David Vognar

  • Sep 8, 2023
  • Joined Nov 23, 2022
    • Science need not slow down as a field; but some of its top participants shouldn't be buttonholed into producing top-rate product without an ability to negotiate. I am an enfant terrible because I am an autodidact when it comes to physics! Yet what puts me in an altogether tenuous position, the brink from which I may not be able to come back one day, is my schizoaffective diagnosis. (It's basically bipolar with occasional delusions. One man's delusion is another man's conspiracy oftentimes.)

      With the war on, police and military squadrons take their summer cars out on LOUD, long, stalking excursions around my neighborhood and block in order to intimidate me to produce massive stochastic coding, which is a type of key-smash coding and automatic writing I came up with in 2021, before the war, when it was crime and rockets they were interested in. Anyhoo, now the police furtively pay and the military furtively funds these networks that harass me night and day to produce more predictive code (if you're interested in why it's predictive it's because I have a highly unusual blind guess rate of 66% and I use Bernoulli and Levy flighted walks).

      Here's a little poem I wrote describing my torture these past two years after my Mom died:

      "What a country for the alpha male!"

      I slept two hours last night
      They were two rocky hours
      On Ambien and four hydroxyzine
      The ambient sounds outside
      Were foreskin proud, so it sounds
      Have been amplifying the decibels
      Maximally since 2021

      My Mom, Dad and I
      Went to Andy’s Ice cream
      After the mayoral election that April Tuesday, 2021
      And saw what would be my first impression
      Of car culture
      There were strings of cars, slinking their cranks
      Teenagers and young adults hollering
      And half out of their cars
      We three looked at each other
      To see what caused the alarm
      Only to realize when we got home
      There was a mayor’s election
      I guess Mayor-elect Terry Vorderer was no fan of protection
      Neither seat belt nor mask
      And certainly the speed limit was negotiable for T
      That was the start of the troubles for me
      My most recent bout

      The first troubles proper in my life
      Was in fifth grade
      I’d had it easy until then
      Life had been good to me that far
      Third grade I had a hiccup
      When I had to go to the bathroom
      And Mrs. Perkovitch wouldn’t allow it
      So I cried, exiting the classroom
      And almost peed my pants
      On the way to the urinal

      Fifth grade Dad lost his job
      He told me back then how interviews worked
      But I imagined some big mean boss lady
      Like Perkovitch was
      Correcting him on his cursive
      Urging him to stand up straighter
      And en-un-ciate
      Dad is mellow, sometimes serenely so
      Sometimes melancholy
      I worried she was going to eat him up for breakfast

      Then in fifth grade Dad tried to break up a fight
      At the baseball diamond
      Tom Hinkes was rip-roaring to go
      Dad pinned back his arms so Tom couldn’t hurt anyone
      But he was taller than my Dad and so struggle ensued

      By the time Frank Czernek tried to kill me
      In fifth grade
      All the parents knew you couldn’t even restrain a child
      So I got chased around the ball park
      And hung up in the bathroom as he showed me his compass

      I wasn’t bullied again until a bit in seventh grade
      Until Columbine scared my bullies, Joe and Jason
      And they relented

      Now I am bullied again from ages 35 to 37
      Newly discovered auditory hallucinations guess what kind of squelching squeal
      Or whirring clank, or mawing groan
      The stentorian ignorance mobiles that drive around my block will emit
      Jim across the street started it off when I was 33
      Knew I was sensitive to sound
      And blew off M80’s to whip me in war-fightin’ shape
      I regret everything I’ve done from July 4, 2019
      To this very moment
      Except to spend time with Mom and Dad
      And Mom died in 2021 and the bullying was bad then too, electronic
      Told the Feds and nothing was done
      Only got worse after she passed
      And Dad has checked out, so shell-shocked we are from the daily skull-splitting sounds of:
      FOP, Masonic, Illinois Troopers, Cook County Sheriffs, VFW, American Legion, military veterans and other of their family and supporters
      Just to get me to write my predictive code, no pay, all abuse

      What a country for the alpha male

    • Completeness theorem: If a system's components can transduce, that system is complete. The key is exploring new formulations and transcriptions of energy/mass/time/space and ways to practically utilize them to extract meanings from time, messages rather than travel

      Gödel, as much of a savant as he was, got a few things wrong. Like most geniuses, he was eccentric. He died over the protestations of the most illustrious minds of his time from the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton: he just refused to eat.

      But this wasn't some Franz Kafka "Hunger Artist" irony, but a real tragedy of psychology. Sometimes when great minds arrive at their magnum opus theories, they are either so crushed by the implications of them or so disheartened that they'll never have as good of an idea again that their will (Schopenhauer, not Nietzsche) ceases to motivate them to go on living and thinking inferior thoughts.

      Now what Gödel sought to prove is how a set of translated symbols in a logic language could be proved or not proved given the operators of a logic system and yet not contradict other formulas or statements in the system. He proved that no system of logic or mathematics is completely internally consistent or omega-consistent. There will always need to be outside reference to some other logic language to satisfy the condition that any given combination of logic statements does not contradict based on the rules of the given language.

      However, his incompleteness theorem may assume too much, namely leaving out complex numbers, which admittedly were poorly understood during his time. For instance, let's say I have the English language and I'm a relatively fluent, logical and intuitive speaker and understander of the language. I can tell when there is a contradiction, not even appealing to truth claims, in language uses and referents. Yet the existence of the contradiction is no demerit on the language. The language is complete even if there can be infinite varieties of uses, operations and functions of the language, including contradiction. The language can expand to form neologisms and new portmanteaus while still being the same delineated and translatable system. Thus, the language is complete, its logic complete and its system needs no appeal to outside speakers as long as there is an infinite variety of ways to use the system.

      Gödel seemed to get caught up in the finiteness/infinity trap, which complex numbers escape. For a given algorithm, for instance, you want to be able to let it run while knowing exactly when it will stop. Otherwise, the programming put into the operations cannot achieve its goals. This is especially so when multiple algorithms are running at the same time. There is the technique of creating an identity function so that when multiple algorithms run recursively, they can stop when matching the identity function.

      Yet there is an even more efficient way to ensure algorithms do not run either infinitely or stop randomly: by using complex numbers in the Wigner approach, one establishes a plane that is not Cartesian or linear, but tessellated and multidimensional to any degree of freedom desired. The free variables in this system can be substituted either infinitely or finitely at will and the algorithm can be updated in real time to modify programmatic changes or adjust operants. Quantum computing assumes infinite operations and the motions of the subatomic particles are always moving. With a completeness theorem using Wigner complex plane dynamics, you can advance to a string based computer that can "freeze time" or motion and toggle between formulas that are either finite or infinite to achieve more complexity. This liberates one from the superficial notion that no system is "real," which seemed to depress and eventually kill Gödel.

      Examples of Wigner complex number planes and their applicability to this idea of completeness are below:









    • Quantum physics isn't the end of reality; we just need better rulers that plunge deeper than the Planck length. Here are some tools to get past QM and into string theory. The sextic is the key. Don't need a quantum computer necessarily, but using exact equations for combining linear equations to make them non-classically linear. This is the hypothetical three body problem solved: https://academic.oup.com/ptep/article/2020/4/043A01/5823816

      Yet to bump up to the sextic, there needs to be multiplicative three-photon splitting math. For that, here you are:https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ahep/2021/6645678/

      And just general help to get to a functioning sextic equation using heterodox means:

      Linear algebra can produce the sextic in simulacra; for sextic operability, one needs the deformed quantum computer in three photons, which then multiply to form a sextic field when electromagnetic edge matrices are aplied. The multiplication exact solutions I sent you in 2020.

      Here you can do it just as easily, creating a string computer: https://www.science.gov/topicpages/q/quantum+rings+perturbative

      The reason I am able to find these things: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340373126_Quantum_effects_in_the_brain_A_review



















      Photon splitting:








      REF: https://home.dartmouth.edu/news/2021/12/split-photon-provides-new-way-see-light





      • Electron Doping? by David Vognar

        I think it helps to visualize physics so that it doesn't amount to equations that don't describe the "fitness" of their operations to physical reality as precisely as they could.

        For instance, when we think of an electron, which seems to play the most vital part of Quantum Computing (because even the most advanced QC's try to achieve alternating states of superconductivity or single-state per macro state conditions), I think we can think of it as similar to doping sticks.

        Considering a Bohmian 8 +1 + 1 + 1 + n +1... universal physical reality accessible at this point in history to human consciousness (with 4 implicate and 4 explicate dimensions of time/space/energy/matter and 1 rotating through point standing for the "0" dimension or vacuum space: Can we think of this one micro state per macro state condition as "doping" or adding through electron valences: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/1.5027198.

        This doping can be Levy Flighted to create a system whereby one can expressly interchange and "control" the doping and thus the motion of 8! states through the above paper, I suspect, or similar approaches of adjusting doping at the "0" vacuum site, which allows continuous jumps from say -4 to 3 in our world, or as we tune through doping downward, 2 to -1. The motion of such doping can be used to harness large amounts of energy and also fine tune energy levels. A resonance calculation that keeps the doping pace and procedure stable would have many applications for our physical world. Levy Flighting such a crystal doping regime means being able to rotate the crystal in a pattern consistent with one's intended effects. A suitable way to do so would be to suspend the crystal in zero gravity and influence it through fields of electromagnetic and containment fields.