"Surely we must mentally distinguish the underlying reality from our symbolic representations of it" Lorraine, you've hit the nail on the head. I just posted something on topic 1229 -Killing Time- before realizing the thread had been dead for 7 months. I re-post it here because it discusses this underlying reality you speak of.
..." The problem is always the same. Not knowing the difference between physics and metaphysics, and the limits of each.
There is EXPERIENCE, what we make up of the world through our senses and mind. EXPERIENCE requires our presence to happen and to exist. So, forget about physics without observer; we are always part and cause of the observation and its interpretation.
And there is SUBSTANCE, that which does not require our presence or observation to exist.
The real universe is made of substance. Our reality is made of our experience of this real universe. We create our own reality which, without our senses and mind, is just a dark place filled with matter and radiations. (Even " matter and radiations" are evolved concepts of ours).
The thing is that we can only know about time indirectly by deducing it from experience like motion, change, etc. The reason that time is so elusive is that it is not physical but rather metaphysical ; it cannot be an experience. It is here and there without requiring our presence. We may only deduce or infer the passage of time from the experience of change.
----- The passage of time is metaphysical and it has to be treated as a substance.(opposite of experience)
When we confront the existence of a substance with the requirements of operational logic, we find that there can only be one substance making the whole universe. Science has effected great stride in the required reductionnism; mass and energy, time and space, electricity and magnetism... But we are facing a wall because time is involved and appears necessary in all of them. If they exist, they are just various forms of the passage of time.
The important things to remember are 1) The passage of time is metaphysical (a substance) 2) It is a process that is dynamical in nature 3) it is a spontaneous process driving all other spontaneous processes. In this, it is the simplest and most basic process making the universe.
For more details, see my previous two FQXI essays."
---- You see in the text above that the basic workings of the universe are in very simple operations of logic (which are at the root of mathematics). Logic, in its prime, is essentially the rules that govern our expectations we have about outcomes that we have acquired from experience in our reality. Logic is scale independant (works for atoms or galaxies) and is system independant (the basis of all systems is logical consistency).
---- As for maths, I have discussed earlier, "natural addition", or adding in a geometrical way as in "moving objects closer together to really add there intrinsic properties i.e. mass etc." . In school we used to learn addition by grouping and piling together objects. So does a planets gaining weight, by aggregation, not by calculations.. It is easy to recognize the difference between this natural addition, which the universe performs all the time, and adding money in my pocket with money in my bank account.