Dear Eckard,
I ask for an excuse if you took what I am saying personally. I use any of your (generally) responce to make my point and I agree that sometimes this is overdone.
Dear Eckard,
I ask for an excuse if you took what I am saying personally. I use any of your (generally) responce to make my point and I agree that sometimes this is overdone.
Dear all,
please see file attached
Let us suppose that you collide two beams of protons with opposite directions with the high energy that Large Hadron Collinder (LHC) can provide, what you would expect, according to NCS, concerning the flight direction of the particles produced. That you would get two groups ("flocks") of particles. The ones that would depart from the point of their generation (BB of their local NCS) and would be within their real reality space (X, Y, Z) (with max angle between them approximately 125 degrees) and their entangled antiparticles directed towards the opposite direction (their virtual space) with the same max angle between them. This is in fact the latest "inexplicable" phenomenon observed during LHC's experiments (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=particles-that-flock).
He is strong our Eckard No ? Hhihii we like him for that.
And also hihi you think you are pythagore or what ih ? ahahah the origin of a country do not stipulate a correlation hihihi humor from belgium a little beer
Do not wait for a reply from me for this kind of comments, dear Steve
Infinity/2 ???
You lost me.
All the details are in the essay. Please read the full essay and not only the abstract.
perhaps dear Eckard you can explain him the alephs of Cantor and the real distribution of numbers.
keep cool .
I stop to bother you, I am a liitle too baby sometimes.
Please see file attached:
good luck to all.Attachment #1: holography3.pdf
Please in holography3.pdf file above replace the word "radical" with "radial".
Furthermore in order the events to be unique we have to include space expansion as well.
best wishes for all,
ioannis hadjidakis
Dear Ioannis,
I have read your essay and agree with your explanation. Virtual part of the reality is the intellect and conscious realm in us. Until we include our inner most self in to the equation we will not be able to understand the universe or reality or virtuality fully. Please see the essay titled Theory of everything that I have posted in this contest at your convenience as I would like to share my experience with you.
who am I? I am virtual reality, I is absolute truth.
Yiassou Yianni,
I just had to drop in and say hello! My youngest daughter spend all last year at the University of Ioannina studying Greek. And if she could, she would be there in no time. She loves Greece and the peace of mind and freedom she feels there.
Yia hara,
Dear Sridattadev,
thanks for your thoughts. As an admirer of your country's culture I would say that science is a play during our unrest personal times.Together with arts give something to "think" about for those they do not trapped in aggressive games (way of life) of our times. Unfortunately we are a tiny happy minority we see things like this.
Yiasou Constantine,
Greece is indeed a country with exceptional culture, although well hidden.
Always welcome, Ioannis
Next time you go to the Castro section of Ioannina, look for Cafe Filistron. There ask for Nikiforo. Give him my greetings and tell him that Melina sends her love!
I'll certainly do.
Siddartha Gottam shall speak with Seneque about the universal love. Its sister the compassion as a torch of all hopes will tell us the truth of a water drop. The real humility is when we listen the wind and its heart.We are walkers of the Universal sphere, Catalyzers of the aim, this physicality in optimization, and we contemplate these creations.At this moment we loose our contemplations and we survive in an ocean of confusions and stupidities. The quiet of minds is difficult due to these lost of our contemplations and creations.We add our bad habits and we continue to imply the chaos.The problem is so simple and so complex in a global and local point of vue.In all case the harmony will take the above,it's logic, never the chaos can continue, it's just a short moment in a locality.Thus of course the universality and its meanders of consciousness shall be the rational road of universal love .We are still youngs at the universal scale, and the future is the pure improvement, the pure optimization of the planetarian spheres and its lifes......The responsability becomes a so important parameter for this optimization of physicalities.The Entropy and its cooling has an aim ......simple and evident....the universal and eternal sphere .....it's the future!
Best Regards thinkers and walkers of stars....and don't forget the humanity is like a rainbow a diversity of colors unified, united in the light....it's difficult to turn off a big fire with one water drop, nevertheless a whole of drops makes Ocean.....Take care brothers of the universe.
Steve humble walker.
Dear Ioannis,
finally I would also like to get to your essay and ask some questions:
(1) Are your ideas supposed to lead to new theories of physics? Or are you trying to formulate the existing theories in a new way?
(2) According to general relativity and its coordinate invariance, a coordinate system is not a property of a physical system. Rather, as theorists we are completely free to choose any coordinate system we want, and our final physical predictions are going to be independent of the coordinate system used. So why do you attribute this importance to the coordinate system?
(3) Can you motivate the distinction between the "real coordinate system" and the "virtual coordinate system"?
(4) You state on p. 6, "a real observer [...] in 3D space he could conceive [...] 1/16 of the whole 3D space". Can you explain the physical idea behind this? I find the statement confusing, since I, as an observer, can apparently conceive all of 3D space! I do not perceive any holes or corners in space...
By the way, many thanks for the email, much appreciated! I will respond to it in private.
Dear Tobias,
Ans.1: What I propose is the use of a new coordination system (NCS) that could accommodate all physical interrelations (e.g. holography) among existing physical entities and does not inpose unatural ways of conception (e.g. negative numbers) or excludes physical interrelations by its inabilities. I feel that existing theories of physics could uncover new possibilities when they will be hosted to NCS and may new theories (physical rules) are formulated. So, a staightforward answer is: BOTH.
Ans. 2: In continuation to my previous answer I suggest that most physical constants are not really constants. They are dependent of Universe's age (the distance from NCS' origin ("Big Bang")) and hence there is NO "coordinate invariance" as now physisists think. So, relativity needs to be reconsindered and this is really important.
Ans. 3: As Godel incompletness theorems state we are not able to include everything in a consistent theory and there will always be an unknown part of physical reality. This part can not be whithin our conceivable world because we would sometime be able to know; the only way to accommodate it is to "invent" the "virtual" part of our universe (that happens to explain many unexplicable phenomena in an unexpected simple way).
Ans. 4: I really can not understand your question. Do you conceive the space between electrons? Or velocity? or freedom? I hope your answer is that you can not conceive any of them but you have some (strong) indications of their existance. The same happens with the unconceivable part of our universe; we can not conceive it ("unconceivable") but we have some indications of it.
I am sorry for the abstract way of my expression but I tried to answer as simple and clear as possible (not figures this time).
Best wishes,