Aleksandr Maltsev

  • Apr 5, 2023
  • Joined Dec 21, 2022
  • Glad for your success. First prize, for recollection of ignoring women in science. There are many similar essays and all essays describe the influence of the human factor. Your essay: how to avoid ignoring significant ideas. This essay is one. Conclusion: Readers did not see the forest for the trees.
    About Me. To my surprise, looking through the list, I wanted to find my last name. This is surprising, because I came to the competition to create interest, to check my conclusions (with mathematics it is 31 pages). The result is zero. The situation is similar to the beginning of your essay: instead of checking, ignoring.

  • Everything depends on people's perception. Delusions of grandeur (even in modest amounts) and no one has checked the effects of hygiene on mortality. Megalomania arises from fundamentalism. Fundamentalism in religion and science is dual. Duality can be used with flexibility. Flexibility comes when the going gets tough. Difficulties of understanding are weakened by the creation of images - physical meaning. Further on the text of your essay.

  • Marco Giancotti Your essay is the only one whose success I control. I'm surprised at the lack of attention.
    Everyone knows: The system is not capable of reforming itself. The withering away of the old gives way to the new - evolution and involution. Currently, acceleration is created by changing external conditions. External conditions change, those who pay. In all processes, everything depends on people. The essay proposes to influence science not only with money, but also by expanding the popularization of knowledge (information that is understandable). Popularization will require explanations of purpose and meaning, destroying the "fog" of the need for research, for research (Example. Why find thousands of exoplanets now. Without engineers, science will not reach exoplanets. Without verification, information becomes verbiage, and verbiage, information). If the providers of money demand conditions for popularization, it will be easier to see the naked king.
    Why did I write this? Knowledge creates a worldview - understanding. Understanding is harder to destroy than information. As a result, past knowledge negates information that can change the worldview.
    I have come across this fact. As a mistake, in my essay, I was presented with the classical definition of temperature. Knowledge of the classics allows one to ignore the fact of changes in knowledge about the nature of radiation, electrons and energy. Popularization will make it possible to overcome the excess of fundamentalism in science.

    • Alaya Kouki I start with Newton. I use the Lorentz invariance, the characteristics of a moving body, to describe matter as a unity of mass and volume MV (Newton did not take into account the volume). Further algebra, geometry and differentiation.

    • Alaya Kouki The definition "Temperature in classical physics is the mean kinetic energy of a gaz in a given volume" does not allow one to unify quantum and classical physics. To emit a photon, an electron, in a classical molecule, reduces its energy.

      • Jenny Wagner Dear BeigeBandicoot!
        Everything is the opposite! Zero creates dimension. Line breakdown. The decay of the line creates a plane. Next comes the volume.
        Horror for physicists (created by mathematics. Technical university level):
        Matter must be described as a unity of volume and mass. The duality of the properties of the physical vacuum (medium for waves and emptiness for photons and matter) in the two-component nature of the physical vacuum.
        The movement of time is the process of transformation (condensation) of physical vacuum (gas) into matter (solid). The present is analogous to liquid. All components, a kind of energy.

        • Alaya Kouki Dear KhakiHeron
          Footnote "Can the real world be n-dimensional?" from a philosophical article. Mathematics shows that the Universe (matter, space, time, energy) arose as a result of a double dual decay. with cross join.
          I apologize for the google translate.
          MV - matter TE - physical vacuum. Phenomena of Nature: mass, volume, energy. time.
          The disintegration and unification of components can be explained by applying the concept of potential. The total potential of the Proto-nature is equal to zero. Let: τ = (-3); V=(-1); E=1; M=3. Potential of Proto-Vacuum τ V and Protomatter EM is respectively equal to (-4) and (+4) or duality is equal to 8.
          Further decay into dual pairs ( τ - V) and (E - M) creates the possibility for the formation of different variants of connections between them. The EV and MT variants describe systems that are neutral in potential and do not interact with each other. This is a variant of the dead nature.
          The variant МV=3—1=2 and τ Е= (-3) +1=-2 creates a new dual pair with a low degree of opposition relative to the pair "protomatter - protovacuum". The result of such a connection will be a decrease in the "confrontation" between the dual components and an increase in the stability of new systems. The unification of parts of different dual pairs created matter MV and ether τ E. Double decay and subsequent synthesis restored the unity of Proto-nature, at a new qualitative level

          1. The emergence of Natural Phenomena from Proto-Nature indicates the equivalence of the Natural Phenomena. Equivalence is achieved when:
          2. equality. Equality creates stagnation - a variant of dead Nature (explanation of the adoption by unequal potentials of the Phenomena of Nature τ = (-3); V= (-1); E=1; M=3);
          3. activities in different areas, with mutual communication. Variant of dynamic Nature.
          4. Interaction arises when it is possible to create multivariate states between points characterizing Phenomena. On the plane, the first multivariant (flexible) system is a quadrilateral (in our case, M, V, τ, E). Consequently, in the absence of defects in the Phenomena of Nature, the world would be flat. Proto-nature, divided into complex parts, matter MV and physical vacuum TE, further manifests its duality by the defects of the Natural Phenomena. Defects (movement) made the world three-dimensional. And vice versa. The volume allowed defects to occur.
          5. Dual disintegration breaks the unity of the original system. Duality is described by a line. To maintain unity, the line must close. The line closes faster in a plane than in a volume. Consequently, the division of the Phenomena of Nature into perpendicular planes is the most advantageous variant of preserving the dual world in unity.

          Experimental verification - excess radiation of energy by the Moon. The effect is proportional to the square of the mass and Jupiter is better, but farther away.
          Thank you for attention

        • Alaya Kouki BeigeBandicoot, KhakiHeron.
          To your discussion, my opinion about space (part of the article).
          Can the real world be n-dimensional?
          To increase the dimension, there must be a ruler of dimensions 1,2,3,4….n. Linearity implies a dual system (1 and 3 are dual to each other, with respect to 2). For the emergence of the 3D world, the next possibility is to combine the 2D and 4D worlds and separate them into dual components. Two 4-dimensional worlds create 3-dimensional and 5-dimensional. From two two-dimensional worlds, a 3-dimensional and one-dimensional one arises. A variant of the emergence of a one-dimensional "arrow of time" and a 3-dimensional Nature was realized.
          Why are space, matter, energy, etc. 3-dimensional? The 5th dimension is more diverse and more complex. In existing conditions, the main property of Nature is the desire for stability. Stability is achieved in two ways: by maintaining the potential in dynamics (conservation laws) and by accepting a minimum potential. In the cases under consideration, the minimum for the decay into integers is two.

          About the starting point.
          Nature is dual (zero splits into dualities). Therefore, the starting point must be and not be. Taking as a reference point the Void (the basis for decay), we make an analogy with the Universe. In the Universe, the property of the Void is possessed by Space. The universe is huge and in fact there is a reference point and there is no point.
          Example. Start on a spaceship, the observer sees the Earth is moving away with acceleration. The observer makes a fundamental discovery: "There is a "dark" energy that can accelerate the movement of the Earth.
          If we take the resting Space as a starting point, then the Nobel Prize will be awarded to another researcher.

          Causal relationship.
          A cause-and-effect relationship is given by an analogue of thermodynamics - the movement goes from a large potential to a small one. This is how learning arose, that is, human behavior is subject to the same laws as physics. The great potential of the mind created the desire to know the unknown.

          Question. How do you feel about horror in physics? (A lot of darkness, uncertainty, etc. terms, but fear / horror is not yet used).

          • BeigeBandicoot, KhakiHeron.
            To your discussion, my opinion about space (part of the article).
            Can the real world be n-dimensional?
            To increase the dimension, there must be a ruler of dimensions 1,2,3,4….n. Linearity implies a dual system (1 and 3 are dual to each other, with respect to 2). For the emergence of the 3D world, the next possibility is to combine the 2D and 4D worlds and separate them into dual components. Two 4-dimensional worlds create 3-dimensional and 5-dimensional. From two two-dimensional worlds, a 3-dimensional and one-dimensional one arises. A variant of the emergence of a one-dimensional "arrow of time" and a 3-dimensional Nature was realized.
            Why are space, matter, energy, etc. 3-dimensional? The 5th dimension is more diverse and more complex. In existing conditions, the main property of Nature is the desire for stability. Stability is achieved in two ways: by maintaining the potential in dynamics (conservation laws) and by accepting a minimum potential. In the cases under consideration, the minimum for the decay into integers is two.

            About the starting point.
            Nature is dual (zero splits into dualities). Therefore, the starting point must be and not be. Taking as a reference point the Void (the basis for decay), we make an analogy with the Universe. In the Universe, the property of the Void is possessed by Space. The universe is huge and in fact there is a reference point and there is no point.
            Example. Start on a spaceship, the observer sees the Earth is moving away with acceleration. The observer makes a fundamental discovery: "There is a "dark" energy that can accelerate the movement of the Earth.
            If we take the resting Space as a starting point, then the Nobel Prize will be awarded to another researcher.

            Causal relationship.
            A cause-and-effect relationship is given by an analogue of thermodynamics - the movement goes from a large potential to a small one. This is how learning arose, that is, human behavior is subject to the same laws as physics. The great potential of the mind created the desire to know the unknown.

            Question. How do you feel about horror in physics? (A lot of darkness, uncertainty, etc. terms, but fear / horror is not yet used).

            • BeigeBandicoot, KhakiHeron.
              To your discussion, my opinion about space (part of the article).
              Can the real world be n-dimensional?
              To increase the dimension, there must be a ruler of dimensions 1,2,3,4….n. Linearity implies a dual system (1 and 3 are dual to each other, with respect to 2). For the emergence of the 3D world, the next possibility is to combine the 2D and 4D worlds and separate them into dual components. Two 4-dimensional worlds create 3-dimensional and 5-dimensional. From two two-dimensional worlds, a 3-dimensional and one-dimensional one arises. A variant of the emergence of a one-dimensional "arrow of time" and a 3-dimensional Nature was realized.
              Why are space, matter, energy, etc. 3-dimensional? The 5th dimension is more diverse and more complex. In existing conditions, the main property of Nature is the desire for stability. Stability is achieved in two ways: by maintaining the potential in dynamics (conservation laws) and by accepting a minimum potential. In the cases under consideration, the minimum for the decay into integers is two.

              About the starting point.
              Nature is dual (zero splits into dualities). Therefore, the starting point must be and not be. Taking as a reference point the Void (the basis for decay), we make an analogy with the Universe. In the Universe, the property of the Void is possessed by Space. The universe is huge and in fact there is a reference point and there is no point.
              Example. Start on a spaceship, the observer sees the Earth is moving away with acceleration. The observer makes a fundamental discovery: "There is a "dark" energy that can accelerate the movement of the Earth.
              If we take the resting Space as a starting point, then the Nobel Prize will be awarded to another researcher.

              Causal relationship.
              A cause-and-effect relationship is given by an analogue of thermodynamics - the movement goes from a large potential to a small one. This is how learning arose, that is, human behavior is subject to the same laws as physics. The great potential of the mind created the desire to know the unknown.

              Question. How do you feel about horror in physics? (A lot of darkness, uncertainty, etc. terms, but fear / horror is not yet used).

            • Eckard Blumschein
              "Time does not have a speed. It is rather used to measure speed". The essay analyzes the change in the pace of time. We need a check, then a conclusion.

              "Past and future are quite different abstract categories". Like the duration of an event, past and future are abstract. As a physical phenomenon, past and future are different types of energy.
              I will accept your denial if you explain the differences of one molecule in solid, liquid and gas.

            • "We have to condemn without exception all celebrations of heroic military victories"
              Agree 100%
              Math is a tool. The tool may become useless.

            • You wrote: "In the "chicken-egg" circle, the causal relationship is broken." Well, in fact, there is no such circle, but there is an undeniable causality. A chicken does not grow from its own egg.
              Not from my own egg. Only from chicken - mothers. The chicken-egg relationship creates a chain. The question "Which came first, the chicken or the egg" allows you to accept any element of the chain as the beginning. The sequence of transformations closes the chain into a circle, eliminating the spiral of evolution. "And the ring has no beginning and no end."

              I am a chemical engineer and the words of the poet are clear to me: "There is only a moment, between the past and the future, it is he who is called life" My hobby is the study of the pace of time. Not time, but the speed of time. My conclusions: the movement of time is a process that makes it possible for secondary processes (including life) to exist. Between the past and the future lies the present. The present has its duration - the period of transformation of the future into the past. I'm waiting for a link to Ritz.

            • The result of the action of morality is support and denial. In the essay, a wish for increased support. But! It's easier to deny, there's no need to understand. Misunderstanding gives denial - your calmness is closer.

            • Steven Andresen
              "You talk about how science the mistake minimizer isn't accessible to the masses, and I cant help but wonder if recent advances in AI can serve as a translator that solves this problem."
              I would like to hope that AI will eliminate the routine in science (such as ArXiv when published). But the world is dichotomous and the result may be different.

            • Thank you. Lots of new and interesting things. I'll add my opinion:
              In reality, matter is the unity of mass and volume. Newtonian physics is mass at a point. Quantum physics, mass in volume.