My diatribe of Sept 23 is wrong! Just explained it in another post.

The photon is a wave, single crest and through.(soliton) Its "length" can be seen as an alignment of adjacent points not at the same moment because it still takes time to go from one end to the other. (it helps to think of a 100km radio wave..) Not being at the same moment, this alignment of points cannot represent space which is the same collection of points pictured(mentally) as if being all at the same moment. But, such a collection of points not at the same moment IS pretty well a true duration of time; a sequence of different moments, here, a.k.a. the period T.


17 days later
  • [deleted]

Einstenin's Timeless Universe book is awailable at:


6 days later
  • [deleted]

see also my home page


Please please may it not be so! I am satisfied that time does not exist as a dimension. The idea of multiple time dimensions is an extravagant 'solution' to the problems of unification in physics.

4 days later
  • [deleted]

There one dimension for every force and there are four forice for four dimeisons.

There are also four states for foru dimensions.

If we have a 360 day circular orbit in the 11 dimensions of M theory and convert it to an elitical orbt in three dimensions plus one of time.

Then we reverse the equation like Hakwing did with Penrose.

We can convert EInsteins SPACE/TIME into the SPACE/TIME of 11 dimensions.

And so find out if time has more than one dimension.

Maybe there are 11 forces if there is one force for every dimension.

Can we do this experts in math of Einstein say no because Einsteins 4 D space time cannot be expressed in 11 dimensions.

OK if not then maybe string theory is wrong because it cannnot be generated from GR.

But if we redifine time as an eliptical orbit like with Newtons laws rather than use Einsteins definition of time.

Maybe we can do it................

I would appreciate your collaboration on this as I cannot do the math.

I only did social math at school and have only just begun grade 12 math.


Get back to me

  • [deleted]

Einstein did not define time as earths orbit around te sun thats why it is not simple to convert earths orbit in three dimensions with one of time to a circular earth orbit in M thoeries 11 dimesions.

You can write an equation to convert 365 days to 360 days.And an elipse to a circle in higher dimensions.

But the math is too hard..........

Can any of you mathematicans do the math.

I have a tutor Profesor Mikmik working on the problem and I will give you the results.

  • [deleted]

Everybody said time is not a dimenison but I agree with you time has multiple dimensions.

So we can convert a circular earth orbit of 360 days in 11 dimensions to an eliltical orbit eliples only have three dimensions plus one of time.

So you can reverse the equation for my clock to get 11 dimensions of space/time from Einsteins foru dimesions of space time.

Remember that for Einstein space/time are one thing

Give credit for this idea to DR (WHO)HARVEY BILLINGS JUNIOR BLOG.

ANd work on it until you have a new thoery of everything


  • [deleted]

Still ignoring the best ideas for unificaton.

1/ Einsteins dice.....dice where the outcome is determined 1 ODD+ 1 EVEN= 2 ODD.

and 2 ODD+ 2 EVEN= 4 EVEN. They cna be made in a randomiser chip that outcomes can bge predicted in a virtual reality quatum theory.

2/rounding off Pi.

22/7*4/3.99999. To make meaningless infinties finite.

And 1/3 APPLE+ 1/3 ORANGE+ 1/3 ORANGE= 1.

To make three infinite equations one in every way.

3/ Prior to the big bang four states of matter were one.

This meant a superforce as a result.

4/ The clock means you can reverse Einsteins equations for space time and get the 11 dimesions of string theory this is exciting but it has been ignored.

Actually I don't believe in unification no one or no computer program can know everything.

Just like my comuter program adding QM and GR 1+1=2 and 2+2=4.

Produces millions of equations for 10^300 possible universes of string theory.

So no one cuold ever know everything if it just kept priniting out equations.

But unification is just a cartoon not reality a characature of real physics which like Hiezenberg means we cannot know it all.

But the above is a start for anybody who wants to work on it.

  • [deleted]

# The Equation of Time is the difference between our standard clock time and the time that would be based on the exact position of the Sun in the sky, for example, that measured by a sundial.

# The two are different because of two specific reasons:

1. The eccentricity of the Earth's orbit causes us to speed up and slow down in different parts of our annual orbit.

2. The Earth's axis is tilted to our orbit, and so the Sun's apparent motion along the (tilted) Ecliptic has a varying effect when viewed along the Equatorial plane.

After taking care of the conditions of the change in eccentricity of the Earth's orbit and its elliptical nature, the average number of days in a year turn out to be 365.2490448790509.

Using this number, we can calculate as follows:

The program flow was similar to your program with the number of weeks averaged to be = (average number of days in a year)/7. Also the accuracy of pi was taken to 100 digits.

The answer turned out to be equal to 32,758,501.32966996 as against your time_formula answer of 31,545,739.32


360/7=51.42857143/12.57146=4.0908988864/4=1.022724716*51=52.15896051*7=365.1127236*24=8,762.705366*60*60=31,545,739.32 SECONDS IN A YEAR TAKE AWY FROM THE NUMBER OF SECONDS IN A YEAR WITH ATOMIC SIDEREAL TIME

365.256363051 average days in a sidereal year*86,400 average seconds= 31,558149.76- 31,558,515.36=365.5957 seconds/60=6.093261667

minutes difference in a year..

Now Amie we reverse the formula to convert sidereal time into 360 days.

365.356363 52.17948042 1.023127067 *4=4.092508268 51.448804= 360.141628

Simple divide instead of multiply and multiply instead of divide and reverse the formula and subract .141628 days.

12,638.592 seconds difference from a perfect circle that is 360 days.!!

This is just tremendous Amie you can prove it by converting any size elipse into a circle come up with a formula that does that...

Our formula is 100% accurate as we can see by reversing it and converting and elipse into a circle.!!

Houston we have a problem.

When we convert 360.141628 with the formula we get 31,571,338.63

Take it form 31,558,149.76

And ou get 13,188.8724

Seconds difference from sideral time and sidereal time.

Maybe it is an error on the calculator.

Or maybe it is because it is not a perfect circle so the formula does not work forwards.

Or maybe it has to do with the precision of Pi which would be good as it means more digits or pi makes it more accurate.

But we know it is not a perfect circle so it cannt be converted perfectly into an elipse.

Maybe you can correct the formula so that it gives the right value for sidereal time.m

More problems when we use the clock formula value for time and reverse the signs from divison to multiplication.

We get 360.1458002

So it should give us 360 reversing signs on a calculator isn't terriby accurate try it on matlab

take the two figure away from one another and we get the very accurate -4.1722*10^-03 of a day.

Which is 6.007968 minutes.. How about that Aimie it is six minutes difference..........................141628-.1458002= 6.007968 minutes.


If we reverse the formula to get 360 days then we reverse sidereal time to get 360.1389338.

The difference between a circle of 360 degrees and 360.1389338= 3.3344112 hours difference. 200.064672 minutes.



7.50072*10-03 seconds in a year.

  • [deleted]


Rversing the itme equation to convert eliptical 4D space time (einsteins equatins) to string theory in a circlular orbit in higher dimensions.

You can use the formula to covnert any eliptical orbit into any circular orbit.

  • [deleted]

Equation of time

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The equation of time -- above the axis the dial will appear fast, and below the dial will appear slow.

The equation of time is the difference between apparent solar time and mean solar time, both taken at a given place (or at another place with the same geographical longitude) at the same real instant of time.

Apparent (or true) solar time can be obtained for example by measurement of the current position (hour angle) of the Sun, or indicated (with limited accuracy) by a sundial. Mean solar time, for the same place, would be the time indicated by a steady clock set so that its differences over the year from apparent solar time average to zero (with zero net gain or loss over the year).[1]

The equation of time varies over the course of a year, in a way that is almost exactly reproduced from one year to the next. Apparent time, and the sundial, can be ahead (fast) by as much as 16 min 33 s (around 3 November), or behind (slow) by as much as 14 min 6 s (around 12 February).

The equation of time results mainly from two different superposed astronomical causes (explained below), each causing a different non-uniformity in the apparent daily motion of the Sun relative to the stars, and contributing a part of the effect:

* the obliquity of the ecliptic (the plane of the Earth's annual orbital motion around the Sun), which is inclined by about 23.44 degrees relative to the plane of the Earth's equator; and

* the eccentricity and elliptical form of the Earth's orbit around the Sun.

There are a couple of other reasons why a sundial might not be precisely accurate. One is a necessary correction between the actual Longitude of the sundial and the central Longitude of the time zone there, where four minutes correction is necessary for each degree difference. The other is related to the fact that our year is close to one-fourth day different from an integer number of days, and so there is a cycling over each four years regarding a slight shift of this Equation of Time pattern.

The equation of time is also the east or west component of the analemma, a curve representing the angular offset of the Sun from its mean position on the celestial sphere as viewed from Earth.

The equation of time was used historically to set clocks. Between the invention of accurate clocks in 1656 and the advent of commercial time distribution services around 1900, one of two common land-based ways to set clocks was by observing the passage of the sun across the local meridian at noon. The moment the sun passed overhead, the clock was set to noon, offset by the number of minutes given by the equation of time for that date. (The second method did not use the equation of time; instead, it used stellar observations to give sidereal time, in combination with the relation between sidereal time and solar time.)[2] The equation of time values for each day of the year, compiled by astronomical observatories, were widely listed in almanacs and ephemerides.[3][4]

There are very slow changes in two of the quantities upon which the Equation of Time depends. Accurate clocks have been designed in C language [5] and Adobe Flash [6] which determine the difference between the modified clock formula based on the Equation of Time and the sidereal time over a number of years. This difference was calculated to be 6.09326166 minutes per year and was verified by the Cosmos Supercomputer [7] and Swinburne Supercomputer. The clock is accurate to around 0.01 second and can be simulated to the number of years input by the user (upto 10^300 years).

Naturally, other planets will have an equation of time too. On Mars the difference between sundial time and clock time can be as much as 50 minutes, due to the considerably greater eccentricity of its orbit.

  • [deleted]

There are two specific main reasons for the Equation of Time: 1. The eccentricity of the Earth's orbit causes us to speed up and slow down in different parts of our annual orbit. 2. The Earth axis is tilted to our orbit, and so the Sun's apparent motion along the (tilted) elliptic has a varying effect when viewed along the equatorial plane.

We will show the correct reasoning and then the mathematics to be able to calculate this effect. There are a couple of other reasons why a sundial might not be precisely accurate. One is a necessary correction between the actual Longitude of the sundial and the central Longitude of the time zone there, where four minutes correction is necessary for each degree difference. The other is related to the fact that our year is close to one-fourth day different from an integer number of days, and so there is a cycling over each four years regarding a slight shift of this Equation of Time pattern. There are very slow changes in two of the quantities upon which the Equation of Time depends. We include an extremely accurate clock which determines the difference between the modified clock formula based on the Equation of Time and the sidereal time over a number of years. The clock is accurate to around 0.01 second and can be simulated to the number of years input by the user (upto 10300 years).


Prior to around 500 years ago, there were not yet any mechanical clocks and so daily life was generally based on the apparent motions and positions of the Sun and Moon in the sky. An interesting detail is that they decided to define an interval which we now call an hour as being 1/12 of the daylight period on that day. The result was that an hour in the summer was much longer than an hour in the winter! But intervals of time were not yet that important to anyone! Ancient Greeks had invented crude water clocks, which therefore obviously had some major problems of their own, but they also discovered that there were some other variations, such as where the Sun seemed to cross the Meridian Circle ahead of or behind where they might have expected it to have been at noon, over a range of what we would now call over half an hour. (about February 12 compared to November 3).

When clocks were invented around 500 years ago, and then greatly improved in accuracy around 250 years ago, the design of those mechanisms were all based on processes that occurred at precisely accurate and repeatable intervals. And so it was natural that the length of a day or hour or year was defined as a specific interval of time. This was a wonderful advance but it caused some minor errors when it was used to try to accurately calculate where the Sun or Moon might be at any moment, specifically at noon! In fact, around November 3 of each year, the two clocks are different by more than 16 minutes! Around February 12, they are different by about 14 minutes in the opposite direction!

The fact that Mariners needed to accurately know the time in order to determine their Longitude and Latitude, made this a serious issue to deal with! Since that was the only use of really accurate timekeeping, the number that we now call the Equation of Time was initially defined as always being in one direction, based on the operation of ships. Much later, when accurate time became useful for business and commerce, the current definition was adopted, where the True Sun is sometimes ahead of and sometimes behind clock time.

We will call Mean Solar Time as being what we call clock time (with Mean essentially meaning Average), and we will call Apparent Solar Time as being the time which should be true based on the apparent location of the Sun at that instant. In a more technical way, we define the first as being the Hour Angle of the Mean Sun and the second as the Hour Angle of the True Sun. The Mean Sun is fictitious, and is defined as moving with uniform angular speed along the Celestial Equator.

These can equally be defined as the Right Ascensions of the Mean Sun and the True Sun.

The Equation of Time continuously varies throughout the year, from the combined effect of two primary causes. (There are many very tiny effects which also exist, mostly due to gravitational perturbation effects of other planets, and some interesting consequences of the Moon's motion, but they are generally very tiny effects and mostly considered to simply be perturbations of the two primary effects: (1) Eccentricity of the Earth's orbit and (2) Obliquity of the Earth's Elliptic orbit.)

A couple centuries ago, the definition was opposite the sign of what is currently defined, which causes some confusion regarding the correct sign. According to modern definitions, if the Equation of Time is a negative number, that is an indication that the true Sun has moved ahead of the Mean Sun, and therefore a sundial would give a time that was fast, and so the correction needs to be negative to get to Clock time.

The two primary causes of variation are the varying speed of the Earth in its orbit due to the eccentricity of that orbit (and Kepler and Newton's analysis of the speed variations which result); and due to the fact that the Earth's rotational axis is tilted to the plane of its orbit, which is called the Obliquity of the Ecliptic, which is essentially a geometric factor.

  • [deleted]



  • [deleted]

The equation of time was used historically to set clocks. Between the invention of accurate clocks in 1656 and the advent of commercial time distribution services around 1900, one of two common land-based ways to set clocks was by observing the passage of the sun across the local meridian at noon. The moment the sun passed overhead, the clock was set to noon, offset by the number of minutes given by the equation of time for that date. (The second method did not use the equation of time; instead, it used stellar observations to give sidereal time, in combination with the relation between sidereal time and solar time.)[2] The equation of time values for each day of the year, compiled by astronomical observatories, were widely listed in almanacs and ephemerides.[3][4]

There are very slow changes in two of the quantities upon which the Equation of Time depends. Accurate clocks have been designed in C language [5] and Adobe Flash [6] which determine the difference between the modified clock formula based on the Equation of Time and the sidereal time over a number of years. This difference was calculated to be 6.09326166 minutes per year and was verified by the Cosmos Supercomputer [7] and Swinburne Supercomputer. The clock is accurate to around 0.01 second and can be simulated to the number of years input by the user (upto 10^300 years).

Naturally, other planets will have an equation of time too. On Mars the difference between sundial time and clock time can be as much as 50 minutes, due to the considerably greater eccentricity of its orbit.

  • [deleted]

If there are 12 string theory dimensions 11 plus an extra one.

Then there are nine space dimesions with an extra one three times.

That is three extra time dimensions.

To see if this works convert a circular orbit of the earth of 360 days into an eliptical orbit of 365 days and 4 space/time dimensions.

You can start with Einsteins equations for the orbit of the earth and convert these into 12 space/time dimensions.

And see if it works.

  • [deleted]

Any replies.

  • [deleted]



  • [deleted]

Before the big bang there were four dimensions of space and none of time.

But I believe that the big bang was a point in space and there were three dimensions of time and one of space.

The exact reverse of what exists now.

And you can make three dimensions of space and one of time contradictory math so that when you reverse them you get a non contradictory math for the big bang.............

  • [deleted]

Convert a circular earth orbit (360 days) in 12 dimenensions to A three dimensional plus one eliptical orbit.

And see if you get Einsteins equations.

There are 9 space dimensions and 3 of time.

That makes 12 dimensions...............

Can you come up with an extra dimension of time in string theory to make 12 out of 11 dimensions.

Jesus said the answer to time/space is 12.And 24 is the opposite to Douglas Adams answer of 42 to life the universe and everything.


  • [deleted]

Is anybody interested in the clock thoery of everything..................

With the clock.That is the most accurate clock in the world.

If not then there is just no scientific curiosity anymore.
