Georgina Woodward
Different measurement options can be used.
True. But, in some circumstances, it is a very bad idea, to ever actually use them; because, unfortunately, there are common circumstances, in the real world, for which, it has been proven (by Shannon) that doing so, will inevitably cause frequent, gross errors, in the "measurement outcomes." In other words, all such measurements will be garbage.
'measurement' has the potential to produce different outcome states corresponding to the orientation of apparatus used
True. But many of those 'measurements' are guaranteed to be garbage; by which, I mean, specifically, that the 'measurements' imply that something is 'true', even though it is actually known to be 'false', a priori.
I have spent my time considering the kind of metaphysics needed to understand reality as it exists and reality as it is measured and observed.
It is time for you to seriously consider the metaphysical fact, that trying to understand Reality, by deducing valid conclusions, from measurements indicating that 'what is true' is actually 'false', is an exercise in futility. Everyone, including you, must first learn how to avoid ever making any such totally misleading 'measurements.' And the only known way to do that, is to employ the astounding, mind-boogling, breathtaking method discovered by Shannon; avoid ever making any 'measurements' at all!!!! - do something else entirely - something that is guaranteed to eliminate all the garbage (bit errors) from the "observation outcomes.' The 'Measurement Problem' will simply cease to exist, the very instant, that one ceases to ever make or employ another 'measurement!'
What were you trying to show with the astronauts and coin?
That is the situation involved in every Bell Test. Every Bell Test, in effect, is trying to 'measure' the true state, of dirty, worn-down 'coins', that are frequently being observed from a nearly edge-on angle. It is impossible to correctly 'determine', the state, under such circumstances. All the supposedly 'weird' correlations, are entirely caused by all the resulting garbage 'measurement outcomes.' That is not an idle, metaphysical speculation. It is a proven, reproducible fact, in the classical realm. In the classical realm, it is known, a priori, what the 'true' state is, because the objects being measured, were created in a known state. But the frequent, garbage measurements of those objects, nonetheless, yield the completely opposite state! When all those, easily identified, garbage measurements (bit errors) are eliminated from the subsequent correlation analysis, the 'weird', 'quantum' correlations vanish.
Garbage in, garbage out: that is "Quantum Reality."