Dear Brian,
Starting from your conclusions:
"Indeed, a world of objects that inherently exist is a concept flawed at its foundation. If a photon is
a mini-object with hidden parts, they need still finer parts, and so on. If every object contains smaller
objects, how can it ever end? That physical objects always arise from other physical objects is like the
earth being a disc on the back of a giant turtle. Just as that turtle would need another turtle to stand
upon, ad infinitum, so every object would need sub-objects to comprise it. A universe can no more be
"objects all the way down" than it can be "turtles all the way down". The existential buck has to stop
somewhere, and in this model, processing is it." :
What if the argument goes in circle assuming that beyond the quantum (smallest) quantity is the infinity (biggest)?
"By the logic of quantum theory, between our "real" observations is a quantum unreality of which
the Copenhagen doctrine says we must not speak. Yet as entities are in-between interactions more than
in them, the world exists mostly in uncollapsed quantum states. So by what logic are its brief moments
of collapse "real"? Surely reality is what exists most of the time?" :
An entity (SuE) is in a collapsed quantum state (pure real state) just for a moment the "time moment" that it is on time line (X=Y=Z); the time of perception (measurement). The same is true for the "time moment" when it is in its pure virtual state ΦX=ΦY=ΦZ . Hence, any entity is in its clear real or virtual state just for a "time moment" when it (the entity) is on its time line (extension of R or Φ, see Fig. 5 and 6 for 2D and Fig. 8 for 3D). At all other (infinity) time the entity is in a sum of stochastic states with continuously varying probabilities between the previous and the following collapsed quantum states. So reality is neither real neither virtual.
"Or if quantum waves predict and cause physical reality, isn't making a cause "unreal" and its
effect "real" backwards logic, like saying the sun circles the earth? If quantum states create physical
states, by what logic are they unreal? Surely reality is that which causes, not that which is caused49?" :
Reality is that which causes ONLY IF interaction is independent from what is caused. If this is not the case (interaction depends on the result through holographic virtual interconnection) then reality is that which causes PLUS that which is caused.
"... against evidence that quantum states are non-physical by nature and quantum collapse is non-physical by origin." :
Quantum states are "non-physical" by physical reality and quantum collapse is "non-physical" by virtual reality (both realities consist nature).
"It is to this place, that others avoid, the VR conjecture takes us, not to shock or amuse, but to
progress. We suppose ourselves in the rational sunlight of physical reality, standing before a dark cave
of quantum paradox, but in this model, as in Plato's cave analogy, it is the other way around." :
It is not like Plato's cave.
It is like we see with one eye to our front and the other eye to our back. The front eye sees the real reality and the back one sees the virtual reality. We can not perceive both realities at once although they are both existing in the present universe. We have the appropriate glass(es) for the front eye and we are search for the glass(es) for the back one.
Best regards,