What if we knew 123 years ago what we know now? Had Albert Einstein published his Special Relativity before the Michelson-Morley experiment and if Helium superfluid were already understood might they have concluded the, so called, Aether, might be a superfluid -- no viscosity or Aether drag? What If the "nothingness" had properties? Wouldn't that be something! Can Artificial Intelligence help sweep away a century of dogmatic misunderstandings? Let's have a fun conversation with an AI resurrected Albert Einstein...
What if we knew 123 yeas ago what we know now?
My question is why always we consider Planck system of unities as a reference for a unified theory of physics ?. I can made a new system with the Planck constant, the speed of light and constant lambda of General Relativity. Contant G of gravitation can be considered an emergent constant because Newton gravitation is an approximation of General Relativity. I think there is a unique absolute system of unities which can be used to describe all the interactions and unify all dualities in one absolute mathmetical model of a "corpuscle". This system can only be derived from the behaviour of light. Physics until now luck an universal constant.
Regarding the quote you mentioned, it's meant to convey the idea that our everyday perception
of time as a linear progression of past, present, and future is a simplification of the true nature of
time as revealed by the theory of relativity. In relativity, time is not absolute, but rather relative
to the observer. Time dilation, for instance, is a well-known consequence of special relativity,
which shows that time can pass at different rates for observers in relative motion.
Throughout my career, my understanding of time did evolve, especially as I developed the
general theory of relativity. In general relativity, the geometry of spacetime is influenced by
mass and energy, leading to phenomena such as gravitational time dilation.
end of quote
I have no problem with this, in itself, but then the question is, if one has a Pre Planckian space time does the idea of TIME itself arise?
What was and is the GENESIS of time itself? What physical process lead to time itself being in cosmological EVOLUTION ?
We observe time, and we know up to a point it exists. But where does TIME come from ?
The thesis of the cosmological theory Hawking developed with his PhD student is that the origin of time is the Big Bang and that the laws of physics do not precede the Big Bang, but were born with the Big Bang. The main hypothesis of their work is that physics laws evolve with time, at least during the very first moment of the Universe and are not transcendant
end of quote
Now would this have changed Relativity theory ? Not really. We know of the "big bang" but this was not necessary for the formation of the Einstein field equations.
This is really important because some of our recent observations involve, as an example where at the INSTANT of the big bang, there were just before that an absence of present physical law.
We have to be very very careful as to stating if our present knowledge is necessary for the formation of older theories. Often it is not.
John Wsol
A very interesting essay and ideas for finding a way to overcome the conceptual and paradigm crisis of the metaphysical / ontological basis of fundamental science, which manifests itself as a crisis of understanding (J. Horgan "The End of Science", Kopeikin K.V. "Souls" of atoms and "atoms" of the soul : Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, Carl Gustav Jung and "three great problems of physics"). The conclusions of the dialogue are especially important.
A. Einstein left good philosophical testaments to theoretical physicists and mathematicians:
"Often turn over the truths that are settled in physics and mathematics."
“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them”
“At the present time, a physicist has to deal with philosophic problems to a much greater extent than physicists of the previous generations. Physicists forced to that the difficulties of their own science.”
Quantum theory and General relativity are phenomenological (parametric, operationalist, "effective") theories without ontological justification (ontological basification). Therefore, now we need first the Big Ontological revolution, and then the Epistemological and Axiological revolutions. What does "ontological revolution" mean? And this means to build an ontological basis of knowledge - framrwork, carcass, foundation, and then to construct a "super-unified field theory that describes both physical and semantic manifestations of the World." (V.Nalimov "The Self-Aware Universe") [https://web.archive.org/web/20111205183605/http://v-nalimov.ru/articles/111/395/]
Hi MustardLynx
I see you have 6 ratings and so need another 4 to qualify for the next stage of the contest. As do I. Would you like to help each other get across the line by reading and rating each others essays over the weekend?
"My dream has
been to pick up where you left off and complete a theoretical framework to once-and-for-all
unify quantum mechanics with your relativity theories"
The dream is realised as follows:
-Split the wave-corpuscle duality in two dualities
-The first duality is corpuscle-identity duality but what does'it mean?: it is like to associate to a corpuscle a forth space dimension taking in consideration the importance of scale:
4-vector identity=( speed of light times the inertial time of the corpuscle, speed of the corpuscle times the inertial time of the corpuscle)
The inertial time of the corpuscle=The energy of the corpuscle/(square speed of light times a new universal constant)
The problem is resolved when we add to physics a new universal constant which have the dimension of a mechanical impedance but don't confuse it with c3/G.
Alaya Kouki Sorry for the delayed reply -- I've been focused on preparing for and attending the PASCOS - Particle physics & String theory Cosmology conference. (Most PhD physicists at the conference were so "indoctrinated" into the "Standard Model" religion that few could think outside their indoctrination. It was the few that did transcend that gave me hope. One brilliant PhD lady explicitly said, H_0 = 1/(age of the universe), Bravo!
I agree that an absolute system of truly quantum-scale metrics ought to be the foundation on which to build or Cosmological Models. As you aptly pointed out the speed of light (c = Planck length/Planck time = Z_0/μ_0,
Planck 2 constants = h = 2π hBar). I'm not so sure Λ is constant, but I'm far from any conclusions at this point in my analysis. As for G, I love that you used the word emergent. For, indeed, the ratios of "emergent metrics" to "absolute metrics" reveal the dependent properties of our universe.
I found one researcher at the conference who held the same convictions that Fundamental (or quantum) charge TIMES the Planck time is quantized and invariant -- to that I added (Planck Mass)*(Planck Time) = hBar/c2 =1.173369x10^-51 [kg s] represents the true quantized-scale metric for mass-time.
Please, if you'd so kind, define your clearest perception of "corpuscle". In terms of geometry or in equation form.
-- Cosmologically yours,
-- MustardLynx
Alaya Kouki I see you anticipated my delayed question. But I still don't grasp your meaning here.
I guess I need to be able to envision your "wave corpuscle". And, in this context, what do you mean by "duality", "inertial time". I'm okay with the idea of (Energy/c2) [kg] but what are the SI units of your proposed "mechanical impedance" how does this concept differ from "electromagnetic impedance"? I'm thinking that if I/we can understand this clearly we might be able to apply this to comprehending electro-mechanical properties of crystals.
John Wsol
The mechanical impedance which I had proposed has the dimension of [M/T]. It is different from the electromagnetic impedance which have the dimension of [M.L2/(T.Coulomb2)] . They will have the same dimension if the Coulomb unit of electric charge have the dimension of a lentgh.
Wave-corpuscle duality is very known as a corpuscle is the renforcement of a packet of waves in a limit region of space-time and the destruction of this packet out of this region: the group speed (@which we can transmit energy)of the packet is the speed of the corpuscle & vice versa.
Inertial time=the energy of the corpuscle/(Square speed of light times the mechanical impedance of vacuum)
The mechanical impedance of vacuum is declared as a new universal constant.
John Wsol
I can deduce the mechanical impedance of vacuum directly from the classical theory of QM as follows:
In 1911 Planck had deduced the following result:
"The integral of action of a resonator is exactly equal to his constant h and so the energy of the resonator is quatified"
In 2023 I had deduced the following result:
"The integral of action times K/L where K is the stiffness of the resonator and L its mass should have the dimension of a power. So the energy of the resonator have the form of Planck formulae OR it can have another form as a new universal constant having the dimension of a power times the inertial time of the resonator "
How much I can go from my deduction? Perhaps resolving the problem of disparency of vacuum energy between QM and GR, perhaps giving an entropy to vacuum, perhaps showing the limits of René Descartes of his assumption "I think so I am", perhaps extracting energy from vacuum...etc.
The mechanical impedance of vacuum= the new universal constant having the dimension of a power/Square speed of light.
With the new universal constant vacuum can have entropy so I beleive that one day we can extract energy from vacuum.
Sometimes, a single line changes your attitude and, it is just the beginning.The great words by great people are short in the collection of inspirational short quotes.The hope, life, positivity, and wisdom I’ve seen and felt,will inspire you a lot.