Essay Abstract
In this paper we begin by discussing the ultimate possibilities in physics. We then continue with a brief review of quantum mechanics and the history of action principles including a recent proposition of a universal action reservoir. We then move on to define a new least action principle for classical physics: a stochastic least action principle. We show that this principle yields the same result as Feynman's approach to quantum mechanics. We also show that it corresponds to classical physics in the case of S >> \hbar. As an example of the stochastic least action principle we apply it to the Einstein-Hilbert action of general relativity and obtain a form of quantum gravity. We also hint a stochastic differential equation approach to action based on the stochastic least action principle. In conclusion we discuss possible connections between our approach and other theories. Finally we return to discuss the open possibilities in physics.
Author Bio
Joakim Munkhammar is an independent researcher who holds a double masters degree in mathematics and astrophysics from Uppsala University 2008. He has published several reports and papers in pure- and applied mathematics and astrophysics. His current research interests include approaches to quantum theory and the unification of general relativity with electromagnetism.