The question on how science could be different is addressed considering the interplay between science and mathematics under a historical background. Aspects that affect the creation and development of science are presented in order to inspect those that are particularly relevant nowadays. It is argued that the fostering of a creative and diverse scientific environment, with ample flow of information, could lead to science never achieved before. The existence of such an environment is presently favored, as global interconnection is increasing.
More diversity and creativity for a different science
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NADJA MAGALHAES Hi, congrats for this essay, it could be indeed a vision of the sciences of the future considering the speed of disseminations and sharings of knowledges and the open access indeed also is important . The collaboration I believe strongly is a main point to accelerate the process of researchs and sciences, and also this complemenetarity instead of this accepted competition like a normality,The empathy and this universalism in a sense correlated with a kind of altruism seem essential to improve these sciences and so the sciences could be different about how we approach them humanly, All is there maybe because the sciences are the sciences and cannot be really changed, they are the language of the universe but how we approcah them , work them and how we share and accelerate the process of knowledges, there it is possible indeed . I agree also about the tolerance and the creativity ,we must be less conservative I believe also.. So indeed we could contribute more quickly and more fully , regards
Steve Dufourny Thanks for your comment and reflections, Steve Dufourny. Science has lots of new data and powerful tools (especially computational ones) in several areas and this is already revolutionizing science in a way. I feel that one big challenge is to keep track of the human behind science, so all of the science can move forward and be valued, at least as much as possible.
Hello, I read with pleasure this nice essay. What you propose is perhaps a bit utopic, but is certainly essential to strive for a better science along the lines you propose. Very well written and interesting.
Since you mention the historical development of science as the factor that led to its current form (you say, for instance, "If history had been different, science might be different today too"), I take the liberty to suggest you to have a look at my essay, where develop exactly that thesis.
All the best for the competition!
You are dreaming in saying this "This would be a vision of the science of the future, which could be better, different from
the current one. In a few decades maybe scientific knowledge will be disseminated in real time
by the researchers themselves through free, open access publication channels, where the works
can be quickly commented on by peers, thus allowing criticism, proposals for improvements and
building new collaborations"
Universities , publishers and scientists are axed on money for any work.
Hi, RustHarrier. Thanks for your comments. I believe that ideas have strength so it is good to pursue them with freedom and intensity. Eventually they might sprout and grow if the soil is fertile. This happens with scientific discovery.
I find, like you do, that science is a cultural product of the different social-historical contexts. Various contexts make science rich in variety as well.
All the best!
Greetings, KhakiHeron. I wrote about a vision that is possible, since there are people who do care about a better human environment. It is true that many money-oriented people reach powerful positions, as greedy people crave power. So the point is not look at these few, despite their capacity of disrupting scientific progress. Many, many others just want to live in peace and learn about nature through science. The latter are overlooked but they, too, have power of a different kind. I believe that it is not a dream to look elsewhere for a better, different science.
As you say the secret of a different and better science is "scientific knowledge being disseminated in real time .. through free, open access publication channels .. a creative and diverse scientific environment. This is my vision as well in "Global Externalities and a new science." My vision is extricating the toxic influence of commercial ventures that exploit and twist science for their agendas. We should use science to free the public and science from such biases that interfere with pure science. Your essay pinpoints the flaws and elevates the solution. On to rating, this being the last day.
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James Hoover , I just read your comment and I appreciate it. I recon that it would be hard to get rid of commercial and political influences on science, but I believe that sharing and discussing the vision of a different way of doing science is essential for stimulating changes. I see that your essay got 11 ratings already. Good luck in the competition!