What is information? Information is about what IS, what exists, as opposed to what is possible or probable.
What is possible or probable in the low-level world depends on what the on-the-spot situation currently is, not that physicists seemingly believe that there is such a thing as an actual on-the-spot current situation.
But the concept of what is possible or probable in the low-level world is a fantastical construction that only exists in the minds of high-level entities (physicists), who want to try to pin down a world that is not entirely pin-downable in terms of actual outcomes.
Our way of thinking about the world, thanks to the work of physicists and mathematicians, is based on categories, relationships between these categories, and the numbers that apply to the categories.
So in realistic terms, as opposed to bringing in new fantastical entities, the information that exists about a current situation can only be represented as a collation of the on-the-spot, IS-TRUE numbers that apply to the categories, where this information in turn applies to non-pointlike entities like atoms or particles.
Consciousness/ information is the system’s, or the entity’s, on-the-spot, point-of-view and ever-changing, collated knowledge of itself, i.e. collated knowledge of its own on-the-spot categories and numbers.
Consciousness/ information can only be symbolically represented in terms of AND, OR, and IS TRUE, as well as symbols representing the categories and numbers.
The ANDs, ORs and IS TRUEs of consciousness/information are not weird fantastical, illogical entities. Instead, they are necessary aspects of a system.