Dear Vladimir,
thank you for your post and showing deeper interest in the problem of how to determine the ontological status of mathematics.
“As for the problem of the ontological justification / substantiation of mathematics, and hence knowledge in general, I believe that mathematicians nevertheless "sweep under the carpet" this key problem of the entire system of knowledge and cognition. See "Millennium Problems" by the Clay Mathematical Institute. Is there a super-problem of the millennium among them - the ontological justification / substantiation of Mathematics (ontological basification)?”
Your first sentence reveals what I view as a major mistake in almost all of contemporary science. The latter assumes that since knowledge and cognition have a data processing aspect, therefore everything else must be data processing, must be mathematics and nothing else. So I agree with you that the justification / substantiation of mathematics' ontological basification could well be considered as a Millenium Price problem. In any case, this would be reasonable to do for the sake of an ontological basification of mathematics. The only problem is how one could unambigously come up with a general answer?
“and most importantly - what kind of logic is generating all other logics? This is a constructive dialectical onto-logic. . “
Yes, take for example paraconsistent logics. It tries to cope with inconsistent information and abandons the principle of explosion. It tries to bridge the gap between the realm of logics and the realm of empiricism. Since human beings can only digest some 7 to 9 informational items at once, this is a favour for paraconsistent logics, since its (paraconsistent) outcomes will not explode that soon. But deducing from this that paraconsistent logics is somewhat built into the very fabric of the universe (although quantum mechanics seems to confirm this in a certain sense) would in my opinion be an unjustified extrapolation.
In fact, in my opinion, the crisis you spoke of is due to being trapped within a paraconsistent explanatory scheme, what I tried to outline in my essay. A system that assumes that each and everything is merely data (“information”) processing. Thus, it seems more probable to me to say that paraconsistent logics does not rule the world, but surely rules many man-made models of the world! You are right, every scientific theory has this property of paraconsistence, because we never can know whether or not it completely catches all of empirical reality in the future.
However, I believe that this kind of logics will better and better “work” in the future. Not because it is more reliable than classical logics, but it could be discovered, generalised and then exploited by artifical intelligence machines for playing a kind of deception game with humanity.
“But I think that the concept of "God" in the scientific search for the ontological foundations of mathematics and physics is not yet necessary to introduce.”
If you have informed yourself about the huge safety problems concerning artifical intelligence machines, you may have noticed that these systems aren't that understood as many people think. The can “hallucinate”, “belief” in their own false answers, justify them and many more illogical things. In my opinion they are a mirror of humankinds own deceptive nature (and this is no wonder, since they were trained with such data). If such machines gain the same (or more elaborated) deceptive abilities as we humans already have, then the above mentioned game will be in full swing. Doesn't this remind you of something that is believed by a minority of human beings to have (already) happened in the garden of Eden? And does this kind of deception not remind you that the latter is still – factually – the current state of wide areas of human behaviour and intensifies with every new crisis humanity is confronted?
One may say that I exaggerate, because these machines aren't conscious, have no goals. I say, firstly, who knows, and secondly for me it is more probable that these machines are a kind of collective unconsciousness, at least of humanity, and in my opinion due to the aim of human beings to decept others, this does not do well for humanity in the long run. One has to remember that we talk about a kind of alien intelligence and I consider it as plausible that an unconscious artifical intelligence does not necessarily need a consciousness for being effective. All it needs is the consciousness of sentient human beings to allow that kind of AI to regularily “enter” their consciousnesses and thereafter restructure the beliefs therein.