• [deleted]

The golden ratio enters in because the icosian roots have that length ratio between long and short roots. The icosian is a root representation for SU(11) ~ SO(16). The SO(16) is in a sense half E_8xE_8 ~ SO(32). How this fits into holography with SU(4N), for 4N SUSY generators, is an interesting question.

Cheers LC

  • [deleted]

Dear Steve,

IMHO, Physics cannot be "complete". In the case of "Gene-man" theory, it could help explain the experimental observation of only 3 generations (the CKM and PMNS matrices describe the relative behavior of 3 generations, but do not explain why there are only 3 generations). Perhaps you are satisfied with the experimental observation of only 3 generations (there are only 3 light-weight - less than half of the Z mass - neutrinos based on the Z decay width, and we haven't yet found any heavier leptons or quarks), but I expect a theoretical symmetry to demand this observation.

You seem critical of every creative idea that is not completely equivalent to your own creative ideas.

I think that you should submit an essay. Your spheres are discrete entities, but are their spins, masses, and radii discrete or continuous variables? I have not seen enough of your theory to understand it. And if your spheres are "fractals", then they get into that strange "quasi-realm" between continuous and discrete.

IMHO, your theory is similar to a Kissing Spheres or CDT theory. As such, your ideas may be distantly related to Lisi's Gosset lattice ideas (but obviously different, and uniquely "Steve"-ish). In my essay's conclusion, I claim that such ideas (as Kissing Spheres) are "half correct". Strings are the other half of the problem...

Have Fun & Be Nice!

Dear Sir,

By fundamental principles we meant, evolutionary statements beginning with creation. All our theories flow from the single source of creation. In stead of Big Bang, we accept Big Bounce. From this we derive multiverses. In the process, we derive the primary field for each universe with its five different manifestations. The same mechanism evolves all other forces that logically flow from one another. These forces confine different localities to create different structures. The interaction between these structures and forces give different results than their interaction with the primary field. This creates the secondary field, which you describe as locality. From this we have derived the other extensions to predict the results earlier. Entanglement is related to both fields. But the results are different in each field. We find that you mix up these fields (our definition of fields) on many occasions.

We differ from the modern theories widely in many areas. For example, we do not accept the Coulomb's law. We accept the opposite and accept the seemingly attraction of opposite charges from our concept of particles and fields. Our description of the atomic structure is much more elaborate. Thus, we explain the double slit experiment and the diffraction experiment differently. From this we have theoretically derived the charge of the quarks, proton, neutron etc and the value of the fine structure constant reported earlier. These predictions can be verified. This will provide the validity of our theory or otherwise. Similarly, only by treating gravity as a composite force, we have been able to explain the various anomalies.

Once again we repeat Sir, we are an arm chair scientist and not an experimental scientist. Hence our observations and theories are subject to physical verification. But we find many inconsistencies in modern physics and attribute reductionism, superstition and the cult of incomprehensibility for the present state of affairs. The colossal waste of public money in chasing mirages like the LHC Experiment pain us. It is high time someone should stand up and call a spade a spade. Hence we thought that we may point to the truth of the Emperor's new cloth.



  • [deleted]

sorry Ray but you don't understand really the whole and I lost my time.

You know Ray the human nature and its vanity is not my road.

You confound the creativity and the foundamentals.

You need probably like many here a recognizing but be sure, it's not with your ideas, you shall have this recognizing.

Make what you want Ray after all it's not my problem.

Use strings, extyradimensions, spheres....you can even have my theory also you know with your friends.I have other things to do that these stupidities.

Here I read some relevant ideas but be sure it's not yours or them of Lawrence or Lisi or Th....no I read for example this thread from Lev or Edwin or John, And Stefan,and Moulay....frankly it's the only persons I read because they are universals and they understand the whole.

Well I repeat quantum spheres(finite number, fractazl of the main volume)....rotations spin.and orb.proportional with mass.......cosmological spheres(probably the same number)....UNIVERSAL SPHERE(UNIQUE OF COURSE THIS UNIVERSAL SPHERE LIKE ITS CENTER)

How can I speak with people who likes strings and extradimensions and multiverses.and you say me that you have faith and that you are a christian , let me laugh Ray, a multiverses but let's be serious please and what after that it doesn't exist an universal entity with the number 1 and that the 0 multiplicate by 1 gives 0 no but I dream !!!

Are you sure we speak about physics or pseudo physics.

ps I am nice and always transparent and always frank.

But I dislike the strategy of business.I see quickly when a road is chaotic, we see indeed in the whole the details.I analyze, I extrapolate, and finally I answer.It's simple no Ray.



Don't be too much frustrated and jaleous because a young belgian has found.you know it's not always USA which finds.I can understand that my theory of spherization is revolutionarry and has a big big potential but please it's bizare the human nature.


  • [deleted]

For the 4 intereactions........fractal of sphere ...finite number, volumes of spheres....rotations implying mass polarity , the volumes of entangled spheres more the sense of rot......show the road for the real unification of 4 interactions....think about the two main senses/center.......thus a gravitational stability and a linear light....the fractalization of light is made by coded gravity.....

Eureka with humility.......all is composed by spheres, all are on spheres, all turns on this sphere, all turns around the spheres , all that inside a beautiful sphere in optimization and all turns around a central sphere, the biggest spherical volume after the universal maximum volume of the universal sphere..........0.5 gravitation(0.3) 0.5 lambda(0.7)....0.5/0.5 =maximum volume of the universal sphere, begining of contraction, end of expansion!!!

It was logic, it's logic, it will be logic.The sphere is foundamental and has so many properties.Fortunally that this exists in fact , the spheres and their volumes and their rotations spinals and orbitals(numerous if we consider the number of spheres between BH and the center of our universe.)That's why my new equation between all spheres can be optimized ...mv1v2????V

mass, speed of rot.spinal,speed of rot.orbital 1,and we continue with the others orbitals rotations towards the central sphere.V volume of the sphere.

This equation implies a constant between all physical spheres,quantics or cosmologics.



  • [deleted]

Dear Sir,

We have some comments on your post above.

We do not accept empty space or quantum fields because of fundamental reasons. Space is the interval between objects. Hence empty space means the absence of objects. Since only objects are perceptible directly and forces are perceptible through their effect on objects, absence of objects to be described as empty space does not make sense. The space, that is the interval, is always empty - without objects - irrespective of the measure of its separation.

Quantum fields does not make sense because it is an oxymoron. Quantum is digital, but fields are analog. We cannot have a digitized analog description.

You say: "gravity is the primordial or underlying field, then it may provide the 'medium' in which E and M trade energy as the photon travels, and the C-field circulation". Also: "a distributed light wave/photon would 'bend' as a function of the variation in mass density, dm/dx, (where, in the most general case, dm is the change in gravitational energy with x.)". We agree with this description with some modification.

Firstly, fields and forces are not the same. There is a fundamental reason why fields behave the way they are perceived. The perceived effect of such behavior is the force. We go beyond gravity, as we consider it as the first perceptible force only for structure formation and stabilization. We consider it to be a generated force, which gave rise to all other forces. We have a complete model, which we will publish soon.

We also have a different definition for time dilation. We accept that time has a directionality. This we have proved in our essay. We also accept that the forces behave in the same way in all frames of references. Thus, time evolution of all objects follow a similar process. Since time is the interval between events (physical changes with time), and since we treat elasticity as the third inertia, based on modifications of Newton's third law, we prove that all evolutions are cyclic. These cycles are different from one system to another based on the local dynamics. When we compare time evolution of two different systems subjected to different local dynamics, we find an anomally that we call as time dilation. We consider photon as a particle that moves through a field. Since the field interacts with the particle in specific ways that appear as the force, the photon bends as per the same principle.

In short, we have a complete model of an alternative theory that can explain all physical interactions classifying it to 122 categories. In this system, gravity is a composite force of (3, 5, 7 and 11 varieties).



  • [deleted]

Dear Sir,

We have the following comment on the above post.

The framework in which the 'robot' is processing measurement data is a mechanical process and not a conscious process. Since the robot is limited by energy/volume constraints and design constraints (g.i.g.o.), it will not be able to perform conscious functions. The reason lies in the nature of infinity and its difference from a very big number. A robot functions within a very big number, whereas consciousness is in the realm of the infinity as explained below.

Number is the property of all substances by which we distinguish between similars. If there are no similars, we designate it as one. Infinity is like one - without similars - but with the exception that whereas the dimensions of one are fully perceptible, the dimensions of infinity are not fully perceptible. The robot can compute, which means it can do mathematics with bigger and bigger numbers, but not infinity, because even the designers of the computer have not perceived infinity.

When we think of any conscious action, one similarity that distinguishes it from other actions is that while the application of forces and their effects vary in each case, the contents of the "conscious" part is always similar. We might have knowledge about different objects, but the "knowledge" part is always similar. Since it has infinite varieties, it is one of its kind, but infinite in its spread. Secondly, like all infinite objects like time and space, it does not interact with others, but exists by itself, while all objected are covered by it in different proportions. For example, measurement is a mechanical process, but the perception of the result of measurement is a conscious process. The result of measurement is always a number, which is time invariant as explained in our essay. Since the perception of the result of measurement does not change or interact with the time evolution of the system, it fits the above description. A robot may continue to measure higher and higher numbers, but reaching infinity is impossible theoretically and practically.

Yet, we derive digital big and small numbers from the analog infinite description. Hence, we can still know the conscious process. In fact, we derive all mechanical processes from conscious processes. But the mechanism is different.



  • [deleted]

Hi all,

Sorry dear Edwin for your thread.

Dr Dr Cosmic Ray,

Hope you see the uniqueness of our Universal sphere, really hope you understand this essential evidence.

It's so important this uniqueness.

You see, I hope, the fractal of sphere ....

ps you are skilling but you don't analyze foundamentally the generality.



Relevant info--- Jason Wolfe made remarks on Peter Jackson's page that bear repeating with respect to my essay. He points out that "one particle is its own reference frame." Peter has quoted Einstein saying much the same thing, and the figure on page 6 in my essay shows how this fits my theory. Jason then states:

"...redshift reduces the frequency, and therefore reduces the information content that is being carried..."

I hadn't thought of that. I asked on another thread, months ago, just exactly when it became gospel that information is never lost? I have quantum mechanics texts from the 1930's (Dirac) to the 1980's (Sakurai) and QED and QCD texts from the 90's and 2000's, and I don't recall seeing in any of them that 'information is never lost'. No one answered my question.

But assuming this to be the case, Jason then covers this case by saying:

"But if the photons are again blue shifted, that should recover the information content."

That's a great statement, but it begs the question: Where was the information stored in the intervening period? Also, consider a photon that's never been red-shifted, but then falls into a hole. If it's blue-shifted, then information must be being created.

I'm still interested in the answer to when it became gospel that info is never lost.

Jason's idea is relevant to the interaction between the photon and the C-field.

Edwin Eugene Klingman

    • [deleted]

    Hi Ed,

    Certainly in the application of DVD's (red lasers vs. blue lasers) it is appropriate to say that a Blu-Ray disc can hold more information than a standard DVD. But does this analogy apply to Spacetime? Is information lost and regained (How can it be regained? Does digital reconstruction occur?) or is Spacetime simply stretch and compressed? Perhaps Spacetime is compressible (at least to a point?), and it is this property that allows so much information to be stored in a Black Hole. Regardless, I don't think that a physical infinity can exist in our finite Universe, so even a Black Hole has a limit as to how much information it can hold (~10^123).

    Have Fun!

    Ray, thanks for the comment. We agree on many things, and I'm still trying to compose a reasonable response on your thread. I also agree about physical infinity being non-existent. I am trying to clean up my remarks to appear on Christi Stoica's essay, which deals with the issue of information. I think this is a point that needs to be understood.

    Edwin Eugene Klingman

    Cristi Stoica's most impressive essay treats identical points that can exist with no distance between them and still retain their identity, with focus on loss of information at a singularity.

    But in Feynman diagrams two identical particles can enter into an interaction and two identical particles can exit the interaction, and it is impossible to track the identity through the interaction--they may, or may not, have switched places. I don't believe there is even the need for assuming zero distance between them. That is, we apparently don't need a singularity to lose track of identity.

    I find the idea that black holes can evaporate and all the 'information inside' be reconstructed ridiculous, but I know that others do not. Yet, why would one insist that such is the case? The implication seems to be that both classical and quantum time evolution laws are violated if info is lost. As noted Jason Wolfe points out that when photons are red-shifted, they lose information

    Yet if, as many fqxi'ers seem to believe, the real nature of time is essentially NOW, and Einstein's block time is an illusion, or at least a mathematical extrapolation that goes beyond reality, then what seems to be necessary is a physics that accurately describes interactions taking place NOW.

    But can we have gotten to NOW by two (or more) different paths, based on different initial and/or boundary conditions? A sort of generalization of the Feynman example above.

    So has anyone proved the 'uniqueness' of the history leading up to NOW?

    I'm of the opinion that, as Feynman said of QM, no one understands information. Some big names treat information as if it is a particle. Information is not a particle. I am not sure what is even meant when one speaks of 'information at a point of space', whether or not a zero or finite distance from another point.

    So is our current physical state of existence NOW reachable (in theory) by two or more different histories. It seems to me that only a probabilistic answer is possible, and when probability enters the picture, information becomes even more complicated.

    Edwin Eugene Klingman

      • [deleted]

      Hi Edwin,

      Regarding information, I like Stefan Weckbach's essay. I briefly talked about complexergy (complexity - energy), but didn't really talk about information. In my essay, I suggest that Scales mandate all large numbers and their inverses. I think that all large numbers in our observable universe are based on Dirac's Large Number ~10^40 (10^41 is closer to the experimental value, but 40 is a nice round number), and geometrical powers thereof (Note that Stefan's number is approximately this large number cubed - cubed because of 3 spatial dimensions? Likewise, the cosmological constant is approximately the inverse of Stefan's number, so we are dealing with "Infinity" and its inverse as Cristi's essay addressed).

      Is information lost? Lawrence and Philip have entangled qubits of strings (with "electric"-like and "magnetic"-like charges) that may keep track of this information of order ~10^120 using the combinatorial spin-flips of, say, 496 (496 is E8xE8*~SO(32)) different "particle states".

      Chriti's essay is interesting, but he seems to imply that Spacetime is divisible ad infinitum, and I don't buy that idea. I think that scales collapse these continously "smooth" Spacetime manifolds into discrete lattice structures. What lattice structure? I'm not certain, although FCC, BCC, HCP, graphene, buckyball, and diamond structures are all worthy case studies.

      Also, Christi implies that these infalling particles can be separated by "zero" distance. I don't think it is exactly "zero", but rather the inverse of a very large scale number. Even IF it this distance of separation is exactly zero in the x, y, and z coordinates, these "degeneracies" could still be broken by other dimensions, such as string theory's hyperspace.

      I didn't consider the core purpose of these essays to address information, but we seem to be going in that direction...

      Have Fun!

      • [deleted]


      always a mixing with some names of pseudos extrapolations.

      Conclusion You need to restudy your foundamentals and you need to buy an other t shirt ahahaha.

      Are you really conscient of what you say in fact ??? I doubt.Like many You speak and that's all.You proof in fact your errors in live.

      The most impressing is that some doctors are so vanitious, that's implies that they continue in their road and in fact they don't continue to learn the foundamentals.In fact it's just a play for recognizing.

      It's the reason why probably they speak always about the same stupidities.

      A real open minded accepts the foundamentals and rationalities, it's only simple like thaty, when a people is right, I accept.It's the real soul , the real mind of a real searcher of truth.

      Diract large number??? Can you inert it where you want for the study of the real number of entanglement, I doubt, and even for the calculation of the infinite spaces, thus like I said, totally withut sense.

      Spheres entanglerment and lattices(FCC,...)???? where uis the real fractal and the latticers between spheres if the number is finite,and the volumes increase towards the center ,and the number decreases towards this center.Futhermore the expansion contraction must be inserted in the two senses, quantic and cosmolog.

      qbits of strings????? you confound really the computing and the reality,the duality is logic and the system is finite.The oscillations are correlated with spinning spheres an their volumes.The sense of rotations spin. and orb. are essential.

      Extradimensions E x....???? a pure joke ....I have an idea, you must rethought your interpretation of the - the 0 and the infinity.



      To all,

      This is written to explain my final equation for those who do not speak partial differential equations or are not comfortable with such. It's obvious that I think it is a beautiful equation, and do not wish to limits its appreciation to only those familiar with PDEs.

      The equation reads phonetically: partial-sub-rho(time) = partial-sub-x(mass)

      What is shown in the derivation (in an appendix), but not explicitly shown in the final equation, is that the units are inverse Planck's constant, that is, the right hand side is "per unit of action".

      Now partial-sub-rho(time), where rho stands for volume, means "the change of time in a region of space".

      and partial-sub-x(mass), where x stands for distance, means "the change of mass with distance" (across the region of space).

      The result is a simple equation that represents space, time, distance, and mass in quantum units of action.

      Now this probably won't make much sense if you think of solid mass, like a chunk of lead, but if you think that a gravitational field (in a volume of space) has energy (proportional to the field squared, like all fields, according to Maxwell) and use Einstein's E=mc**2, then we can think of the change in the gravity (across the region) where the distance x is the 'width' of the region in the direction of maximum gravitational change. It usually helps to draw a picture at this point where each side is represented.

      So we have a change in time (time dilation) in a region where we have a change in the gravitational field energy/mass and the two are related. This simple (and beautiful) equation fell right out of my generalized Heisenberg quantum relation, which fell right out of my Master equation that claims that if we start with one field, and nothing else in the universe, the field can only evolve by interacting with itself.

      For those interested in time dilation, I think this is a unique equation that expresses a quantum way of looking at it.

      Even experts in partial differential equations are never hurt by simple explanations, and I hope this helps some by explaining time dilation in a simpler way than it is typically explained.


      Edwin Eugene Klingman

      Dear Cristi,

      I find your answers enlightening. Thanks for the explanations. You do have an excellent grasp of the issues. Interested readers should follow the link provided to your answers.

      Dear Ray,

      Part of a response I gave to Cristi Stoica relates to your statement that, "satisfying the Coleman-Mandula theorem is the crux of that balance."

      Cristi made the point that, "in Quantum Theory the time evolution is unitary, hence the information is preserved." I agree but think the following relevant:

      Martinus Veltman notes that Feynman rules are derived using the U-matrix, even though formal proofs exist that the U-matrix does not exist. (Diagrammatica, p.183). The U-matrix is unitary by construction, and implies conservation of probability, probability being "the link between the formalism and observed data." In my mind, this leaves some room for 'free will' in the universe, (with consequences for information) but I have not pursued the U-matrix much farther than that. Veltman claims the U-matrix and the equations of motion are to be replaced with the S-matrix, in which the interaction Hamiltonian determines the vertex structure.

      The Coleman-Mandula theorem, (according to Wikipedia) states that "the only conserved quantities in a "realistic" theory with a mass gap, apart from the generators of the Poincare group, must be Lorentz scalars." But this seems to constrain only symmetries of the S-matrix itself, not "spontaneously broken symmetries which don't show up directly on the S-matrix limit."

      As the 'scattering' matrix is used to make sense of particle collisions, this seems reasonable, but 'scattering' of particles is a very artificial (if necessary) way of studying particles, that may attach undue importance to symmetry and, as I've noted in my essay, leads to a Lagrangian that is based on inventing fields, whether or not those fields actually exist in nature. If they can be solved for then they are considered in some way 'real', and this leads, IMHO, to much of the confusion today.

      Veltman states that "unitarity, Lorentz invariance, locality, etc, are in some sense interchangeable." This seems problematical in light of today's push to banish locality from QM.

      I don't claim to understand the solution to these problems, just to note that there seems to be some circular logic going on, and I'm not sure that logic is preserved around a complete loop of the circle.

      This is part of the reason I start with the logic of one field, and work from there, ignoring, for the most part, the established formalism's of QM and GR if they don't map 100 percent into my model in a way that will satisfy experts in either field.

      Edwin Eugene Klingman


      I agree that information seems to be playing a large role in these essays. I'm not opposed to that, but as I've stated numerous times, I don't really believe that any one 'understands' information, other than in a superficial, mathematical fashion. There are far too many attempts to treat information (or a 'bit' of information) as a particle, which I take to be wholly misplaced. Information is not a particle and a bit of information is not a particle. Information may not even be physical, in the way normally meant, unless 'physical' incorporates consciousness in some manner as indicated in my previous essay. The fact that information relates to the physical world, but also to learning, intelligence, and wisdom, let alone both computation and communications bandwidth, tells me that information is a very complex thing to understand. Reductionists may believe that 'wisdom' is an abstraction, but I doubt that you do.

      There are treatments of information as relating to the area of a black hole that, in addition to treating info as particles, are not even necessary. I believe that I have derived the exact same results (ie equations) without even introducing the concept of information. More on this later. In some ways I hope that a future fqxi contest may focus on 'holographic' physics, as I have much to say on this topic. I also believe that 'entanglement' is a major source of confusion, as I've indicated in other remarks.

      Ray, I don't have strong opinions on the 'big numbers'. My theory starts with Newton's gravitational constant (set to one) and then demands Planck's constant, and then a maximum speed of light, which leads to charge and the fine structure constant, and then a new constant kappa (~ 10**31). That's about it. As I mentioned, I can explain relative mass order of all charged particles, but I cannot derive the actual mass spectrum (yet).

      I can see how a lattice-based approach may need more numbers, including large numbers, but I haven't needed them and don't have opinions. Physics theories clearly need numbers, but also need to avoid 'numerology'. I'll try to pay more attention to these issues.

      Finally, I tend to agree with your statements about Cristi's essay, but read his answers to me. I think he explains his position very well.

      Edwin Eugene Klingman

      Dear Eugene,

      congratulations for your essay, it is impressive but also good looking. I like the search for a final explanation and unity in which you are engaged. I would like to understand more about the fundamental field you propose, maybe you can recommend me a reading to start with. On a general note, I have the feeling that we both think that there is something important about the fact that the topology is more fundamental than the metric. Also, it seems to me that we both think that a spacetime description, such as that of General Relativity, would require a more local approach to Quantum Mechanics.

      I wish you success with the contest and with your research,

      Cristi Stoica

        • [deleted]

        Dear James,

        I agree with you that it would be beautiful to "derive the laws of physics from a single field." But searching for a final thoery implies we do no yet know the 'true' laws of physics!

