Hi AmaranthLion, thank you for reading the essay. I don't think you'll find those environmentalism-related keywords in that specific text. Not because they aren't important—they are absolutely critical topics that must be discussed regularly and acted upon. The keywords aren't included because I believe there are many ways for science to be better. Some of these directly reference environmental concerns, while others tackle other problems. Even in the latter case, I'm confident that a better science will, even indirectly, make for a more sustainable society.
In the specific case of my essay, I think that if we succeed in spreading the key insights of science to very many people, then those people will naturally care about the environment more. Climate change is a very counterintuitive idea, and even scientifically-minded people struggle to understand it fully. If, as I hope, we learn to clarify complexity and chaos theory (among other things) to the masses, then climate change will become a more obvious threat, and something that people viscerally want to fight.