Being able to write precisely, comprehensibly and engagingly is certainly advantageous in communication of ideas. Being able to use words, and in a way, that make pleasant reading is a good thing. I think we should be careful in assessment and not attribute more than is demonstrated. I am currently playing a lot with AI art generation. It's fun to see what can be achieved but the fails are just as interesting. The art generator I'm using most, Stable diffusion, I have learned works best with familiar text prompt modifiers-such as Real engine 5, one of the styles it was trained on and is able to reproduce convincingly.
What does entanglement of space and time mean? It sounds nice. If it means that a change in space is a change in time , and vice versa, that is compatible with my explanatory framework. In which existing noumenal reality is singular configuration in unseen absolute space. But entanglement in physics is used in the context of separated correlated or anti-correlated similar particles which according to quantum non local theory are able to influence each other. Absolute time and space are inseparable, so that meaning of 'entanglement' doesn't apply to them.
Nice to hear about ChatGPT and read some of its output. Thanks for sharing.