Hi Peter,
Yes, the Eureka moments have been coming one after another over the last few years or more. Maybe it's middle age or something, but the effect is rather subdued nowadays, I've gotten too used to it perhaps(!). I'm glad you're open to the sunspot/gravity connection and in agreement with the empirical evidence of ocean current mapping having the final say.
Thanks for the hopf fibration info, that was totally new to me. The graphics are inspiring. I also agree that there's a problem with the mainstream combination of mathematics and the imagery of a sphere. The whole caboodle needs redefining in a more precise fashion imo. The quark modelling of the proton and neutron in 3D solves the issue, it's just never been done before. I've made some progress in this direction which is why I've been shouting the Eureka word again.
I just remebered that I already predicted the shape of the Earth's (and sun's) 'inner seed nugget' to be much denser than baryonic matter and shaped like a rugby ball balanced on it's end, as if ready to be kicked. This ties in a peach with Brouwer's theorem. The neutron shells would be twisted into a stiffer structure than the surrounding 'fluid' according to Brouwer's theorem. It would be thicker around the middle where the speed of rotation is fastest, reducing in width towards either pole. Isn't this exactly the shape as predicted by this theory? (P.S Wouldn't the twisted neutron shell 'seed nugget' produce the Earth's magnetic field? Wouldn't the remaining fluid flow around this seed nugget from one hemisphere to another producing the Earth's electric field?)
Not only does this model explain the unusual earthquake phenomena of the inner innermost core but it also can explain the mystery of dark matter. If you add up all the rugby ball shaped inner seed nuggets of the stars they would have a combined effect of one big galactic seed nugget. This is exactly what has been deduced from precise modelling of the path of a shredded dwarf galaxy called Sagittarius which fell into our galaxy more than 3 billion years ago. Milky Way Has "beach ball" Dark Matter Halo
[quote]The cloud of dark matter that is thought to surround the Milky Way may be shaped like a squashed beach ball. This halo of invisible matter also seems to sit at an unexpected angle - which could be a strike against a theory that challenges Einstein's account of gravity...
The debris stream suggests the dark matter distribution is very different to that of ordinary matter, says Law. Instead of mimicking the Milky Way's disc of stars, as simulations had suggested, the halo is roughly perpendicular to the disc and is roughly half as thick as it is wide.[end quote]
It's the rugby ball shape which is needed to tie in with the Tidal Inclination Hypothesis. As the Earth's orbit rises above or below the Sun's ecliptic plane in a 100,000 year cycle, the cross sectional surface area of this seed nugget becomes reduced. Therefore the gravitational gradient across the Earth is reduced, creating less tidal bulging, which in turn reduces the strength of the ocean tides and the transport of heat from the equator to the poles, which starts an ice age albedo feedback scenario. The evidence for my working model is now getting into the overwhelming stage..
Best wishes, Alan