• High Energy Physics
  • Anatomy of spacetime and possible origins of internal symmetry and all particle quantum numbers

Dear Dr Chiang,

Yes it is sure there are a lot to explore and try. It is what I try with the tool that I have invented , the spherical topological geometrical algebras . I try to consider several works made with the GR and these photons and strings and create a conjecture with the 3D spheres and these 3 spacetimes and you subgeometries. I consider the holographic principle , 4 E8 , these spheres like foundamental objects and different partitions with the numbers for the modes , sortings, superimposings, synchros and the motions rotations oscillations of these spherical volumes and the hopf fibrations on surfaces to rank the quasi particles and the synmplectomorphisms for the deformations. S3 being the central piece and the others can be seen like mathematical tools considering these dimensions. I must say it is not easy. The vectors, scalars, numnbers, partitions seem under a specific universal distribution but it is so complex.The densities seem important if the number of these finite series primoridal don t change.

Hi Steve,

Just let you know here that I just sent a message through LinkedIn. I am not sure if it will reach you because I am not familiar with LinkedIn.


Kwan 1/13/22

Dr. Chiang,

Sorry to delay, are you at university in Thailand? My Bing browser is as commercialized as MicroSoft can possibly make it and Windows 10 likes to seize up if I download a competing search engine. I haven't had any luck getting your paper or professional profile.

I must admit that without considerable background I can't follow your arguments, but I do get the gist. Maxwell's Equations as commonly used are really topologically compressed from 20 equations on which Maxwell originally formed his electromagnetic theory. A relatively few of his students whom understood his work distilled the compact set and disseminated the theoretics, and I've read that there is a trove of results Maxwell never explained that languish in dusty archives. I think there is plenty of room to revisit Maxwell as the progenitor of Einstein's theories of Relativity.

The linearity resides with the inverse square law which is an LOS and itself an invariance function between two (in Maxwell) spherical point electrostatic charges at measured separation of centers. x,y,z expands to spherical with x',y' and z'. I read a very good translation of some Einstein writings some 15 to 20 years ago, and was struck at how close he actually came to identifying the measurement problem of accounting for distribution as a continuous function of varying gradient within an upper and lower bound; as he laid out his reasoning for choosing a spherical geometry that is not relational to the divergence of a manifold of spherical radii. Which piques my curiosity about your contention in one of your posts that logically (mathwise) rotations (measurement) would result in an anomaly of 362 degrees. Yes, indeed. How do we assess the space between radii when our measurement scale is strictly linear ALONG any specified radius?!

Happy New Year, best jrc 1/13/22

Hi John, Happy new year, the relevance in the works of Dr Chiang is the subgeonetries and the 5D for the gravitation, I have the same kind of reasoning in a kind of virtual 5D with the 3D spheres like foundamental objects and the 3 spacetimes. It is like if we had hidden variables beyond this actual spectrum of analysis considering the standard model and the GR. It is very interesting for me in the sense that the properties emergent of our actual standard model are under deeper parameters.

So this 5D is relevant due to fact that it gives the properties emeergent that we know actually. It can be correlated with the quaternions and the pure 3D and this 5D like a hidden parameter creating these said properties. For me a fith force even appears.And if the 3 spacetimes more the 4 E8 can be superimposed more his reasoning, it is very relevant at my humble opinion.The quantum gravitation appears too , it is like this that I have quantified it.



I agree with Kwan that 5D is the natural dimensionality and that 4D is a sub geometry, as would be 3d T. Also, the numerous micro dimensions while often elegant mathematical treatments, are in reality a mathematic expedient in ever evolving 'sphere packing' strategies that attempt to approximate a true distribution function definitive of a spherical volume in accord with inverse square law. Quaternions suffer from spherical aberration resulting from only multiplication of vectors wrapping onto a sphere, and the division rings provide an option of choice of division metric which can largely counter that and give an apparently natural 'look' to a visualization. In E8, a two dimensional disc perpendicular to a normal line (one that normally intersects sphere center) wraps onto the sphere, and where I find that might be useful is in the analytical modeling of spacetime being gravitationally compressed laterally to the vector of mutual tendency to expand into flat space and the necessity to condense inwardly to conserve space. So to my way of thinking, it is necessary firstly to define a naturally relativistic 5D distribution theorem within upper and lower bounds to begin to project a zero boundary of minimum connectivity as the limit to gravitational effect in a transform from spherical to flat spacetime. best to all, jrc

Hi John, yes indeed. I believe that we have relevant roads to explore in taking my humble reasoning, the ideas of Dr Chiang, the 5D of Kaluza Klein. It is mainly the hidden variables and hidden tensors wich become relevant and that is why I believe strongly that these 4 E8 and these 3 spacetimes and these spheres can permit with the ideas of Dr Chiang to find the components of all this puzzle in a pure deterministic way. How to really harmonise and superimpose the metrics of these 3 main free spacetimes with only one that we observe actually. More like result of the merging of 3 this baryonic matter and their properties. There are the maths and numbers like the padics analysis to correlate. That become relevant for the microscopic dimension for the main informations encoding the cold dark matter and the photons to create this ordinary baryonic matter in fact . It seems not easy for the energy monemtum.

There is a partition and I believe that these 3D series of spheres , the 3 systems can be relevant if we know the correct number of this serie , for me the same than our cosmological one and after we must find the correct volumes for the superfluidity , that implies so the fields equations , the quantum gravitation, the motions,rotations, oscillations, stress energy tensors too can be ranked- It is not really that we extend only this GR to a 5D , but we superimpose to this 4D deeper parameters. At my opinion it is the motions of these spherical volumes the key and how and why in the 4 main systems made of these series of spheres, 3 free for the spacetimes, One like result of their synchros for the baryonic matter. The stress energy tensors so are interesting but not the cause of our geometries, topologies , they are just a specificity of the GR . So the ranking becomes essential like a different general philosophy. The quantum theory and the QFT so can be completed . Regards

John, in fact I beleive that the subgeometries in the 5D of Dr Chiang is in fact hidden variables , I d name them subinformations primary correlated with the main codes of this space vaccuum of the DE.

Hi John and Steve,

When the majority talk about Maxwell equations, it is based on (assumed) well-defined geometrical scales. What concerned Einstein was how the spacetime scales themselves are defined. (What concerns me is the equivalency among these scales.) No theory is meaningful unless scales are defined by correct physics. EM is simplified because spacetime was redefined correctly by special relativity.

But, today and in history, few people think about geometry definitions. Even Lorentz, who found his transformation, did not think about spacetime definitions. Standard Model and strings are based on geometry with no definitions. Just like EM, particle theories and UFT will be simplified and finished when all relevant scales are correctly defined.

When I say 362 degrees, I don't mean it's an anomaly. I mean when plane angle scales are not physically defined, assumption of equal full circles on different planes are but a dream. We dreamed that every circle is 360 degrees, but in fact physically, some of them are 360, some 362, some 356, even though we define all of them to be 360 "mathematically". Different people have different mathematical definitions, but nature doesn't know which to follow. Nature will only follow the one defined by relevant physics. Therefore, unless concrete physical definitions exist, no symmetry would surface as wished.

If you send an email to qchiang2@yahoo.com , I can send you a paper.

Best Regards,

Kwan Chiang


Hello John and Dr Chiang,

Dr Chiang , I have tried to find you on facebook but you are not there. I could present you some relevant thinkers , Richard Gill member of FQXi is a friend, he is good in statistics, maths.I have several other friends relevant too, you could share your ideas to have some discussions. You must probably create your account.After you just ask a friendship request and after I can present you to my friends. Best regards

Dear Dr Chiang,

I don t know if you have thought about this but it could be relevant to extrapolate some ideas.

About the QCD , quarsk, antiquarks, gluons, partons. Here are some ideas ,

Partons distribution functions, it is a main problem to understand, how these protons and their quarks and gluons interact with their momentum .....

10 commentaires

Steve Dufourny

the meaning of this PDF is" A parton distribution function (PDF) within so called collinear factorization is defined as the probability density for finding a particle with a certain longitudinal momentum fraction x at resolution scale Q2."

RГ©pondre2 h

Steve Dufourny

The quantum chromodynamic is a main problem in physics. And the parton model has been proposed by Feynman , it is relevant for the collisions at hig nergies of Hadrons. The uncertainty principle being important , all this puzzle is fascinating and the LHC works well in trying to better understand this.

The quarks and gluons so are the main pice of this puzzle, what they are and what are their properties, it is the most important. In my model I have considered 3 main series free of spheres , and the space vacuum coded encodes these photons and the particles of cold dark matter to create this baryonic matter. So in a simplistic vue , the number of photons and particles of CDM is essential in a general analysisi to encircle the fermions and bosons. So the fields and forces .The spin direction so is essential and I believe strongly that the densities of spherical volumes is the key with their motions oscillations because the primary number of spheres is preserved.

If we consider that the photons are maybe not massless but having a very very small mass, so we can extend the special relativity and consider too this cold dark matter encoded . The deep inelastic scaterring so become relevant in thinking differently.

Important, They represent the probability densities (strictly speaking they rather represent number densities as they are normalised to the number of partons) to find a parton carrying a momentum fraction x at a squared energy scale Q2 (=в€'q2). DIS experiments have shown that the number of partons goes up at low x with Q2 , and falls at high x . At low Q2 the three valence quarks become more and more dominant in the nucleon. At high Q2 there are more and more quark-antiquark pairs which carry a low momentum fraction x . They constitute the sea quarks. A salient finding of the DIS experiments is that the quarks and antiquarks only carry about half of the nucleon momentum, the remainder being carried by the gluons. The fraction carried by gluons increases with increasing Q2 .

QCD evolution equations for parton densities so is a key.

It is now relevant to rank all the datas in considering the theory of sets to better understand if my reasoning is correct the quarks, antiquarks and gluons , in fact if this space vacuum possesses the main codes and informations, so the photons and col dark matter encoded permit these densities and partons distributions, that could permit tom better understand the unknowns parameters .

It is there that the factorisation parameters, the statistics, the probabilities and so the predictions can be very very relevant to reach and explain logically these unknown parameters with a good logical treatment of uncertianties.

    Hi Steve,

    I didn't get involve with quarks and gluons too much, because in my mind, I was always thinking about the 3 sub-geometries which are sufficient to account for the complete particle spectrum without quarks.

    Best regards,

    Kwan 1/19/22

    Dr Chiang, I am understanding. These quars , antiquarks, gluons personally intrigue me a lot , I try to find rational roads to explain this.

    8 days later

    Hi Dr Chiang, I see this GR like this, in fact these EFE , the hilbert actions , the tensors ,flows,.....of this GR are of course relevant for observations and a different interpretation of this gravitation where it is a curvature of this space time at high velocities for observations. And so the deriving equations of motions and the metrics are interesting for the understanding of motions that we observe due to actions. The conservations of quantities so are relevant considering Noether. And we link for our fields even for our classical mechanics. So what I consider is that of course we can better undertand these motions, actions, fields, matters with this GR for the observations cosmological but it is not a reason to affirm that our standard model and its fields come from this GR. In fact there are many foundamental problems like the quantum gravitation non renormalisable in this logic, because the gravitons simply are not the quanta of gravitational waves, regards.

    It is there that this 5D wich is in fact a kind of hidden 3D dimension become relevant for the main causes of this standard model instead of this GR and its fields. The space vacuum of the DE and this DM with the photons merging with them seem the key , if the subgeometries and informations are these 3D series of spheres of this space vacuum of the DE possessing the main codes, all is renormalisable and the Noether theorem for the conserved quantities can be applied .

    9 months later

    Hi, I am new to this community and happy to join you.

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