Conclusion---Within the explanatory framework considered, encompassing both noumenal uni-temporal existence and phenomenal emergent observation products:
Predictions, counterfactual outcomes, superposition, wavefunction are /are about abstract ideas that can be imagined and represented but are not in themselves elements of reality
Sequential Stern Gerlach experiments show up or down result propensity is not maintained across tests at different detector angles. It is not a fixed property
Spin correlation and anti correlation of entangled particle pairs seems to show the particles come with a temporarily maintained relationship (relative orientation). And while preserved can be regarded as one system, rather than two independent particles. However the relation between them is maintained/ lost according to local conditions encountered; not inter-particle (super-luminal) communication.
There is no actual wavefunction collapse but evolution of noumenal reality into a condition from which one outcome state and not the other previous possibility can be generated.
The result not found-where does it go? It is never produced, so can't go /be anywhere. Occam's razor casts doubt (a great deal) upon a multiverse explanation.