- Edited
Lorraine Ford
A good essay with super radical ideas for a great discussion and interested brainstorming on the basics of knowledge.
About "existence", "matter", "movement" and "numbers".
John Archibald Wheeler, "unsung paragon of science", left important philosophical testaments to theoretical physicists:
"We are no longer satisfied with insights only into particles, fields of force, into geometry, or even into time and space. Today we demand of physics some understanding of existence itself."
"To my mind there must be, at the bottom of it all, not an equation, but an utterly simple idea. And to me that idea, when we discover it, will be so compelling, so inevitable, that we will say to one another, 'Oh, how beautiful. How could it have been otherwise?'"
A good testament to understanding matter as a holistic generating process was left by Albert Einstein:
“I like to experience the universe as one harmonious whole. Every cell has life. Matter, too, has life; it is energy solidified."
The modern conceptual - paradigmatic crisis of the metaphysical/ontological basis of fundamental science is, first of all, a "crisis of understanding" ("J. Horgan "The End of Science", Kopeikin K.V. "Souls" of atoms and "atoms" of the soul : Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, Carl Gustav Jung and "three great problems of physics"), and as a result - mutual understanding between scientists and people. Mathematics also has problems with foundations for more than a hundred years, manifesting itself as a "loss of certainty" ((Kline M. "Mathematics: Loss of Certainty"). "Loss of certainty" and in logic (D. Zaitsev "True, following and modern logic").
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. Zenkin notes in "" SCIENTIFIC COUNTER-REVOLUTION IN MATHEMATICS":
"Thirty years ago, for the sake of sporting interest, I began to collect various "logics" used in modern logico-mathematical treatises. When their number crossed the second hundred, it became clear: if logic can be chosen "to taste" (or even constructed "according to need" ), then such a thing as "science" becomes simply inappropriate here.
Perhaps, the situation in some sense resembles the famous "Babylonian" epic: the sounds-symbols of abstract speeches are almost the same, and each has its own meaning, if any. How the First Babylon ended is described in the Bible ... "
As a result, A. Zenkin concludes "the truth must be drawn ..."
Unfortunately, you do not give a definition of MATTER. And this is very important! Today, a new understanding of matter is needed on the basis of the paradigm of the world as an holistic generating process, taking into account the testament of the mathematician and philosopher V. Nalimov - the construction of a "super-unified field theory that describes both physical and semantic manifestations of the World." ("The Self-Aware Universe" ) https://web.archive.org/web/20111205183605/http://v-nalimov.ru/articles/111/395/
I agree with the main thoughts of V. Nalimov: "We know that the spatial perception of physical reality is set not so much by the World around us, but by the ability initially given to our consciousness to see the World as spatially ordered. We can also learn to perceive the World of meanings spatially if we are able to way to set the image of the semantic field. So we can geometrize our ideas about consciousness and create a language close to the language of modern physics. "... But I do not agree with the approach of V. Nalimov...
So, based on the paradigm of the world as an holistic generating process, MATTER is that from which all meanings, forms, structures are born.
Understanding is "events of grasping the structure" (G. Gutner "Ontology of mathematical discourse").
Note that N. Bourbaki in his work "ARCHITECTURE OF MATHEMATICS", introduced a good concept of parent / generative structure "les structure mère ", but they do not give the main generating structure of "La Structure Mère ".
Also in physics and cosmology.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yu.S.Vladimirov notes in the article "PRINCIPLES OF METAPHYSICS AND QUANTUM MECHANICS" (No. 1, 2017, page 10):
<<At present, the main goal of theoretical physicists is to build a holistic (monistic) physical picture of the world based on a single generalized category. At this point in time, it is "seen" (interpreted) differently from the standpoint of the three named paradigms: a single vacuum in the field theory approach, a single geometry in the geometric worldview, or a single system of relations (structure) in the relational worldview. In our opinion, these are different names for the same desired physical (metaphysical) first-beginning.>>
But Yu.Vladimirov does not give a "single generalized category", which will be the basis not only for the "sciences about Nature", but also for the "sciences about the spirit". As a result, there is no structure of a single "physical (metaphysical) first-beginning".
So, returning to the philosophical testament of John A. Wheeler, in order to understand "EXISTENCE itself" means to "grasp" (understand) the nature of the primordial TENSION of the Cosmos. And for this it is necessary to "grasp" the primordial ontological structure of matter as an eternal holistic process of generating more and more new meanings, forms and structures (material and ideal). That is, to build a model "being-nothing/otherbeing-becoming", taking into account all the modern achievements of science and problems in the foundations of knowledge ("crisis of understanding").
On the nature of numbers. There is such a good metaphysical maxim:
"God created the Universe according to the Logos. Numbers are the work of man."
The Logos is understood in the spirit of Heraclitus as the LAW (meta-law) that governs the Cosmos. By the way, the concept of "meta-law" is used by Lee Smolin in "Time Reborn: From the Crisis in Physics to the Future of the Universe".
So, There are three and only three absolute forms of existence of matter (absolute states) - an integral generative triad: absolute rest (linear state, Absolute Continuum) + absolute motion (vortical, circular, Absolute Discretuum) + absolute becoming (absolute wave, Absolute DisContinuum). What is especially important: each absolute form of the existence of matter has its own ONTOLOGICAL PATH (bivector of the absolute state). Accordingly, SPACE (absolute, ontological, existential) has three ontological dimensions and nine gnoseological dimensions. It is necessary to “dig” deeper into ontology in order to “grasp” the MetaNoumenon — ONTOLOGICAL (structural, cosmic) MEMORY, “soul of matter”, its measure. Ontological (structural, cosmic) memory is that "nothing" that holds, preserves, develops and directs matter (enteleschia, nous, Aristotelian mind, "prime mover"). Physicists at one time threw out the absolute rest of matter from the picture of the world. This is the main mistake.
About "artificial intelligence". This concept is a marketing metaphor. And this metaphor misleads the mind. The adding machine can also be called "artificial intelligence".. Philosophically true: "artificial quasi-intelligence".
That is, the Big Ontological revolution is needed in the foundations of knowledge. Physics must move from the stage "Phenomenological physics" to the stage "Ontological physics".
A.N. Whitehead: “A precise language must await a completed metaphysical knowledge.”
P. Florensky: “We repeat: worldunderstanding is spaceunderstanding."