• [deleted]

Dear Leshan,

In your Introduction, you explain why we cannot create a vacuum, then you go on to try to do exactly that. To your point, all space is probably permeated by a large number of neutrinos, gravitons, low-energy photons from blackbody radiation (T>0K), quantum fluctuations of matter-anti-matter pairs (or the Dirac Sea), and spacetime. Descartes was a great philosopher, but many of the concepts that plague an absolute vaccum post-date him.

My FQXi friends, Jason Wolfe and Lawrence Crowell have blogged at lengths about the possibilities of travelling through spacetime by warpng spacetime. It truly seems impossible to remove spacetime from a void. Even if you could remove spacetime in a quantum burst, it would not be stable. One should expect the Dirac Sea to rush in and quickly fill any transient void with matter-anti-matter pairs. Perhaps it is more reasonable to try to travel on the expected wave disturbance that follows one of these collapsing voids.

Yet still, there are those great astronomical Voids. Are they permanent rifts in spacetime that continually expel spacetime? Did matter clump in unexpected ways throughout our Universe? Do black holes and matter warp our observed light such that we think we see voids that aren't really present?

Have Fun!

Ray Munroe

Dear Ray Munroe,

You wrote: 'It truly seems impossible to remove space-time from a void'.

I have the following arguments against: 1) I use the notion 'remove space-time from a void' for macroscopic explanation of this phenomenon only. Really I remove all MATTER from a volume, not space-time. For example if a particle strikes another particle, one leaves its volume at near-luminal speed with creation of absolute vacuum. You see, I removed the MATTER (a particle) from a volume, not the space-time. However, since this process creates an absolute vacuum (a hole in space-time), I wrote that I can remove the space-time. Although both definitions are correct, really I remove the matter, not space-time (but I obtain an absolute vacuum!)

Besides, the notion 'remove space-time' violates our common sense only because we do not see such processes at home. However, quantum mechanics also violates the common sense; meanwhile it is a correct theory. We cannot judge the quantum mechanical phenomena using our macroscopic home common sense. If holes are able to explain physics phenomena and experiment prove it, consequently holes really exist.

2) Descartes was a great philosopher and I'm sure his method really works: 'it being absolutely contradictory that nothing should possess extension'. There is the distance (extension property) between the walls of the vacuum chamber? If means the vacuum chamber is not empty. If to remove from a vessel all the body contained in it, without permitting another body to occupy its place, the sides of the vessel would thus come into proximity with each other. It means that inside of vessel disappear both extension and time properties (space-time disappears). To remove the matter instantly from a volume, I propose the processes as annihilations, decays and inelastic scattering. There initial particles 'disappears' instantly from a volume and a holes must appear. We can test it experimentally by help of two atomic clocks: the holes are accompanied always by the time dilation effect. It means that near the colliders and atomic power plants must appear the time dilation effect.

You wrote: 'Even if you could remove space-time in a quantum burst, it would not be stable. One should expect the Dirac Sea to rush in and quickly fill any transient void with matter-anti-matter pairs.'

You are right; holes are filled quickly by environment. The absolute vacuum have lifetime of order 10^-24 s. However, the speed of motion of these matter-anti-matter pairs is limited by the speed of light c, therefore the lifetime of holes is non-zero. Since the lifetime of hole is nonzero, consequently holes are real objects. We can detect, create holes and use it in technology.

You wrote: Perhaps it is more reasonable to try to travel on the expected wave disturbance that follows one of these collapsing voids.

You are right; we can travel on the expected wave disturbance. But the efficiency is very low; we must create a lot of holes every second to propel the spaceship. Besides, the speed of such kind of motion is limited by the speed of light. However, I know a more efficient travel method as hole teleportation. This method requires a small quantity of holes only for creation of closed surface after that the body is teleported to a random point in the universe. The distance between the start and finish points cannot exceed 13 billions light years. It is the most efficient, fast, comfortable and economic travel method!

'Yet still, there are those great astronomical Voids. Are they permanent rifts in spacetime that continually expel spacetime? Did matter clump in unexpected ways throughout our Universe? Do black holes and matter warp our observed light such that we think we see voids that aren't really present?'

I'll explain all these questions in my next essay/publication; I have my own theory of cosmology. Meanwhile, in my view the great astronomical Voids as Eridanus Supervoid do not consist of the absolute Descartes vacuum; the great astronomical Voids are able to expel the matter. The great astronomical Voids are real 'Voids'; since we see the sheets of galaxies, we must see also Voids between them. The sheets of galaxies cannot exist without voids.

In conclusion, we must test the Descartes ideas about vacuum for following reasons:

1)It is the low-cost experiment; We need two atomic (cesium) clocks for 3 - 5 months only.

2) These experiments could open New Physics beyond the Standard Model. These experiments could prove the hole teleportation theory. We need two identical clocks; the clock placed near a collider or atomic power plant must tick slower concerning control clocks placed far outside. The appearance of time dilation effect near the collider or atomic power plant will be a proof for existence of hole radiation. Also I can show other experimental evidences for holes: the existence of length contraction effects near the collider or atomic power plant. I can show also how a Descartes vessel collapses; I can show experimentally the teleportation of particles using absolute vacuum.

It is easier to create holes in space-time than exotic matter for wormholes / Alcubierre warp drive.

Sincerely, Constantin Leshan

  • [deleted]

Dear Leshan,

Yes, of course "holes" exist in certain phenomena. A positron can be considered a hole in the Dirac Sea. And electron holes (with negative effective mass) in valence bands are an important part of how a semiconductor functions.

I misunderstood the direction of your paper. I know you are trying to remove all matter (which is probably impossible itself - consider the low-energy photons from blackbody radiation since T>0K by the 3rd law of Thermodynamics), but I thought you were also trying to remove spacetime - on page 2 you said "in order to create the absolute vacuum, first we must remove the space-time from the vacuum chamber."

Regardless of whether I understood you properly or not, it seems like a reasonable request to try your atomic clock experiment. You should send a proposal to the LHC.

Have Fun!

Ray Munroe

Dear Ray Munroe,

I have found the simplest and best explanation of my theory. Please forget about the vacuum chamber - it is a macroscopic example whereas really I use the quantum phenomena only. In my view, my macroscopic introduction with a vacuum chamber confuses an issue.

You wrote: 'Yes, of course 'holes' exist in certain phenomena. A positron can be considered a hole in the Dirac Sea. And electron holes (with negative effective mass) in valence bands are an important part of how a semiconductor functions.'

The same explanation I have for holes in space-time. Imagine the quantized space-time consisting of virtual quanta or atoms of space-time. It is not a solid structure, space-time 'boils'. The elementary volumes disappear and appear continuously. If an atom of space-time (the elementary volume dV) disappears then it creates a vacant place without extension and time properties, because space-time is absent. This hole in space-time is filled quickly by surrounding dV and particles. Thus the fluctuation of particles is the main cause why space-time 'boils'. Now imagines that a proton disappears. It creates the same hole in space-time. All material objects have equal rights in space-time. The disappearance of any material objects creates the holes in space-time.

The Descartes use the same method: If to remove from a vessel all the body contained in it, without permitting another body to occupy its place, the sides of the vessel would thus come into proximity with each other. Therefore my macroscopic vacuum chamber uses the same idea for illustration only. There are physical processes where particles spontaneously disappear as decays, annihilations and inelastic scattering. And we must check it for presence of vacuum holes. The appearance of time dilation effect near atomic power plant or collider is a proof for holes.

Now imagine my problems how to explain the creation of absolute vacuum in the macroscopic chamber. Let us write: in order to create the absolute vacuum, first we must remove the Matter from the vacuum chamber. It is true suggestion, but the reader can reply that external particles continuously enter into region due to the absolute vacuum cannot be created.

Let us try another variant: in order to create the absolute vacuum, first we must remove the space-time from the vacuum chamber. It this case the external particles cannot enter into region. Thus I used this proposition to prove that the absolute vacuum is obtainable. Instead readers ask how I can remove the space-time?

Thus the true explanation exists: first we remove matter very quickly from chamber. It creates a hole in space-time. Now external particles and fields like neutrinos and radiation cannot enter into region. We have the absolute vacuum and a perfectly isolated system at the same time.

The experimental detection of time dilation effect at inelastic scattering is the best way to prove the existence of holes in space-time.

Sincerely, Leshan

  • [deleted]

Dear Leshan,

I get it.

And a "hole" might attract an "anti-hole" cloud (sort of like phonon disturbances around an electron hole or an electron cloud around a proton). It just seems weird to call it a "hole in spacetime", but I don't have a better name for it.

Good luck in the contest!

Ray Munroe

Dear Ray Munroe,

You wrote 'It just seems weird to call it a 'hole in spacetime', but I don't have a better name for it.'

If an elementary volume disappears, instead appears a vacant place without extension and time properties. Do you have another name for such objects? It is a hole in space-time because it does not possess the extension and duration properties.

'And a 'hole' might attract an 'anti-hole' cloud'

Dear Ray, please read my gravitation theory from essay. The hole in space-time attracts ALL MATTER and curves the space-time, it is gravitation. A hole in space-time is an only 'particle' able to explain the gravitational curvature of space-time using its properties only. The massive body emits a flux of holes that curves the space-time. This hole gravitation theory has been supported by Soros foundation in 1995.

Imagine we increase the concentration of holes in space-time. Since holes are timeless and extension-less objects, it decreases the distances between every two points and slow down the time. In the limiting case, when space-time consists of holes only, the distances between every two points are equal to zero time dilation is infinite (time don't exist outside of Universe). The hole radiation is able to create time dilation and length contraction effects because it is the timeless and extension-less hole in space-time. Can you explain the time dilation and length contraction effects using your gravitons or strings (without formulae)?

Thus, a hole in space-time is an only 'particle' able to explain the time dilation and length contraction near massive bodies using its properties only. I suggest you to include holes in your TOE theories. I assure you that during next 10 years the holes in space-time will be very popular among theorists.

Sincerely, Leshan

  • [deleted]

Dear Leshan,

I get it. These holes have effects similar to a graviton but without quantum numbers?

My essay was called "A Geometrical Approach Towards A TOE". I am trying to build a suitable geometrical foundation for a TOE - it does not (yet) include everything.

My model predicts some wierd particles as well, but I don't think it defines a hole because a hole should not carry quantum numbers - it is nothing! Perhaps the hole would be a lattice defect in my model. Does the absence of anticipated quantum numbers equate with anti-quantum numbers?

Have you sent a proposal to the LHC?

Have Fun!

Ray Munroe

Dear Ray Munroe,

'These holes have effects similar to a graviton but without quantum numbers?'

The holes explain gravitation better than gravitons. Gravitons are not able to explain time dilation and length contraction effects. Holes do not needs quantum numbers to explain gravity because hole gravitation is a NON-EXHANGE interaction. No exchange of any particles between bodies, the gravitational attraction appears just because holes curve the space-time. The curvature of space-time is a cloud of holes surrounding the body. These holes curve space-time due to appear the gravitational attraction. No quantum numbers are necessary for holes to curve the space-time. Therefore the unification of all 4-interactions is not possible because gravitation is a non-exchange theory. How you unify three exchange theories with a non-exchange gravitation?

Nevertheless I suspect that holes may have some quantum characteristics. It is true that hole is nothing, but this nothing exist some time in the real space-time. Therefore the space-time may give some quantum characteristics for holes.

'Have you sent a proposal to the LHC?'

I need a less-powerful accelerator for beginning. Also I can search for time dilation effect at atomic power plants. There are a lot of Atomic stations in Ukraine and Russia. Since I worked at earlier at accelerator U-120 from Kiev, I hope its administration may allow this experiment. My theory predicts the bigger time dilation effect that standard theory. Therefore the detection of time dilation effect will be the experimental evidence for holes.

Sincerely, Leshan

  • [deleted]

Dear Leshan,

If Gravitation is based solely on Spacetime curvature as General Relativity describes, then your hole is a "non-quantum graviton". As a Particle Physicist myself, I hope that Gravitation has a quantum nature with a spin-2 graviton that exchanges some sort of mass, energy and momentum quantum numbers. Of course, there is no guarantee of this, and Nature doesn't necessarily care what Ray or Leshan prefers.

In my model, fermions are 8-dimensional, and bosons can have dimensionality of up to 11. This means that some of these hypothetical particles (although properly defined in 12-dimensions) are not properly defined in 4-dimensions. An example are my "scalar fermions" that make perfectly good logic in 8-dimensions, but not in 4-dimensions. Would these behave like lattice defects in 4-D that could in turn behave like your holes? I'm not sure. I need to think about this more...

Good luck with your time dilation experiment. Experimental evidence is the best way to convince the physics community of a paridigm shift.

Have Fun!

Ray Munroe

Dear Ray Munroe,

Thank you for information, probably I'll use the notion "non-quantum graviton" in my future papers. If you wish, I can mention your authors rights for this notion.

'Of course, there is no guarantee of this, and Nature doesn't necessarily care what Ray or Leshan prefers'

You are right. Therefore, as a Particle Physicist, you must research both directions at the same time: gravitation may have the exchange or non-exchange nature. I invite you to research the non-exchange hole theory of gravitation. Holes are able to explain INERTIA, time dilation, length contraction and the curvature of space-time. We can prepare and publish papers together. This theory allows also teleportation of matter. Can I send you the draft of my hole gravitation theory? We can eliminate all theory problems by dialogue through Internet. Please write me to qphysics25@gmail.com

Sincerely, Leshan

I thank to those who already rated my essay. However, I would like to see also their arguments about essay.

I wrote the introduction about vacuum chamber in order to make the essay more interesting. Soon will be published a more 'scientific' version of this theory in Concepts of Physics, Volume VI (2009), Number 4.

  • [deleted]

Dear Leshan,

Upon thinking about your paper more, I have come to two conclusions that may or may not be correct: 1) your hole must be a quantum effect (to "cheat" the infrared divergence), and 2) your hole more closely resembles a Higgs (which defines mass) than a graviton (which defines gravity). This is not a bad thing - mass and gravitation are closely related.

My opinion is that your appeal to Descartes' classical vacuum was unnecessary, and you made some strange comments, such as "in order to create the absolute vacuum, first we must remove the space-time from the vacuum chamber." Perhaps this is a language quirk - I am certain that English is not your primary language, but the comment distracted me from the purpose of the paper.

Nonetheless, you presented an interesting theoretical "quanta" that can, in principle, be proven or dis-proven with a relatively simple experiment. From a physics content perspective, your paper is better than many of the papers in this competition, and you deserved better scores than the four 1's that you received in the community vote. They are anonymous chickens - they will not confront you with why they gave you the worst possible score.

Good Luck!

Ray Munroe

4 days later

Dear Ray Munroe,

Thank you, I agree that holes must be a quantum effects. In spite of fact that the hole is 'nothing', one exist some time in real space-time, consequently a hole must have quantum properties.

You wrote: Nonetheless, you presented an interesting theoretical 'quanta' that can, in principle, be proven or dis-proven with a relatively simple experiment. From a physics content perspective, your paper is better than many of the papers in this competition.

Yes, the existence of holes can be proven or dis-proven with a relatively simple experiment using two atomic clocks. However, I see that readers don't rate such kind of theories, they prefer a review essays about time and quantum mechanics. Therefore in the next competition I'll submit also a review paper about time or quantum mechanics. In my view, readers love such reviews about quantum mechanics or time papers and hate invention of new particles and New Physics. In previous competition I submitted the Unique Time Travel method. Readers must understand that authors are able to compose a lot of review papers about quantum mechanics every year, but it is impossible to write another logical and consistent Time Travel method. Authors can write a lot of review papers continually but it is impossible to invent new particles like holes every year. In my view, the unique logical theories must have advantages concerning review papers about quantum mechanics and time. Otherwise authors will submit a review papers for competition only because nobody rate inventions and proposals for New Physics.

Sincerely, Leshan

14 days later

Dear Anthony Aguirre,

You wrote: We thought long and hard as to how to improve the voting/rating/judging system, and became convinced that no system is perfect, but that this one is worth trying.

I have an idea how to improve the voting/rating/judging system. I propose to transform FQXi contest into the battlefield for ideas. Every author must review and rate at least two essays.

The review of essay must answer the following questions: Does this essay advance physics? Does an essay contain the new physical ideas? Does the essay contain the logical errors? This information could help us to find the best essay by comparing the merits and demerits of each essay.

I assure you, it is the best voting/rating/judging system because people cannot take advantage of the system and manipulate the ratings. All readers will see the errors and merits of each essay. In this way we'll find the best essay which really advances physics.

The best essay must have the best review, new ideas, and no errors.


Constantin Leshan

15 days later

Imagine, I published on Oct. 3, 2009 information about publication of my paper "Descartes' vacuum in Hole gravitation theory" in "Concepts of Physics", Volume VI (2009), Number 4 after that this Journal was closed! I have a deep suspicion this journal was closed in order to stop the publication of my paper!

Also my site www.leshan.nm.ru (Russian version of my Journal Hole physics, teleportation and levitation) was destroyed 5 months ago. Probably, the unknown forces wish to stop the development of my "holes in space-time" theory!

My new site for "Hole physics, teleportation and levitation" will be here:


4 years later

Hello constantin,

I've been trying to get back in touch with you. I think it is possible to travel through space and time with vacuum hole teleportation. Please get in touch with me.

You should remember me, Robert Feld.

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