In physics time is considered to be part of the space and so a medium where material change runs. There is no experimental evidence for such a view. With clocks we measure numerical order of material change running in space. As we have shown in previous article published in Physics Essays (Amrit S. Sorli, Davide Fiscaletti, Dusan Klinar, Time is a measuring System derived from Light Speed, Physics Essays, Vol 23. Num 2. (2010) ), Planck time as a fundamental unit of numerical order is derived from the light speed.
Velocity v of physical object is derived from distance d between A to B that the object has passed and numerical order t of its motion measured with clocks. There is no point to change meter/second (m/s) with some other words. A "second" is the "tick" of clock and is unit of numerical order of material change running in space.
In physical world "past", "present" and "future" exist only in a mathematical sense as a numerical order of material change running in space. Duration of material change exists only as a flow of its numerical order that we measure with a clock. Ticking of the clock experienced into psychological time creates sensation of "duration in time". However material change run and clocks tick only in the space that is timeless.
This "timeless framework" does not exclude existence of "clocks" and "seconds". In timeless space we measure with clocks numerical order of material change. A "tick" of clock that is a "second" is an unit of numerical order.
Physics works better replacing concept of time with timeless space where with clocks we measure numerical order of change because this picture correspond more adequately physical reality.
-This approach resolves time travel into past (they are excluded). One can travel in space only and not in time.
-This approach explains physical phenomenon which have numerical order zero, where t is zero. Such phenomenon is EPR and others where timeless space is an immediate information and energy transfer medium. See our article in Physics Essays: Fiscaletti D. Sorli A.S. (2008) Nonlocality and the symmetrized quantum potential, Physics Essays, December 2008, Vol. 21, No. 4,
-This approach resolves Zeno problems of motion showing that persons and objects move in space only and not in time. Zeno arrow is not moving from the past to the future and is not still in the present. Zeno arrow is moving in space only. Numerical order of its motion we measure with a clock that also tick in timeless space only (not in time).
"Temporal experience" past-present-future is result of experiencing material change i.e. motion in space through psychological time. Once we are aware of psychological time we experience experiment what eyes sees: flow of material change in a timeless space. Numerical order of this flow we measure with clocks.
You take a stone and left it to fall towards the earth. Stone will fall through space only, not through the presence, past or future. "Past", "present" and "future" exist only in a mathematical sense as a numerical order of change n, n+1, n+2....running in a timeless space. "Duration" of physical phenomena exist only in a sense of its numerical order that we measure with clocks. Ticking of a clock experienced into psychological time creates sensation of "duration in time". However physical phenomena run and clocks tick only in the space.
Here Einstein view on time is developed. Einstein use to say: "Time has no independent existence apart from the order of events by which we measure it".
In 1952, in his book Relativity, in discussing Minkowski's Space World interpretation of his theory of relativity, Einstein writes: "Since there exists in this four dimensional structure [space-time] no longer any sections which represent "now" objectively, the concepts of happening and becoming are indeed not completely suspended, but yet complicated. It appears therefore more natural to think of physical reality as a four dimensional existence, instead of, as hitherto, the evolution of a three dimensional existence".
For Einstein there was no division between past, present and future, there is rather a single existence we define as "timeless space". His most descriptive testimony to this faith came when his lifelong friend Besso died. Einstein wrote a letter to Besso's family, saying that although Besso had preceded him in death it was of no consequence: "Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."