Hi Lorraine,
thanks for your reply and your honest answer.
I agree with the sentence of your next-to-last reply and I am sorry that certain concepts, ideas and beliefs make you such sick. But I can only write what I think and what my lines of reasoning are.
Although I think that your last sentence indicates that you consider the attitude therein as "good" or even "better" as permanently worrying about oneself, I nonetheless think that there are cases where people have to strongly worry about themselves. For example, during Corona, many existences have been destroyed. The people that are affected by that at least temporarily will have very much worries about themselves (and their loved ones). Or as a more extreme example, take people with severe illnesses or the ones who live in areas where there is permanently war and destruction and they have no chances to escape these areas. I think for those people, although they nonetheless might obey "love thy neighbor as thyself", they presumably will not worry too much about for example climate change. And how could or should they when one presupposes some Darwinian Evolution that in the first place is thought to have come about only because survival is logically favoured over distinction due to the fact that distinct beings cannot anymore change the course of events in the world, whereas living beings are most of their times occuppied with survival tasks of all kinds?
Anyway, i would at least say that for cases where certain fears of surival are the daily norm, one cannot expect too much higher-level attention from these people to the issue of how one could make the whole world a better place. In this respect, we commentators here do argue from a rather privileged special position, compared to the poor people i mentioned.
I do not think that for example animals are less loved by God than people are. That would be a strange idea to me and many denominations seem to purport this strange idea. I do not. Anyway, i do not think that there is only valid information available via creature's eyes, ears and brains. I believe that near-death experiences do disprove that idea, even for animals - since deceised pets have also been met in those realms, and not only deceised people.
Maybe the mentioning of near-death experiences will make you sick again, but fact is that they exist, with some very strange properties. In all cases they change the experiencer in such a way that after that event they really do not anymore worry that much about themselves than they did before, but are more thoughtful about other living things and the environment. I consider that as astonishing and meaningful. And I think that (Darwinian) evolution of higher level information from lower level information is not the whole story. But be it as it may be, i consider it as natural that the fact that these experiences exist leads at least some people to examine them closer and try to make some sense out of them. Wouldn't it be nice if all people could have such transforming experiences, one could for example ask and then ask why that is not the case. At least examining those experiences and taking them serious in my opinion is one example of being thoughtful about other living things and their experiences.
Concerning rocks, particles, atoms and molecules, i see no reason why God should not love that stuff with the same intensity she/he/it would love us, since per definition she/he/it created it (and/or to a certain extent also IS that stuff). The apostle Paul whom i honor very much for having converted from a persecutor of Christians to a supporter of Christians (due to a near-death experience?) wrote in Romans 8:22 that
"For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now." Interestingly he mentions that the whole creation is able to suffer, not only human beings. Although i do not exactly know how he received that knowledge, nonetheless it seems to me that what he wrote is true even today, although it may not have been that evident to people in the past as it seems to be evident at least for me today.
Further i think that people need reasons to consider the last sentence you wrote in your next-to-last reply to me as being "good" or even "better" than what they may currently believe. New beliefs and beliefs in general do not emerge out of thin air. They usually emerge due to past experiences of people, together with a strong aim to surive as long as possible and together with what people consider to be valuable to experience in the future (free will), with what they fabricated in their minds according to logical or illogical thinking and of course according to the presence / absence of further information about the evidences for their beliefs. The absence of such information that could further evaluate the evidence for their beliefs may be due to the fact that such information does not exist or due to the fact that such information exists but people hadn't recognized that information, hence do not know that it exists.
I will stop here since i think that there is nothing additionally that i could meaningfully say about how free will came about and why it is possible at all.