I got to 3:51 of the 18 minutes and 53 seconds.
No, the “essence of free will” is NOT “if I open my refrigerator and … if I make the choice that I want a carrot at that particular moment I reach in and I grab a carrot … we have this this sense when we make choices that whatever we choose has a high degree of probability of occurring…”.
And no, the world is not divided up into “deterministic processes” (i.e. outcomes are determined by laws of nature) and “random processes” (i.e. outcomes are random), where “all realistic processes that we encounter in everyday life are somewhere between the two”.
In fact, in this world of living things, choice of outcomes occurs after logical analysis and collation of vast amounts of information coming from the senses, where this analysis is clearly a fallible aspect of the world (e.g. the cat that momentarily thinks that a leaf blown by the wind is a tiny creature).
These analysis, collation, and IF…THEN/ choice-of-outcomes aspects of the world can only be represented by the type of logical connective symbols used in computer programs. These outcomes can’t be considered to be “somewhere between” outcomes that are determined by laws of nature, and outcomes that are random.