The one achiement that is my lifes goal is to create androids we are able to program our minds to. To chat my email address is atomiton1@yahoo.com
The one achiement that is my lifes goal is to create androids we are able to program our minds to. To chat my email address is atomiton1@yahoo.com
Junk DNA is an unfortunate choice of name, since it immediately devalues this portion of DNA because of its as yet un-ascertained purpose.
It is prejudice to assume that, just because we do not know what purpose it serves, it is of no value and can be tampered with and manipulated to serve short sighted aims of a few individuals.
Investigation of its purpose and any coding within it is however a useful scientific endeavour, as we may be wiser as a result.
Very often human technology which should benefit mankind has been found to have unforeseen detrimental effects.
The distinction between life and machine, biology and technology, must always be preserved because when life is devalued its very survival is threatened. This is of primary importance.
Unfortunately it is the distinction between science and fantasy that is becoming blurred.
Economics and technology (and a certain percentage of human beings) are devoid of morality.
Question? Shouldn't common sense, foresight and moral values hold tight to the reins of technological development?
I am working on a number of projects now that deal with merging technology with the human consciousness or mind (as opposed to brain). This is another aspect of the same issue and one that is happening now as opposed to sci fi speculation.
human beings are devoid of morality? strange indeed.
merge tech with human consciousness? how else do you merge tech with human consciousness? aren't you supposed to go through the brain?
are humans ever conscious without the mind in the body?
economics and technology influence the morality of human beings. and human beings always have morality - it's just that a sizable part of it is junk morality - must be because of junk DNA.
Really strange but thanks to share it.
Just because Japanese biologists can train cells on the side of a fish to produce a corporate logo does not certify the fish as CEO material.
The age spots on my wife's left wrist could probably become the model for encoded wonders from another world that no one recognizes because WHY SHOULD THEY...
unless they are simply looking for weird research projects to suck in federal grants?
Please give me some more of dat stuff!
Well! All information here is new for me. I think Really strange. I think you have great collection regarding it. I would like to say Thanks for sharing it.
Thank you for this useful information...
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There are many industries which are participating in technology but according to my research there are two major industries in technology the one is software development and technology industry. They are very active and giving so much participation in dynamic and frequently evolving. When we talk about giants in technology that they are big data, IoT and other. When you are creating, analyzing, and visualizing data in order to facilitate the operational procedures and management decisions. Regardless of the possibility that the procedures are as of now upgraded, the utilization of BI gives you an additional upper hand through extraordinary assignment writing effectiveness. Just speaking, BI is engaged to help administration for taking a plenty of choices. In the event that you are making them, at that point you are adapting more about your gathering of people and repeating towards something that is likelier to work. Additionally, you are changing over a few people, which implies that you would then be able to keep on building on that over the long haul.
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The title is kinda misleading but it was very interesting read. Dont think it is true but I love this out of the box ideas. :) About merging with our technology... it really depends on the pace of nanotechnology advancement. Soon you can have nano materials in your body to help you heal or to serve as specialized drug carriers. (check this)
The title is kinda misleading but it was very interesting read. Dont think it is true but I love this out of the box ideas. :) About merging with our technology... it really depends on the pace of nanotechnology advancement. Soon you can have nano materials in your body to help you heal or to serve as specialized drug carriers. (check this)