Dear Alan ,
I thought I would take a look at your essay. There literally is a screw loose in this competition because it keeps on popping up on the various threads all over the place. I notice some people have given you positive feedback on their threads which must be encouraging for you.I find it a little frustrating that you want people to discuss your ideas but do not seem prepared to look at and consider theirs.
This is obviously something that you have a burning desire to share and have considered by other people. Apparent lack of interest is something that I have become accustomed to as a regular contributor on the FQXi blog threads.I would not be too concerned about it. Everyone has their own pet ideas and concerns. I have however been delighted to have found people that I have never spoken to before who have regularly read what I have written and have only now introduced themselves and been most complimentary in their remarks. There are perhaps more people who have read your ideas than have wished to leave a comment.
Your essay is short, which was a surprise to me. I anticipated something longer and was actually quite relieved that I did not have to read something extremely difficult,long and complex. One of the shortest I would say having read quite a number of other essays now. It does not strike me as particularly foundational or an answer to the competition question either.If you think that is an unjustified observation perhaps you could explain. I am quite tired at the moment because I have been working through a lot of the essays much later into the night than I should.If I have time I will return to your thread before community evaluation closes and see if I can say something more constructive, positive and helpful.
Kind regards, Georgina.