In fact, it is very philosphical all this. We cannot affirm in fact conclude really. We can intepret with the multivers, the manyworlds, the wave pilot , the copenaghen interpretation, the hidden variables,the non localities,the born interpretation, the fact we cannot simply conclude and generalise about a theory deterministic local with hidden variables. It gives the road to build theories.
Like I said in all humility , it is mainly about what we take into account and considering still our limitations. The waves, the fields, the particles are things that we measure but the philosophical problem is the main causes and the origin philosophical. Must we consider that the special relativity and the instantaneous signals are in contradiction for the non localities ? even if our QM prove the opposite ? we don t know.
My theory consider that we have 3 main primoridal series of spheres , not only photons and , the main codes are in this spacevacuum of the DE. And the cold dark matter and the photons in merging with it , they are also series of spheres, so in merging they create the matters, fields, geometries, topologies. So actually we just analyse the GR , and the known fields of our QM with these photons encoded, but if we consider this cold dark matter that we cannot still measure and this vacuum that we cannot measure, so how to really consider all this philosophical problem about the locialities, non localities, hidden variables.... We cannot simply actually conclude because we have too much limitations philosophical and about what are really these particles and why the fields exist.
That becomes even very complex considering the informations , because if the real informations permitting this reality come from this space vacuum, so the dark cold matter encoded and the photons permitting the lectromagnetic and gravitational fields are just fuels but are not informations. We have us invented the signals with the waves. And for the computing we utilise the annealins, the sound waves and light waves, but in fact it is us who create informaions with these waves, not the universe maybe, that is why the real problem is about the origin of our reality, is it from fields of this GR connected with a 1D at this planck scale inside the ph0otons or have coded particles and the 3 systems that I explain ? we cannot affrim to know the truth simply, so we cannot conclude the generality about the hidden variables.