Essay Abstract
An analysis based on the imagery of the creation of structure from the starting point of a void. A visual representation of spinning threads of energy which emerge and then grow into 'spinning threads of spinning threads'. Two opposing mirror matter structures conserving laws of conservation of energy and momentum is envisaged. These analog structural energy trees then break free and traverse a wraparound universe to collide on the opposite side of a hypersphere. The Big Bang irregularities are thought to be due to a slight non-spherical aspect of this hypersphere, meaning the two trees don't meet 100% head-on. The high energy collision breaks the spinning threads into discrete digital components. Some of the resultant forms are of long-lasting donut helices which are our familiar protons and neutrons.
Author Bio
I have a background in simulation modelling from a childhood filled with physics thinking. A lateral thinker with a natural inclination to challenge the accepted paradigm. I'm currently residing on on-line science forums and available for paid consultancy work.