Hi Barry, the modern theoretical physics has not easy to reach these deep unknowns, like this quantum gravitation, the hard problem of consciousness, the DE and DM, the gap mass problem,the cosmological constant problem.... It is more difficult than 100 years ago where it was easier due to fact that the observations, measurements, experiments were less complicated to create. It is mainly due to problem of scales and interpretations of observations, That is why the maths are utilised with partitions and symmetries, integrations,derivations, combinatory analysis, geometrical algebras....But indeed these abstracts maths can imply confusions and an ocean of assumptions that we cannot prove. Sometimes these maths permit to prove, sometimes they imply all these assumptions, and so the philosophy, the ontology, the origin of our universe, the dimensions, the foundamental objects are for me not really well interpreted.
The thermodynamics seem more than we actually analyse considering the main codes of this space vacuum and the two fuels encoded in this space if my reasoning is correct, all seems coded and distribute a specific matter and a correlated energy, fields, ...and so a specific thermo. My reasoning intuitive is a little bit like this EPR and of course all rational thinkers can recognise that the QM and our actual standard model is not complete, I d say even that it is far to be complete lol, we know so few in fact. We need really to think beyond the box, and these actual abstratcs maths and strings for example in considering only this general relativity and these fields like main philosophical origin has created a prison where an ocean of assumptions emerge. The universe is very simple generally and the old school could rebecome the best way I believe instead to complexify a pure general simplicity. It is the meaning of my theory and these 3D spheres, why we create extradiemnsions and we consider only the fields ??? the opposite seems the key , particles like main essence and this space vacuum of the DE like main codes and this DM cold balancing could permit to superimpose two other spacetimes and that d permit to complete this QM, standard model and explain our uknowns. But the problem is that now the thinkers have difficulties to think differently because these strings are an institution and even a business and it is teached at university , and the general relativity alone also . And if we consider the vanity or the fact that these thinkers have worked hard about these abstracts maths of strings, so you imagine why I am a problem with my coded Spheres 3D and the 3 ethers. But it is the life, I must like all prove my assumptions, but it is not easy due to these problems of scales and observations, measurements.