10 days later

"If we take the common interaction between intelligent thinking and free will or opportunity to
choose; we see that they are interconnected. Opportunity to choose presupposes freedom, and
freedom to choose takes time.
With a "choice time" close to zero, intelligence is also reduced. Until having an intelligence equal
to zero if the "time of choice" is reduced to zero.
So we can now intertwine the problem of the speed of science and scientific progress with the
opportunity for choice or free will. "
We are living in an accelerated society. Most of people haven't time to choose or they have limited choices made for them by a hidden managers of politics, economy , culture and religion. A real free man is the person which decide to stop or at least decelerate the speed of his life and think & choose.
For me there is no contradiction between science & religion. If science is referred to experiments and measure , religion is referred to practice and mystic experience. If we have units to measure in science such as the Kilogramme, the meter and th second, Sacret Texts of the religion are our measure of our individual and common behaviour . There for we should question us about which is the good religion?.

    Alaya Kouki Thank you. There is certainly a relationship between choice time and intelligence. You have to think carefully before choosing. And also which religion to profess is a sign of intelligence. We must choose the religion that gives space to man, which supports man in his fragility and contradictions. So, please, slow down and choose ...

    5 days later

    the space outside earth is expanding with acceleration ,
    there is plenty of time however, still what if there are multiple exits to other universes
    and those needs very large models and tests of hypothesis , or novel ideas in the immediate Vicinity
    this models might include some of religions about what is right and wrong

      i'm not sure about the inclusion strictly in the set theory math operation context
      still the argument is the following trying not to repeat what other people have already written
      there are physical laws , some are chaotic and nonlinear, people are made from stuffs respecting those laws
      people have ideas like religion beliefs , therefore those are also part of the universe
      religions and beliefs have rational explanations and play role at the same time.

        Kavita Rajanna
        people have ideas like religion beliefs , therefore those are also part of the universe
        religions and beliefs have rational explanations and play role at the same time.
        not only for other people and objects nearby but potentially for the universe at large

        i believe that religious beliefs have full right to exist and cohabit the infinite space of our existences. Linear and logical people are often religious.

        here are my beliefs
        for the short term i fear some sort of early brain apocalipse soup , i think it should happen but no idea, when how why and i look for other exits, time stopping , compartimental universe evidences, dark matter particles
        maybe when a person learns an equation or a physical concept there should be, like a ceremony , i haven't seen that in churches

        at the moment i'm tired/bored i've read all day
        i think old religions needs updates , to invent right here right now a religion ,
        lets say:
        it is important to drop on the ground three objects while awake
        with a special song eee aaa for a second and those objects should be at a large distance from each others
        if you dont carry three objects (clothes not included) than those should be taken from the ground modified and placed back in the same location .

          11 days later

          Kavita Rajanna
          Fields Prize winner Vladimir Voevodsky (1966-2017) left an important philosophical testament to mathematicians and theoretical physicists:
          "What we now call the crisis of Russian science is not only a crisis of Russian science. There is a crisis of world science. Real progress will consist in a very serious fight between science and religion, which will end with their association."
          I think that the main "serious fight" will be here: Meta-Axiom "In the Beginning was the Logos…/ Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος..." VS. Hypothesis "In the Beginning was the "Big Bang..."
          "Logos" - MetaLaw that governs the Universe (in the spirit of Heraclitus).
          By the way, the concept of "meta-law" is used by Lee Smolin in "Time Reborn: From the Crisis in Physics to the Future of the Universe".
          I believe that A. Einstein is right: "God does not play dice with the Universe."

            Science need not slow down as a field; but some of its top participants shouldn't be buttonholed into producing top-rate product without an ability to negotiate. I am an enfant terrible because I am an autodidact when it comes to physics! Yet what puts me in an altogether tenuous position, the brink from which I may not be able to come back one day, is my schizoaffective diagnosis. (It's basically bipolar with occasional delusions. One man's delusion is another man's conspiracy oftentimes.)

            With the war on, police and military squadrons take their summer cars out on LOUD, long, stalking excursions around my neighborhood and block in order to intimidate me to produce massive stochastic coding, which is a type of key-smash coding and automatic writing I came up with in 2021, before the war, when it was crime and rockets they were interested in. Anyhoo, now the police furtively pay and the military furtively funds these networks that harass me night and day to produce more predictive code (if you're interested in why it's predictive it's because I have a highly unusual blind guess rate of 66% and I use Bernoulli and Levy flighted walks).

            Here's a little poem I wrote describing my torture these past two years after my Mom died:

            "What a country for the alpha male!"

            I slept two hours last night
            They were two rocky hours
            On Ambien and four hydroxyzine
            The ambient sounds outside
            Were foreskin proud, so it sounds
            Have been amplifying the decibels
            Maximally since 2021

            My Mom, Dad and I
            Went to Andy’s Ice cream
            After the mayoral election that April Tuesday, 2021
            And saw what would be my first impression
            Of car culture
            There were strings of cars, slinking their cranks
            Teenagers and young adults hollering
            And half out of their cars
            We three looked at each other
            To see what caused the alarm
            Only to realize when we got home
            There was a mayor’s election
            I guess Mayor-elect Terry Vorderer was no fan of protection
            Neither seat belt nor mask
            And certainly the speed limit was negotiable for T
            That was the start of the troubles for me
            My most recent bout

            The first troubles proper in my life
            Was in fifth grade
            I’d had it easy until then
            Life had been good to me that far
            Third grade I had a hiccup
            When I had to go to the bathroom
            And Mrs. Perkovitch wouldn’t allow it
            So I cried, exiting the classroom
            And almost peed my pants
            On the way to the urinal

            Fifth grade Dad lost his job
            He told me back then how interviews worked
            But I imagined some big mean boss lady
            Like Perkovitch was
            Correcting him on his cursive
            Urging him to stand up straighter
            And en-un-ciate
            Dad is mellow, sometimes serenely so
            Sometimes melancholy
            I worried she was going to eat him up for breakfast

            Then in fifth grade Dad tried to break up a fight
            At the baseball diamond
            Tom Hinkes was rip-roaring to go
            Dad pinned back his arms so Tom couldn’t hurt anyone
            But he was taller than my Dad and so struggle ensued

            By the time Frank Czernek tried to kill me
            In fifth grade
            All the parents knew you couldn’t even restrain a child
            So I got chased around the ball park
            And hung up in the bathroom as he showed me his compass

            I wasn’t bullied again until a bit in seventh grade
            Until Columbine scared my bullies, Joe and Jason
            And they relented

            Now I am bullied again from ages 35 to 37
            Newly discovered auditory hallucinations guess what kind of squelching squeal
            Or whirring clank, or mawing groan
            The stentorian ignorance mobiles that drive around my block will emit
            Jim across the street started it off when I was 33
            Knew I was sensitive to sound
            And blew off M80’s to whip me in war-fightin’ shape
            I regret everything I’ve done from July 4, 2019
            To this very moment
            Except to spend time with Mom and Dad
            And Mom died in 2021 and the bullying was bad then too, electronic
            Told the Feds and nothing was done
            Only got worse after she passed
            And Dad has checked out, so shell-shocked we are from the daily skull-splitting sounds of:
            FOP, Masonic, Illinois Troopers, Cook County Sheriffs, VFW, American Legion, military veterans and other of their family and supporters
            Just to get me to write my predictive code, no pay, all abuse

            What a country for the alpha male

            Vladimir Rogozhin Religion and science have a lot in common but deal with different fields. Religion seems to care about the correctness of an action; voluntary or involuntary. Science is more concerned with the efficiency of an action; of its productivity. They are different aspects and, if you wish, they can be reconciled, in fact today, the wars of religion take place in culturally depressed countries, with rare exceptions. An action can be morally "just" and "productive" at the same time; whoever wants to prevent one of the two things is an opponent of human progress. In fact, if an action is immoral, it is easily counterproductive for the person who performs it. Science and religion are fundamentally pro-human species and I think I'm right to think so. Thanks for your suggestions, I appreciate them.

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