Hi Ioannis, I especially liked your back-to-basics thinking in this essay. Very good work and most appreciated. I wish I'd done my own diagrams and scanned them in now!

Dear Alan,

I appreciate your kind words. Any contribution in any form is highly welcomed but I feel hand made figures give a personal note to science. Science is personal (in the sense that even physical sciences are related to scientists' philosophy) although this is not the common opinion. I feel better looking at the figures of Newton's books although in some cases accurate graphs are a necessity.

Regards, narsep

    Yes, I agree with personal touch of hand-drawn diagrams, which reminds me of Leonardo incidentally. You mention Newton and so I'll quickly give my reason why I think he made a fundamental mistake. With regard to the ocean tides, the concept of a gravitational gradient which causes the Earth to squash into a more oblate shape is only one part of a possible solution imo. There's also the possiblity of a non-standard core of the planets and the sun. This has been totally overlooked. It invalidates the Cavendish experiment, devised to 'weigh' the Earth. This assumes that the central cores of the planets are composed of the same material that is found on the external crust! It ain't necessarily so..

    • [deleted]

    Dear Alan,

    My drawings are nothing to compare with Leo's, however his have science in them too (humour). As far Newton's "fundamental mistake" I agree that his prove for his gravitanional theory is totally wrong but his theory seems to be right (I really have not found a reasonable prove of it).

    Regards, narsep

    There's a good reason why he's wrong though. It's the explanation for the 100,000 year ice age cycle. Milankovitch cycles are not very good if you look into the subject in detail. See the six major problems that arise. The inclination cycle, the up and down motion of the Earth, is a much better fit than eccentricity, which is described in this excellent paper Spectrum of 100-kyr glacial cycle: Orbital inclination, not eccentricity. The suggested mechanism is wrong, but can be replaced with a non-standard core model of the Earth and Sun. The inclination cycle could generate inclination earth-tides, which would increase the strength of the ocean currents. This is a crucial factor in determining the onset of glaciation. It's a good fit, but no-one seems to have thought of this idea before. It's a lot to understand in one go, but well worth the effort imo. Best wishes, Alan

    • [deleted]

    Dear Ioannis,

    You consider (1) an "unconceivable reality as a logical and mathematical fact" "although many refuse to accept the reality they cannot perceive" (2).

    I am still waiting for comments on my essay. Did you find any indication that I might share either (1) or (2)?

    Do you arrive at similar or different practical implications as do I? I am favoring as a touchstone for theories and also for some applications a unilateral restriction to just positive elapsed time.



    • [deleted]

    Dear Eckard,

    It is worthless to limit our creativity because of others' different opinions. However we have to persuade them if we think we are right.

    I like your essay with its explicit consideration about the use of negative numbers. Although I agree that a great deal of work and social thinking has been spent on aspects that their only utility is to give reasonable and countable results like negative and imaginary numbers based on CCS, my opinion is that this approach has driven human mind to its limits. Science has to follow an alternative path in seeing Nature and this is not to exclude others of getting part in everybody's Nature (either living in e.g. ecology, poverty ... or spiritually thinking about it e.g. not making science for scientists-ourselves). So if we think some parts of science are fault it is our obligation to "fight" them. This is a way for pressing anybody that could propose an alternative.

    Best wishes, narsep (ioannis)

    • [deleted]

    Dear Eckard,

    I ask for an excuse if you took what I am saying personally. I use any of your (generally) responce to make my point and I agree that sometimes this is overdone.


    5 days later

    Let us suppose that you collide two beams of protons with opposite directions with the high energy that Large Hadron Collinder (LHC) can provide, what you would expect, according to NCS, concerning the flight direction of the particles produced. That you would get two groups ("flocks") of particles. The ones that would depart from the point of their generation (BB of their local NCS) and would be within their real reality space (X, Y, Z) (with max angle between them approximately 125 degrees) and their entangled antiparticles directed towards the opposite direction (their virtual space) with the same max angle between them. This is in fact the latest "inexplicable" phenomenon observed during LHC's experiments (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=particles-that-flock).

    • [deleted]

    He is strong our Eckard No ? Hhihii we like him for that.

    And also hihi you think you are pythagore or what ih ? ahahah the origin of a country do not stipulate a correlation hihihi humor from belgium a little beer

    • [deleted]

    Infinity/2 ???

    You lost me.


    • [deleted]

    All the details are in the essay. Please read the full essay and not only the abstract.

    • [deleted]

    perhaps dear Eckard you can explain him the alephs of Cantor and the real distribution of numbers.


    • [deleted]

    keep cool .

    I stop to bother you, I am a liitle too baby sometimes.



    4 days later
    • [deleted]

    Please in holography3.pdf file above replace the word "radical" with "radial".

    Furthermore in order the events to be unique we have to include space expansion as well.

    best wishes for all,

    ioannis hadjidakis

    • [deleted]

    Dear Ioannis,

    I have read your essay and agree with your explanation. Virtual part of the reality is the intellect and conscious realm in us. Until we include our inner most self in to the equation we will not be able to understand the universe or reality or virtuality fully. Please see the essay titled Theory of everything that I have posted in this contest at your convenience as I would like to share my experience with you.

    who am I? I am virtual reality, I is absolute truth.



      Yiassou Yianni,

      I just had to drop in and say hello! My youngest daughter spend all last year at the University of Ioannina studying Greek. And if she could, she would be there in no time. She loves Greece and the peace of mind and freedom she feels there.

      Yia hara,

      Constantinos Ragazas