of Shannon and von neumann about the entropies. These entangled entropies can be ranked and sorted in function of their nature , and this GR and QFT can be ranked and sorted with these new parameters superimposed.It is a little bit if I said that we rank these entropies, gibbs, shannon, von neumann and the new entropies due to these new scalar fields and parameters considering this vacuum of the DE . We can utilise like harmonic oscillators for this vacuum possessing the main codes and being the main chief orchestra. That implies like bridges between all the entropies and informations , that implies a necessity to rank correctly all this and this GR. There are probably conjectures between these strings, branes , the GR and these 3D spheres in the superfluidity considering the main informations and the 3 systems primary, the photons, the CDM and the DE. If we consider only these photons and this GR, so we cannot solve .If reduced densities and matrix exist , so what are they really considering their harmonical oscillating properties . If we take now the ads cft correspondance and the works about the strings, Mtheory and branes and that we consider this bridge beyond this GR , in adding these deeper parameters and scalar fields , and in considering this quantum gravitation differently , some roads appear to quantify it with massive reasonings. That could permit new couplings in considering the main informations in the vacuum of this DE encoding the photons and this cold dark matter. This reasoning implies new mechanisms for our standard model and the axions like other mechanisms seem relevant anbd even a fith force appears due to this DE . That even gives a road this reasoning for the quarks and gluons problem,