Hello PersimmonSwan. I really liked your essay. I enjoyed your introduction of AI and its use to evaluate your personal theme and draft. I also liked and agree with the AI responses to “A Universe of Darwinian Origin”: 1. “Knowing how they arise in Darwinian evolution, for them to arise by chance would seem to defy great odds” 2. It is indeed a common theme in nature for larger bodies to be comprised of smaller sub-units within the the larger body’s existence dependent on the the particular characteristics, properties, and processes of the individual sub-units and 3. The odds of these relationships occurring by chance are quite low, which suggests that there are other underlying processes or mechanisms responsible for their existence.
This brings me to the purpose of this “reply”. I have an essay in this competition that provides an alternative to A Universe of Darwinian Descent. The title of the essay is: “Could Science Be Different and Improved? Yes. A Specific Proposal. In that essay Successful Creation is introduced as an alternative for 1. The Big Bang with Inflation model for the creation of the physical universe and 2.the Darwinian model for the creation of life. In the successful creation model, the conscious, creative, Bayesian progression accounts for the creation of the physical world, the world of intelligence and the living world - including humanity. It also claims that the inclusion of successful creation into science would create a new paradigm and a new perspective for scientists that will result in a “creative jump” in human comprehension of reality.
This novel perspective needs further study and validation by other scientists. The essay in question appears to be a good candidate for your intention to: “… review many of this year’s essay submissions”. I would really appreciate your inclusion of my essay in your reviews of this year’s submissions.
I am somewhat concerned that my concept is too novel to “graded” by historical science’s history. If a scientist - working alone - produces something really novel, can they have any knowing peers? Also, the data supporting my conclusions - the mathematical, computational/ logical model of successful creation’s origination and progression - does not fit within the instructions of this essay. While the model is not mathematically difficult, the novel concepts and their mapping to the model and the model mapping to what we (and scientists) sense, experience, observe, and attempt to rationalize requires more than this essay could handle.. I can provide the model and a more detailed discussion of its use if you peer review determines its usefulness.
When you read my bio after the judging, it will show that I have been an “outsider, independent researcher. Also, the concept is novel and it seems to me that finding a peer reviewer would be difficult and time consuming. This essay can be a test to see if AI can bridge between what has been successful in science to what can/will be successful.
I really hope you will include my essay in your reviews and we can discuss the results and what information is required to improve the review.
Best regards FlaxTern