Dear Mr Mark Stuckey,
Nice to know you .
My point of vue is this one .
Here with the contest ,I see many systems extrapolated with Lie Algebras and complexs ,octonions ,quaternions etc etc ...all that is imaginary ,it doesn't exist HIGGS ,extradimensions ,multiverses ,hidden variables.....
These extrapolations are too simple and too complex with its derivations .The symmetry is false
Why beause each sphere is specific thus the symmetry is specific .
If a balance isn't made ,it's impossible .
Only 3D and a constant of evolution where the mass becomes .
A physical model is different than a mathematical model .Only the physicality is important ,the maths are a tool .A very good tool but without a balance between imaginaries and reals ,it's impossible ...these extrapolations are falses .
A real theory evoves and completes the fundamentals ,our laws .The constants ,the coherences .....
I am very surprised that the sciences community don't focus more on fundamentals .A real work continues and evolves .
In conclusion ,an axiomatisation ,a physical formalization takes all its sense when the balance is made .Without that it's a lost of time .
It doesn't exist higgs ,extradimensions ,strings ,multiverses,hidden variables,bizares our system is simple ....the rotating spheres .the number is specific .all must be classed with pragmatism ,a real topology exists ,not these imaginaries .
Best Regards