The Basketball Game compared to Schrödinger's cat
Basket ball going through hoop is like the cat encountering poison; The existential relationship outcome. They are obviously materially dissimilar scenarios but logically similar. The poison ends the cats life, the basket ball going through the hoop ends the game [Specified earlier]. Opening the box and noting the condition of the animal is like writing on the score card. The score- like, state outcome has come into existence upon box opening, preceded by the material condition of the animal. The basketball does not posses the score prior to being thrown'
State of the game outside of the court is unknown until score is acquired. What is the state of the game going to be found to be? Either 1 or 0 Likelihood fluctuating as ball goes back and forth. A mix of future outcome score to be found and imagined future that will not be found. This is abstract and not the material existing players (Nor players and court ensemble, or material ball and hoops.)
When a basket is scored it is detected and a signal is sent to the score board causing it to change its display from 0s indicating no baskets and game is still in play, to 1 indicating a basket has been scored and game is over. (The score is an abstract entity that can be represented and recorded in various ways, obviously different from the current activity of the existing, material team members.)
The score board sends the result to the separate press room. A journalist in the press room and collects the update on the game. At once the journalist knows if the game is over if a score of 1 is seen. If just 0s seen the game is still in play. it's not known how much play time has elapsed unless a stop clock in the press room is activated along with the air horn starting the game.
The 0 showing game still in play, is akin to a live cat outcome being acquired, 1 game over, a dead cat noticed and remembered or recorded. The outcome of seeing the score in the press room is knowing 1 or 0 with implications of that. If 0 the game is stopped at once. An air horn could be activated again with press of a button, in the press room, to signify the end of the game.
Stopping the game is akin to opening the box and rescuing the live cat. Getting the game score outcome is akin to forming a new observation product of cat on opening the box, such as a visual image, but could involve cinematography, video, movement detection. The game outcome acquired (game then stopped 'at once', by pressing the stop button, if not already over) is not the material players and/ or ball and hoop. It is a separate abstract entity. The mentally held or memorized or recorded vitality state of the cat is a separate abstract entity from the material animal.