• [deleted]

Hi Bruce and everyone:

The self becomes what it will be via comprehensive approximation to what it was AS IT IS (that is, in the present). The natural and integrated extensiveness of being and experience go hand in hand in and with time. Remember what I said about the Common Chimpanzees?

How can the self grow from a fertilized egg to a full human if it does not unify and, to some extent, harness/transcend/overcome the forces of physics to its ends -- think about gravity and electromagnetism/light?

We are always becoming other than we are in increments. Conscious and unconscious experience are necessarily interactive, so the understanding is limited.

We are outsmarted by (and in) the dream because the reconfiguration/replacement/alteration of sensory experience is not supposed to be overly intentional -- and this is the danger that modern physics poses.

The ability of thought to describe or reconfigure sensory experience is dependent upon the extent to which thought is similar to sensory experience.

The dream makes thought more like sensory experience in general. Genius is relatively rare for the very reasons put forth in this paragraph. Television, for example, is neither dream experience nor waking experience for the very reason that it is both. Similarly, the dream combines opposites; and this is why dream experience is different from waking. That is why TV is a pure creation of thought, as the integrated and interactive extensiveness of being and experience (including thought) is generally reduced thereby. What of sensory deprivation alone? How can TV be good for us? Ultimately, the collective effort to "outsmart" experience in so many significant and various ways will lead to our ruin. Indeed, it already is.

Note that thoughts are relatively shifting and variable. The vision in the dream is more shifting and variable than waking. Consistent with what I have said, TV becomes even more shifting and variable (in conjunction with commanding and keeping attention).

Universal experiences (such as TV) were never supposed to occur, as everyone is different; in fact, we never experience the same things -- and this is the case in the dream as well. In a world of experience that is derived from everyone else, we cannot exist; for our individuality is taken; and is this not the modern trend?

Listen people, when the real and natural world of experience goes, you and your autonomy are gone. If you walk away from reality, reality will walk away from you.

I am spending so much time on this site in order to open your minds. Reality is the way it is, not the way we want it to be.

You only control someone or something by reducing it/them. I will again and again reiterate the importance of the integrated and natural extensiveness of being and experience.

WOW, what an eye opener this post is! Go spread the word. This is very serious stuff.

12 days later
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Time is dependent upon the integrated extensiveness of being and experience (including space and thought). This sheds light on the quantum arrow of time. Gravity and electomagnetism/light add to the integrated extensiveness of being and experience (including thought) in and with time. The dream takes place at the mid-range of {gravitational} feeling, and at the mid-range of feeling BETWEEN thought and sense. Accordingly, the dream makes thought MORE LIKE sensory experience in general. Note the constant energy/lighting/feeling in the dream. (There is no fatigue or tiredness in the dream.) The dream merges and balances electromagnetism/light and gravity.

Do you all know who Christian Corda is? You might want to take his (and my) advice. THE DREAM FUNDAMENTALLY BALANCES AND UNIFIES GRAVITY AND ELECTROMAGNETISM.

Admit the clear truth/facts.

Frank Martin DiMeglio (author)

12 days later
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Hi Jonathan

You wrote: If you look at the equations that govern how molecules interact with each other, they work just as well backwards as forwards. In other words, on the microscale, it's just as likely that shed skin particles should re-join our bodies as time passes, gradually making us look younger. Time's arrow could run backwards or forwards.

Equations works that way but nature not. In nature physical events are in generally irreversible (Zabotinski reaction is an excuse). They run in quantum space that itself is timeless. Time is not part of quantum space.

Quantum space itself is "eternal now and here". Once you are aware of that there is no desire to get younger. You are timeless, you are eternal.


21 days later
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Bruce: Amrit said: "Origin of time is in the human mind, in neuronal activity of the brain that creates sensation of time flowing"

If that be the case, how did all the events which obviously took place prior to the evolution of humans occur? Or did the universe spring into existence at the first instance of human cognition? Quite a paradox don't you think?

Bruce motion is physical property of the universe. And physical time is tick of clocks that measures motion.

All runs in timeless quantum space.

yours amrit

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Schrödinger cat in box is an interesting question. Cat remains in a box one hour. When atom decay happens cat is dead, until atom decay do not happen cat is alive.

Cat is alive or dead before we open the box. It is not that with opening box cat will be alive or dead. Opening of the box has no relation to cat life.

If cat is alive when we open the box decay of atom did not happen in one hour, if cat is dead we can do autopsy of the cat and calculate when atom has decayed.

Cat biochemical reactions are natural clock "tick". With autopsy we can see when (if) cat as biochemical clock has stopped.

Cat does not live or is dead in space-time. Cat is living and die in timeless quantum space only.

a month later

Last night I was reading [2nd or 3rd time] Ivars Ekeland's excellent book "The Best Of All Possible Worlds" and the revolutionary changes wrought by nonlinear dynamical systems theory.

I was moved once again the ask the following impertinent question:

Is Perfect Reversibility/Integrability A Myth?

Did Poincare discover this revolutionary idea already during the 1892−1899 period when modern chaos theory was founded in his "The New Methods of Celestial Mechanics"?

Are the examples of "reversibility" that physicists frequently cite actually one of two basic varieties: (1) artificial idealizations that do not exist in the real world [nature], or (2) systems that are briefly maintained in periodic states, but whose full, and unmanipulated, range of behavior includes periodic, semi-periodic, quasi-static and fully chaotic states.

Bottom line: Are reversible/integrable "systems" very limited artificial idealizations of true systems found in nature, which are nonlinear dynamical systems?

What are the best examples of real world systems that appear to be ideally reversible/integrable?


On a related note, it seems to me that the SubStandard paradigm is tottering around like an embarrassing drunk. It's going down, and the sooner the better.

The ingredients of the new paradigm are: (1) Classical EM, (2) Classical GR, (3) Discrete Scale Relativity, and (4) Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Theory. These ingredients cannot be combined randomly or with force. They must be carefully integrated by those who study nature and have developed the intuition to do so.

Yours in the new paradigm,



a month later
  • [deleted]

Usually the author does not respond here. May I nonetheless ask him to comment on [/link:http://www.fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/527] my last essay [/unlink]?

Eckard Blumschein

  • [deleted]

Usually the author does not respond here. May I nonetheless ask him to comment on [link:www.fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/527] my last essay [/unlink]?

Eckard Blumschein

3 months later
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If I understand Dowling's approach correctly, then I believe that he will be successful and here's why - it is a mistake to think of time as having to be involved with the increase of entropy. Entropy may increase over time, but entropy is not time.

If Dowling really will "order events in a causal way, replacing time with an ordering parameter or sequence", then that fits what my definition of what time is in the first place. That ordering sequence is time, and on a macroscopic level that ordering sequence can be manipulated to conduct its ordering at a variety of rates. We call that, time dilation.

a month later
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Ordering the causal events or interactions that give rise to the historical path of one particle, will give the story of that particle as it moves through space. As the particle only exists where it is now it is only a story and the path itself does not exist in existential reality. It can be non the less constructed to aid comprehension of what has occurred. As when a walker walks a route on a map. The route can be marked but the walker is not actually left behind at every position in space that he passed through. Nor is he still there.

This is a historical type time concept, rather than subjective experienced time concept as in space-time relativity.

Each particle has its own path or story. In a realistic scenario rather than simplified thought experiment, as a particle moves so will all of the other particles in space and the medium of space. Partly because of that movement of many particles and in part directing that that change in spatial position of the particles. (Many particles moving in a unified direction will set up disturbances of the medium which are then able to noticeably influence the movement of other particles and this is identified as forces on the macroscopic scale in physics,imo.)As nothing is stationary this will bring new particles into the the same local space where interactions can happen that were not possible without that change in position. It is one might say a completely new space because everything has changed. Due to the chaotic nature of space it is not possible to predict what new interactions could occur. It is only possible to detect them after they have occurred and in doing so alter the path that the particle will take, altering its story. The path a particle takes could lead to changes regarded as entropic. However it is my view that it is the chaos of the environment in which the particle exists and chance that causes certain paths to be taken rather than others . Not the particle itself.

Processes are irreversible because certain routes or pathways are taken which make reversible change energetically impossible or very unlikely or there simply are not the chemical pathways to facilitate the reverse reaction. For example cross linkage of proteins. The damaged proteins accumulate, as the body is unable to break them down again. This adds to the aging process.

Taking the analogy of a marble run again with two pathways with same starting slope and friction. A marble equidistant from the two paths further up the slope will take one or the other purely by chance. One route might take the marble into a swamp where it is lost, the other onto a cushion. The swamp could be considered a detrimental non reversible change and the cushion a good change that leads to no damage. Just by chance alone if this process continues so will the number of detrimental irreversible changes that have occurred. It is not the march of time that is causing the aging but the accumulation of detrimental spatial change in position of the constituent molecules, that the body can not undo or keep up with repairing. A product of continuous spatial change alone. Differences in genetics, diet, stress and environment can cause significant differences in rate of ageing. Showing that ageing is not a process of time passing but gradual accumulation of detrimental spatial configurations of constituent matter. Which is only perceived as being due to the passage of time.IMO

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    I should just like to add that not all irreversible changes need be considered detrimental. The accumulation of irreversible or less likely to be reversed change in spatial configuration of matter leads also to the building and fixing in space of macroscopic structures that we recognize in space. That is including the developmental pathways or construction of organic life forms from inorganic matter and simpler organic molecules. Thus the same process that may be viewed as causing entropy and breakdown of organic life is also responsible for its construction. That is the change in arrangement of matter and particles in space, which may also be viewed as energy changes, occurring within a background where chaos and chance plays its part in the final outcome.

    2 months later
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    I agree with JONATHAN DOWLING that the dual explanation is not satisfactory and that we may find a microscopic arrow of time. Sometimes this is named the fine-grained approach to the problem of the arrow of time.

    In the next links I give an introduction to why the belief on that irreversibility is explained using coarse-grained entropy over time-symmetric laws does not hold up on close inspection. I also give an introduction to a possible microscopic mechanism for irreversibility and sketch how the theories developed in last decades by at least six different communities can be seen as special case of the new theory:

    The quest for the ultimate theory of time, an introduction to irreversibility

    Trajectory branching in Liouville space as the source of irreversibility

    Toward a grand theory of irreversibility

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