There will be... 1st ask yourself: "What is the simplest geometric space-filling 'object' in 3+t dims?"
or, more obviously, in only 3D, with the question: "when or where is time stopped?"
There will be... 1st ask yourself: "What is the simplest geometric space-filling 'object' in 3+t dims?"
or, more obviously, in only 3D, with the question: "when or where is time stopped?"
the time stopped ? where and how and why, I d like to know more because inside this physicality, the time is real and cannot be stopped, and what is the simplest geometric space filling object ?
see also that these 3D spheres and their volumes can be ranked in homotopy groups due to deformations and this intrinsic ricci flow, not need of an external field to create this, but just instrinsic codes and informations inside the spheres,
Professor Lundberg, all this to tell that I can recognise several interesting mathematical tools for an understanding of these fields but I speak about the foundamental objects and tha main origin of our universe, these strings and all the philosophical extrapolations linked with them are pure assumptions, it is only simple than this, we are not obliged to agree with this fashion of strings simply, and yang mills or the geometrical correlated algebras or the extradimensions, sometimes it is well to think differently and try to be simple and general, these strings furthermore have a problem philosophical considering the evolution and the main cause but it is an other story, of course I know that we are all persuaded and that this vanity inside our theoretical sciences community is enormous but we can also recognise when we have an assumption or a proved law, axiom or equation and these strings are an assumption simply, they are nor proved nor sure , the same for the 1D towards the 11D Aand the yang mills theory ,
My point is, quantum theory IS classical physics. It has just been completely misinterpreted, as was suspected ever since it was created, a century ago, due to physicists utterly confusing Shannon's conception of information, with there own misconceptions. Classical, World War II era, RADAR signal detection processes, applied to entangled, polarized objects like coins, perfectly reproduce the so-called "Bell Correlations", with detection efficiencies that are supposedly, theoretically, impossible to obtain, in the classical realm; but they are, in fact, perfectly and easily obtainable, by exploiting Shannon's insights into the nature and behavior of information. The problem is, physicists have never recognized, that in addition to the well-known detector inefficiency problem, another far more consequential problem exists, that has gone unrecognized for an entire century - real detectors will always produce frequent "false alarms" (AKA bit-errors), under the test conditions required by every "Bell" test - just as Shannon predicted, long before Bell ever even derived his theorem. In other words, Bell's theorem (as well as other aspects of quantum misinterpretations) is based on idealistic (unreal) assumptions, that have no relevance whatsoever, to the real world; we do not live in an idealistic world, composed of "perfectly identical" particles and "perfect error-free" detectors.
Rob McEachern
Our actual standard model considers these yang mills theory and the gauge theory and we can link with the good works of Feynman and his diagrams, all this is relevant for the fields I agree , but what I tell is that the thinkers have considered the strings and superimposed them to try to go farer and so they utilise different mathematical tools to better understand the fields and the couplings with the lie algebras and groups like this E8, but these extyrapolations mathematical are not always true , we know that we have the standard model and the 3 main forces known and one that we search , the quantum gravitationand I have reached it in considering a different logic and different encodings in our nuclei than just these photons in a simplistic analysis, they had a problem of quantization and renormalisation because there is a problem simply , they can utilise all what they want and even the non commutativity they cannot reach it with the yang mills theory, the lie alg , groups and a 4D dimensionalities and even with the instantons, it is only simple than this, it lacks something to superimpose and if you consider a cold dark matter encoded and my spheres , in all humility it is possible because we can respect this newtonian mechanics because the main codes are farer and this gravitation is the main cheif orchestra, it is not necessary to modify this newtonian mechanics or insrt an entropical gravity like told Verlinde, we just consider a new road and a new chief orchestra, see the 3 series of 3D spheres coded ,one space for the main codes and the two fuels that I explained and when the merge they create the topologies, geometries, matters, fields and properties, the fields are not only electronagnetic siimply , now consider in all this these lie alg, groups and derivatives, more the clifford alg and this ricci flow intrinsic more an assymetric ricci flow to explain the uniques things also inside these series, finite , odfdly they have like the cosmological spheres and their finite serie the same number than the dirac larghe number when I have calculated approximatelly this number , the gravitation encircles this standard model and the photons so are not the only one piece of puzzle in considering the primordial origin. This reasoning implies furthermore a fith force due to a serie of quantum BHs farer than these nuclear forces , and the quantum gravitation converges, and now we can consider all the properties of these series and the senses of rotations, the volumes, the densities, the couplings, the exchanges,the mass, this and that... I have also considered the hopf fibrations of their surfaces to rank the quasiparticles. A more developped Lagrangian appears and the gauges fields can be improved with this matter non baryonic encoded in these nuclei also , in fact that changes all even if our standard model is correct, it is not complete, the U(1) SU(2) SU(3) more this gravitation in the cold of spin 2 in fact and more SU(4) for the fith force but these two new forces are different and even the 3 known them need to be improved in considering this space and this cold dark matter for me. The most difficult now is to encircle all this puxxle and the couplings, even the strong force we need to know more,m even the gluons problem , it is due to fact that all has a deeper meaning than just these photons and this spacetime relativistic if I can say, that implies that we have more than a luminiferous aether, we have a gravitational aether more an aether of space with the main codes and also probably an aether of consciousness without physicality if this infinite eternal consciousness is everywhere but it needs a central cosmological sphere to organise all this, that is why we have probably there a super matter , after it is just fractalised and distributed. The mass gap problem also can be solve in this reasoning and the feynman diagrams can be improved and completed also. The non abelian group and non commutativity more this general reasoning solves all this with the good mathematical tools , I work about this but it is not easy alone I must say, but I evolve. See well this gluballs problems with what I told , see well why we have a deeper logic governing this standard model.
Does any of this lead to new physics? I mean, is it so unlikely that someone might ask if wave functions are actually foundational in such a way that they could be the building blocks of spacetime? It's like the physics community has hypnotized itself into thinking that quantum mechanics is impossible to understand and it's all about live cat/dead cat superposition. But that is all completely missing the point.
You've got this wave function thing that is calculated; maybe what is being calculated is actually foundational. You have
[math]p_x = -i \hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial x}[/math]
[math]H = - i \hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t}[/math]
which are operators that help you calculate the possible eigenstates that can be measured. There is no live cat/dead cat operator. You have something that behaves like waves and has properties of momentum and energy, with time/position built into it.
It just seems like there is an opportunity to interpret physics in a more creative way. Does it always have to be about mathematics? Maybe if we made casual observations such as: wave functions are real things that should be added to the standard model, maybe then we might make a break through.
There is too much rigidity in the physics community to come up with any creative ideas. As a result, physicists are more concerned about calculating when the universe is going to undergo heat death, then they are of coming up with new technology or new insights into physics.
Wavefunctions are no more real, physical entities than Ptolemy's epicycles. Nor does it "always have to be about mathematics." Quite the contrary. The problem is exactly what Einstein et al suspected, long ago: all the mathematical theorems etc. are being founded upon and subsequently derived from, inappropriate, idealistic, unrealistic, physical assumptions, that are false assumptions about the real world. In other words, the math is correct, but it is not describing what all the physicists have believed it to be describing. It is not describing the behavior of any matter at all. It is only describing the detection process itself - which is entirely based on energy detection, which is why only the wavefunction-squared and not the wavefunction itself corresponds to any observable. This is also the origin of the spurious belief in a "negative-time-going duality" or retro-causality, mentioned above by Lundberg. A "matched filter" detector is constructed by convolving a conjugated, time-reversed copy of a signal with the signal itself; in the Fourier transform (wavefunction) domain, that means "square the wavefunction".
Put simply, quantum theory is not describing any "drug" (matter) or even its behavior. It is merely describing a faulty "drug test", to determine if the drug (matter) is present at some particular points in space and time. That is why the presence of an observer matters so much - the theory is not describing what is being observed at all, it is only describing the detection statistics of a faulty "drug test" being performed by the observer.
Rob McEachern
Wave functions are real! Lack of progress in physics is what happens when you have a wrong assumption. There are thousands of cosmologists who are literally wasting their talent and careers on topics like "the heat death of universe" because a wrong assumption like yours (physics community) makes it impossible to understand what spacetime itself is made of. If you can look at a wave function, even a simple wave function of the form,
[math]\psi(x,y,z,t) = Ae^{_i(k_x x k_y y k_z z - \omega t)}[/math],
and see that it is a real thing that has physics constants built into it and has been proven to exist because virtual photons have been proven to exist, THEN, we can start to talk about what spacetime geometry is made of.
We could be controlling gravity (spacetime curvature) to create propulsion WITHOUT USING LARGE AMOUNTS OF MASS! But we can't make any breakthroughs of this sort until we abandon false assumptions.
It is pretty safe to say that we do indeed live in a causal universe and so the title has no meaning. The real issue is whether a causal set of precursors and outcomes makes up the causal universe. Sorkin and Dawker have shown that quantum gravity is consistent with a classical causal set, but no one has yet shown a quantum causal set that is consistent with reality.
Now these two projects are implementing quantum phase correlation and superposition for graph nodes along with hidden nodes to show that quantum charge is consistent with a quantum causal set. It is not quite clear that this is possible without some further assumptions about the nature of physical reality.
It is not possible to unify gravity and charge with constant speed of light in space and time. This is because space and time both emerge from the matter action of the causal set and so the speed of light has a different meaning in the causal set precursor to space and time. In effect, it is the acceleration of light that then allows unification of gravity and charge in the matter-action causal set that is the universe...
Hi Steve,
I don't know what a causal set is. Does it have anything to do with things we know about from empirical experimental physics?
You said, "It is not possible to unify gravity and charge with constant speed of light in space and time. " There actually is a model that can explain lots of things in physics. All you have to do is to entertain the idea that virtual photons, wave functions and gravitons are actually different aspects of the same thing. When I say gravitons, I mean a kind of graviton that begins at a point and expands at the speed of light such that it obeys the equation,
[math]x^2 y^2 z^2 - (ct)^2 = 0[/math]
The idea is that these expanding gravitons are constantly filling every point in space. When these expanding gravitons get large, they overlap and become spacetime itself.
Two gravitons with zero relative velocity to one another can explain the spacetime interval given by,
[math]\Delta s^2 = \Delta x^2 \Delta y^2 \Delta z^2 - (c \Delta t)^2n[/math]
Likewise, if two gravitons that are both expanding and moving with a relative velocity to one another, than they simply behave in a way that gives us the derivation of special relativity.
There is a lot more to say, but I think it makes to sense to retire string theory/quantum loop gravity, and replace them with an expanding graviton theory.
Hi to both of you, what you tell is very important and relevant Steve Sgnew, it is what I have made to reach this quantum gravitation generallt, I work about the mathemtical details for the publication, I was happy to reach it in considering a deeper logic about the encodings in our nuclei and I have respected this classical mechanics, newtonian if I can say in changing simply the distances because the main codes are farer and that this electronagntism is just emergent but the gravitation seems the main chief orchestyra, I have also a fith force , the gravitons of Jason of spin 2 are a little bit in the same reasoning, but I consider that they are simply spherical volumes with specific different properties , motions, rotations, oscillations, regards
String theory is all razzle dazzle, no hyperdrive. Physicists walk around in some math based imagination state, magical unicorns with kaluza Klein equations written on their bellies. But physicists don't actually know that they're supposed to be figuring out how to harness gravity as a form of propulsion.
Well, at least the physics community has plenty of time to move past the magical mathematics of string theory and quantum loop gravity, at least until the next species ending meteor strikes the Earth.
Hi Jason, I agree that these strings of Witten ghave created a prison and even if some good maths can be relevant for the fields, now they are all focus on these strings and the fields like main origin philosophical of our physicality with 1D string at this planck scale more cosmic fields, and after they create the extradiemsnions and insert the geonetrical algebras like lie and this E8 and they explain the geonetries, topologies, and matters, but all this is a pure assumption, I beleive in fact that they had not others general theories, my 3D spheres in all humility , coded particles seem more logic, and I agree with you that this gravitation seems the main cheif orchestra and that our standard model is just emergent due to main gravitational codes, it d be very relevant to focus on this to find and check this gravitation really indeed, and it will be revolutionary even for the propulsion like you told, but this prison of strings and fields have taken all the heads of thinkers and now they cannot think differently, I find this very odd that they beleive all that this reality come from fieldsand oscillations instead to consider coded particles, I don t understand how is it possible even, the fields are due to bosons , particles encoded. Maybe it is philosphical, they considered an infinite heat before the physicality, after they have created the photons and the relativistic space time and now they have inserted strings inside simply and play with partitions of fields and oscillations simply but all this seems not foundamental at all scales. It seems that the crisis inside the theoretical sciencex community is serious lol but there is hope that they can change and consider a more simple and foundamental logic general, regards
Yes, very actually do have the right idea, but space and time are simply too limiting to have as fundamental dimensions. The actual primitive dimensions of the universe are matter and action, not space and time. With the matter-action postulate, discrete aether particles make up the universe along with action.
If you want the civilian interpretation, Civilian Discrete Aether
If you want the technical details, Discrete Aether
So if you want to stay in space and time, you will never be able to explain physical reality. If you move to matter and action, the universe opens up to new understanding...
The basis idea of a causal set is quite simple in that there is a fundamental particle, aether, that makes up the matter of the universe. Then, the action of aether as Planck's constant, makes up the fundamental changes of both quantum gravity and quantum charge...just with 1e-39th difference...
Hi Steve,
It is my belief that I solved the puzzle of physics. On that premise, I will tell you what I did. Strings and loops don't act like an expanding universe following a big bang event. So we should be looking for a new kind of "something to build a universe out of" stuff. I got the idea for an expanding graviton by looking at the spacetime interval AND the derivation of special relativity. Also, the invariance of the speed of light, something that most physicists ignore, let seems to be tied to the mechanism of time keeping and length, one had to figure out how an expanding graviton could keep time and measure distance. It made sense to tie it to the speed of light, such that the sphere itself is expanding at the speed of light. Since there are an infinite number of inertial reference frames, then there should be a near infinite number of expanding gravitons. Sorry if my argument is completely non linear. Oh! Physicists ignore the wave function as something that exists. I thought it made sense to assume the wave function does exist, and to tie it to virtual photons which do exist. I think the surface area of an expanding graviton IS a virtual photon.
I have to comment that the design of the universe is simple from one point of view, but so very abundant in other ways. Yes, I agree there is something like an aether. But it my opinion, it's more like a constant flow of gravitons that emit from a point, from every point in space, and expand at the speed of light. I think these gravitons have quantum states built into them. They fill all space with fields for all the standard model particles. Physics constants are built into these gravitons. When gravitons get big enough, they overlap and contribute to spacetime geometry.
My idea of an expanding graviton is that either it will become part of a quantum system and actually be what the wave function is describing, or it will expand beyond the quantum system, overlap with other gravitons, to become spacetime geometry. A graviton is made of quantum states that are subject to momentum, energy, operators. They idea is that spacetime geometry is made of quantum states.
Of course, the only really useful thing about a new model is if it can solve a problem with the old model. Right now, there are lots of problems in spacetime with relativity and quantum charge. Your model should solve all of these problems if it is to be useful. Can your model solve the problems of quantum gravity and quantum charge?