If “quantization is an art” then it can be greatly refined by adopting cyclic time formalism. In past papers we have proven the effectiveness of a formulation of physics based on cyclic relativistic time. Now we are able to demonstrate in a general way, by using theorems of Geometric Quantization, that the Poisson brackets of intrinsically cyclic time dynamics directly imply the ordinary canonical commutation relations and the other Dirac’s rules of canonical Quantum Mechanics. In other words, according to our result, the canonical quantization is an implicit way of imposing intrinsically cyclic time dynamics without explicitly saying that time is a cyclic dimension.

2 months later

Interesting proposition. I do think quantization is both a peculiar inherent attribute among individuals of a given species, and a skill that can be developed. Like any other skill or trait, how much the collective nurtures it, has an affect on how it should be measured. This has a direct relationship to the theme "How can science be different?".

The oldest science on earth, is examining differences and notable trackable events, in time. I do not have a degree or any college, but have been studying this for around 20 years. I'm not completely clear, if "dimension" as it is used here, is being used as a measure or a place. Since time forgotten, time has been differentiated from place, but also it is closely related to place. In other words, events in time can be translated to place, once the set of places are known, and the time is known. Quantizing (or difficulty of) this type of study , in other fields such as physics, appears to me to be the reason science does not explore it with any notable vigor.

The quantizing is done on the fly, based on basic knowledge of the "flavors of time" and the knowledge of the association or correlation with places. This is why certain temples or places of learning were located in particular places. The basic idea, is that different places have different personalities just like people. This is one of the major indications of the self forming nature of human civilizations.

So, one question I would have, is : To what degree does modern science regard "self forming" as an intrinsic part of how everything works out ? I suppose it is cosmological , or teleological (not the religious) to quantize the amount of human activity that is basically self forming. The alphabet comes to mind. Or the alphabetical order of the 20 amino acids.

The way I view time, is as multiple sets of cyclical flavors, that contain all functions. I strongly imagine, that our ancient knowledge of time, was collected and administered by the same subset of people that today are the leading scientists. It is much too extensive and comprehensive to have simply been the product of misguided spiritualists doing mushrooms in a cave.

We know and have known for at minimum 7,000 years, what day it is, how to tell, and why it matters. This basic knowledge is not currently being used in any meaningful way, or so people think. If the self forming aspect, keeps people on an unavoidable trajectory anyway , then why quantize it ?

The issue we face , going down this path of thought, is coming face to face with an uncomfortable realization, that our ideas and inventions, are more a product of opportunism than actual effort or individualism. All of these, are contained in the list of functions and flavors of time. It suggests, people do not really "come up with" ideas, but opportunistically receive them and choose to act or not, depending on position and capability.

The oldest science is currently the most excited science, due to the flood of findings that are continuously verifying old theories and myths containing information. The recent gravitational wave news, and the news of finding tryptophan in Perseus among the examples.

Time is certainly cyclic and certainly a dimension. So much so, that events can be predicted for certain places.
Not astrology, but from knowing the cycles. There is no need to consult an astronomer for it. I often say, astrology was born from an astronomy community that thought they could run with their data out on their own. This is not the case.

Time as a cyclical dimension has a profound part to play in the formation of all matter, and all the activity of it.
The periodicity, and the function, and the products. The oldest sets of cycles, match or instantaneously correlate with all known physical sciences. The periodic table, the amino acids, and even the scientists who are named as the discoverers.

I am contemplating publishing a theory, not a hypothesis regarding this. I am leaning toward calling it...
Unified Periodic Flavor Theory or UPFT, which is the sound most likely to be heard when a physicist reads it.

Cycles we know to a very high and proficient degree:

20 days , easily the worlds premier knowledge of time. These match the sequence, function and product of the 20 amino acids and the 20 primordial elements Tin-Ytterbium.

36 decans of the solar year, These are known throughout the world much more publicly than the 20 days. They correlate precisely with the first 36 elements of the periodic table. Science did a great job naming the elements for the most part.

The years have been known, but currently a consensus is unreachable due to cultural pride. But, if anyone collected the data, it would be solved pretty quickly.

There are countless long cycles, like the great year, or the 52 year cycle, which have great import, but understanding the primordial cycles, goes a long way to understanding the longer ones. It is not worth discussing until then, in my opinion.

It was always known, a day, however long (currently 24 hours) changes flavor sometime during the night depending on the transition drama. Some change quickly and efficiently, others mix and drag like pudding rather than wind.

The jewel of the cycles, to me, the one I am rooting for science to find causation of, is the 13 numbers. These do not have much flavor, but simply motives. They do not have products, but supply the gears of time. The gains we could make by identifying this, cause titillation , and a permeating sense of great expectations. For us, these change also every rotation.

Of all the cycles of time, that I would bet are going to provide Magic in our science, this would be it. It is the quantum engine of all things. From nothing into something. The invisible push.

If humanity had not removed the study of time by force, we would be much further along than we are. Imagine if physics suffered,.. every book burned, every teacher killed or driven into exile, and hounded even to this day by zealots and controllers and book burners. Completely extricated from any learning institution. That is what you have to imagine to understand the state of this science.

That is how science could be different today. Time has ramifications for all fields of science. It is ignored.

It is simple. What day is it ? How do we tell ? and Why does it matter ?

Today, I can go to any prestigious learning institution, and ask ,"What day is it ?" and they will recite a religious prayer from Rome. Not scientific at all. Can we quantize the damage this does ? Yes, it is severe.

Thanks for sharing the space.

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