Tom, I've taken a look at your papers. They are over my head. I don't have any answers to your questions.

The very end, last paragraph before the acknowledgments.


Okay. Then just explain to me what you mean by "photon nature."

By photon nature i mean Form and function, as it exists and happens within material, noumenal reality. Not the measured or observed phenomenon. Not an abstract 'entity' in mathematical space. I don't presume to know photon nature but I've made some suggestions and given what I think would be the experimental outcomes of such; for the given experimental set up.

Forgive me again if I've missed it. What do you expect to conclude, or predict as an outcome of the experiment?

My fault I was being ambiguous. The experiment I was referring to was set out in The Revised Photon Partition Hypothesis: Interrogating Photons Not your own thought experiment.

From that paper, Question:

Is a treated photon that has encountered a half silvered mirror and not been reunited by path joining,

1. divisible into all non detectable members

2. divisible into a detectable and an undetectable part like an untreated entire photon or

3. fundamentally different from an entire photon in its indivisibility.

Using a combination of Mach Zehndler interferometers, with and without barriers to deny and allow reuniting of paths as needed.

Possible outcomes and what they imply:

Outcome 1: no detection. Addresses the question Can the cut photon body be divided? May indicate that even a cut photon body is not an indivisible fundamental particle. As will occur if divisible into all non detectable members. Supports the photon partition hypothesis for explanation of so called quantum effects. (Check the apparatus is working and set up correctly by testing with opaque blocks removed and getting usual photon detection results.)

Outcome 2: Usual photon behaviour. Detectable as particle or showing interference pattern if paths are reunited. Supplementary question: If this is found How many times can an un-reunited photon be 're-cut'? If the nswer is many or indefinitely many it may be indicating that the sub photon companion is being regenerated from the environment. Further investigation is needed to differentiate non split-able photon (photon partition hypothesis is wrong) from one that can split (so can have non local effect) and also spontaneously regenerates.. Lets call it 'partition plus hypothesis' Supplementary experiment: If outcome 2 is found, use a series of interferometers as a modification of the apparatus to investigate; after how many half silvered mirror encounters, the interference pattern ceases to be formed after necessary pathway joining. Given a laser of sufficient intensity for use with a series of interferometers.

Outcome 3: Photons can be detected but no evidence of an interference pattern can be obtained, suggests that the photon minus part of its sub photon companion can not be re-divided into normally interfering sub photon companion, and a cut photon body complement. Showing that a cut photon body is different from an entire photon. Supports the photon partition hypothesis for explanation of so called quantum effects


Of the three questions and outcomes, I cannot find one that is testable by scientific method and verifiable by correspondence with a theory that makes a closed logical judgement. I'm only interested in truths that can be shown correspondent to a mathematical model. Not to disparage your research, however--by 3-valued logic, there is true, false and unproven. Many unprovable truths have been converted to scientific theories.

Tom, thank you for thinking about it. I have given the apparatus set up that could be used. I don't know which outcome will be found, It is more a preliminary fact finding mission than proof of a theory. Each question could be written as if, then. If a photon is divisible into all unmeasurable parts then no detection will be obtained; and so on for all three questions and possible outcomes. That's all it is at present. Asking what happens in this specific circumstance.

As for your question. Ii think the crushed source will prevent the mirrors from being brought completely touching together. So the trapped photons will be undergoing repeated phase changes. Whereas the free photons that have passed through stop changing phase when free of the mirrors. I don't know if trapped photons still qualify as photons.

Re. yours. What about gradual dissipation of energy by the material of the mirrors, with very many reflections; especially by the metalic backing? Loss of photons of energy not loss of energy content of individual photons.

Georgi and Tom,

Thinking of Rob McEachern's argument that what we measure is simply that which we seek, the question of 'what is a photon' is a matter of the experimenter's choice. While I can go along with there being non-detected properties, and a divisible quantum or specifically, Quanta, at some point there is a need to mathematically qualify what it is that we seek.

In my early modeling, I simply followed a naive mathematical rationale which partitioned the individual Planck value Quanta between a mass:energy particle and the impetus which accelerated it to a peak periodic velocity at mid-point of any wavelength, and let the chips fall where they would. That quickly led to a seeming contradictory condition wherein the particle portion exceeded the Planck value at twice the wavelength of the arbitrary benchmark wavelength. In the same wise of a 'fact finding' exercise, I simply contented myself with an intuitive reasoning that the physical mass equivalence mattered less then the rate of momentum transfer by the particle form with any detection system. Crude and naive to be sure. But it, in the end analysis panned out as a parametric model leading to fully relativistic mathematical rationale which can account for the quantity of energy in a rest mass particulate field, distributed in a continuous gradient of density defining a finite volume. This satisfies Wheeler's zero boundary condition, where conventional attempts employing integrating over partial differentials always leads to a feedback loop at the minimum density boundary limit.

So I'm not the one whom should argue with how anyone else attempts to analysis "what is a photon?".

Best, as always. I've been dealing with some personal issues, so excuse me if I don't chime in very often :-) jrc

Edit to last post:

I should have stated it as 'a generally relativistic mathematical rationale' rather than 'fully' in that while the rationale to be consistent with the zero boundary condition requires the time parameter to be generally covariant with dilation. Rather than velocity of the energy field decelerating from light velocity to nil across the condensate, the rate of passage of time slows from light speed equivalence to nil. Hence at the light velocity limit of an empirically derived universal minimum energy density necessary to maintain simple connectivity translatory of inertia, no physical motion of the enrgy at that boundary is either necessary or possible.

ON A PERSONAL NOTE: I have belatedly joined Facebook to facilitate downsizing a bunch of stuff collected over my adult life through the Marketplace feature and 'Groups'. Pretty handy, but FB's conglomerated entanglement is complicated, error-prone, sluggish and a PITA. It wouldn't let me post a listing on a local buy and sell group until I tried logging in to FQXI and leaving that tab open to let FB's algorithm know I was a real account while I went through the FB posting process. It seemed to work BUT... on my next session after shutting down and tabbing up FQXI, I got a big red Alert flag saying fqxi or I might be getting hacked! I have chanced it this once by going the work around of the alert which cleared my FQXI loggin button and had to manually put in my email and password. If you don't hear from me for a while, I've been screwed! Onward through the fog! Facebook is notorious for data mining and I debated long and hard before creating an account, but its gotten to the point where you can't DO anything without being online! Like Einstein said, "It's easier to control the splitting of an atom, than to control what men do with it". :-) jrc


"Ii think the crushed source will prevent the mirrors from being brought completely touching together."

Why? Any number of massless particles can occupy the same space,

"So the trapped photons will be undergoing repeated phase changes. Whereas the free photons that have passed through stop changing phase when free of the mirrors."


"I don't know if trapped photons still qualify as photons."

Do they qualify as light? What, then? Is a trapped photon still a quantum of light?

The end result should be a polarized population, the dense phase-changing positive state, and the unchanging negative state.


I get what you argue as the end result. Providing a perfect mirror could exist, but essentially valid. jrc

Hi Tom, the source of the photons isn't just photons though. Surly its something like a laser or light bulb or heated metal. What is it if not some kind of atomic material or object?

The trapped photon can't be measured or have any effect. so it has no phenomenal reality. You will have to state it is a noumenal reality on the belief that photons can remain as trapped entities, if it is to be at all real. Only achievable because you employ an unrealistic perfect kind of mirror. It seems to me. But I don't claim understand your work.

John, Georgina,

It's a thought experiment, but even a thought experiment must be doable in principle.

To try and cut to the chase, I'll say that if the Aharonov-Bohm effect is true, my proposed experiments--soliton creation and space roar source--are valid.

7 days later

Fundamental nature has revealed these numerical clues: the speed of light is 299792458, the proton/electron mass ratio is 1836.15289, and the intervals between the atomic numbers of the noble gases is 2/8/18/18/32. What is the meaning of these numbers? Why not some other quantities?

Tom, that said on the other thread, the solitons semm important, the real secret is still the philsophiucal origin of the universe and why we have these solitons and the most importan why theyr propagate and these propagations are the secret and for this we have also the superfluidity becoming a key.They are everywhere these solitons in nmechanic, like in optic , like in hydrodynamic..... and they can be linear or non linear. For me the real interest now is to analyse the QFT and inconsidering the 3 systems merging that I explained, There are so deeper parameters implying these solitons and the works of sine gordon and schrodinger can be utilised but we need in logic to superimpose deeper equations of cause and mainly the space vacuum possessing the main codes .All this to tell that the cause of our standard model for example if not from the GR but from the spacevacuum of this DE and so the solitons and propagations and oscillations also in a sense ....

2 months later
5 months later

Electron Doping? by David Vognar

I think it helps to visualize physics so that it doesn't amount to equations that don't describe the "fitness" of their operations to physical reality as precisely as they could.

For instance, when we think of an electron, which seems to play the most vital part of Quantum Computing (because even the most advanced QC's try to achieve alternating states of superconductivity or single-state per macro state conditions), I think we can think of it as similar to doping sticks.

Considering a Bohmian 8 +1 + 1 + 1 + n +1... universal physical reality accessible at this point in history to human consciousness (with 4 implicate and 4 explicate dimensions of time/space/energy/matter and 1 rotating through point standing for the "0" dimension or vacuum space: Can we think of this one micro state per macro state condition as "doping" or adding through electron valences:

This doping can be Levy Flighted to create a system whereby one can expressly interchange and "control" the doping and thus the motion of 8! states through the above paper, I suspect, or similar approaches of adjusting doping at the "0" vacuum site, which allows continuous jumps from say -4 to 3 in our world, or as we tune through doping downward, 2 to -1. The motion of such doping can be used to harness large amounts of energy and also fine tune energy levels. A resonance calculation that keeps the doping pace and procedure stable would have many applications for our physical world. Levy Flighting such a crystal doping regime means being able to rotate the crystal in a pattern consistent with one's intended effects. A suitable way to do so would be to suspend the crystal in zero gravity and influence it through fields of electromagnetic and containment fields.