Developing science requires new visions and methods. One of them is mathematical forcing equations and formulae. The most we made barriers to science such as fees publication, be afraid about academic reputation …etc. the most the human thought remain at the same place.

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23 days later

I agree that the current state of physics is created by the human factor. The majority of people strive for personal comfort. A small part feels its responsibility to society and reality.
From Gödel's theorem: A system cannot reform itself. It is necessary to turn to engineers, because all modern achievements in physics are impossible without engineering support.

5 days later

Thank you PurpleYak, I think that engineers have a practice view far from philosophy and mathmatics without an experiment clear procedure. String theory is an example, you can imagine any thing , writing beautiful equations but without an experiment issue to verify: this is not physics.

16 days later

Dear KhakiHeron,
Of course, your essay deserves the highest marks.
You correctly point to the unsolved problems of science. You may find some answers in my essay.
I drew attention to the fact that the generally accepted concept simply does not see obvious new phenomena and laws in experiments, due to its abstract ideas about reality.
If we do not pay attention to the imposition of distorted explanations of experimental results (for example, in the experiments of Michelson and the Pioneers), then, in my opinion, objective conclusions will remain words, and facts in the future may possibly remain recognized facts and the basis of new theories of reality. Hope to see your ratings and comments.
I wish you success!

2 months later

I think that at list for me I had benefit so much from this Competition. The first time is when I had read an article written by an ontologist and it speaks about identification in time and in space for a corpuscle. It leads me to invent the 4-vector identification in Restreint Relativity. The second time is when I had read an article which speaks about the first vibration and that reality is to delete dualities. It is more transcendant and the 4-vector identification can be called 4-vector erasing dualities.

I continue my article as follows:
My statements are of course in Restreint Relativity and not in GR . The 4-vector identity which I introduce in the first time in Minkowski space-time is as follows:
4-vector momentum= universal constant times 4-vector identity
4-vector identity=(speed of light times inertial time of the corpuscle, speed of the corpuscle times inertial time of the copuscle)
Inertial time of the corpuscle =universal constant times the energy of the corpuscle
It is evident now that:
4-vector wave-vector= universal constant times 4-vector identity
The inertial time is like a five dimension of space. The ordinary time is only change. Inertial time does'nt change if the energy of the corpuscle is constant.
We can deduce the new universals constants (sa frequency, power, mechanical impedance...etc.) by taking the same model of Planck black body theory transferred to vacuum. Vacuum will be considered as formed with an infinity of resonators at their fundamental states. Every resonator will have a medium energy and an entropy. The integration of the density of energy of vacuum should give us the same density in General Relativity so we deduce the fundamental universal frequency. Vacuum will have also a density of entropy which is an universal constant.

Getting free access journals with peer review committees and with no fees publications to pay
is the most rapid way to develop sciences and technologies related

(maybe a different stages organisation could make it it even faster, fast for what ?, towards what aims, goals)
maybe it should be slowed
focusing on the right words to bring into the reader lax flexible mind structures?
the words/ phrases. texts. have a structure in themselves that is being ignored
like the overall scheme of a story intro, intrigue, narative , moral conclusion

the reversibility of physics at small scale compared to the irreversibility of discoveries or even language
( simply not comparing n arry groups that could have multiple inverses, or various kind of neutral elements, pseudogroups, grupoids)

what would a more reversible interaction language look like where the object of communication can be melted , morphed until its fits various purposes , could this inspire physics?

what about dreaming ,

conversion of a language in that is in two medium visual / audio/ in to only one medium

types of objects fresh trash recirculation, etc
who gets to know what ? , for example superkamkets knowing about diet of particular individual consumers
is not about a specific piece of information that matter , its the the scheme of ideas , , some might be more important than others (in other schemes) , dont buy that food on the shelter is bad ,or a body revealing fashion, (this message clothing is for you , an other person dressed differently, saying this message, don't look at me this outfit is not,
to an superdeterministic extreme why not considering with the same importance the shape of a face physiognomy, with atomic orbitals or an entire half of train of people to be the extension of the part the table of particles
, why it would it matter how a person looks, because it create trust social importance, than this is like a probabilistic automatic chain that create other structure etc

maybe education (and languages)with different purposes and modes of realising - learning words or concepts by meeting other people not going with schedulde in a fixed place, with a level based system descentralized ,

messages free environments, there is an effort to ignore messages ads banners comercials those are also part in the static language environment companies ideograms , a dynamic (maybe not for humans) would mean always a multisided interaction not monologues

or conversations like maps that where each reply is an entire balanced systems, where the points made are fine nuances

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