• [deleted]

Dear Alan

This is my guess:

There are Base Fermion and Base Boson of the Universe.

Both have radius size 10^-13sm

Base Fermion is proton(neutron) Mpr=10^-24 g

Base Boson is Hawking black hole Mhbl=10^16 g

Mplank; Mpl=10^-4g

Mpl=sqrt(Mpr x Mhbl)=10^-4g


Fgr/Fem =1/10^40

Rounding values.



  • [deleted]

Hi Yuri,

Thanks for the reply. I only understand pictures at the moment, my mind has become exclusive to numerical arguments I'm affraid! You may well be onto something though.

P.S I feel guilty about not reading David's essay and giving him a critique. The replies he got give me a good idea that he's 'on our side'.



  • [deleted]


I can only re-iterate Edwin's remarks:

[quote]You have truly written a masterful essay. Simple enough to be read and enjoyed by all visitors to fqxi and yet insightful enough to teach experts a few things. Thank you for your excellent contribution.[end quote]

I wish I'd have read this during the early stages of the competition. I would have scored this a 10 with ease. The best essay here by far. I really hope that you win something.


a month later
  • [deleted]

Right from the start arithmetic was connected to music, so this is the most obvious place to look for integers. Standing waves are the paradigm: anything non integer interferes with itself and gets destroyed. So, they provide their own scale and select only multiples. Most of discrete physics boils down to this. (And if you need some extra integers, take the values of Euler's gamma function.)

Dear David,

A nice read in which one feels you know whereof you speak because of the elegance and ease in the flow of ideas! You single out the fact that no one can can write a discrete version of the Standard Model because of the need to express its chirality. Since fqxi is devoted to asking fundamental questions that remain unsolved in physics, can't we simply say that the Standard Model is far from being the last word - a simpler and more powerful theory may entirely supplant it one day.

Something similar may have already happened to the the "no-go" Nielsen and Ninomiya theorem proving that chirality cannot be represented on a lattice. I refer to this admitting the technical aspects are beyond my understanding, but the author claims he has done so: Weyl Neutrinos on a Lattice: An Explicit Construction.

I would be honored if you look at my qualitative and incomplete suggestions for a lattice theory of everything in which chirality is built in at the most fundamental 'building block' level: a universal lattice of identical dielectric nodes spinning mostly in one direction transferring angular momentum in units of (h). These ideas are in my present fqxi contest contribution, and also in the earlier 2005 Beautiful Universe paper on which it is based.

With best wishes for your success, Vladimir

    a month later
    • [deleted]

    Congratulations, David, to the silver prize. I would endorse every letter but couldn't write it in your masterful English. Your essay is clearly the best one in this contest, with all due respect to Moshe.


    Congratulations upon your place in the fqxi essay contest.

    I repeat my earlier remark:

    You have truly written a masterful essay. Simple enough to be read and enjoyed by all visitors to fqxi and yet insightful enough to teach experts a few things. Thank you for your excellent contribution.

    I am happy that the judges saw it the same way!

    Edwin Eugene Klingman

    • [deleted]

    Dear David,

    Congratulations on your prize. I had not read your essay until now but decided to read it today, as the judges placed it so highly. It is just as Edwin describes above. I found it very interesting indeed and enjoyable to read.

    Very well done. Regards Georgina.

    • [deleted]

    I wanted to say that this essay should have won first prize. The fact that it didn't clearly represents a bias in the judges. I stumbled on the same logic recently and find it fantastic that others see the same evidence. It seems that our notion of discreteness is strongly associated with our sense of oppositeness. Its this nonuniformity that gives us a sense of time, among other things. Bravo on a fabulous piece of thought!

    • [deleted]

    Thanks to all you for your kind words and support!


    • [deleted]

    Pulling up what I can on this subject, it seems that practical reality shows that you have one of two choices, either accept continuity in 3+1 dimensions or accept extra dimensions.




    • [deleted]

    This essay is definitely very cool. It is a bridge which gives thought for philsophy too. See David Tong's excellent PDF slide show on this subject http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/tong/talks/integers.pdf

    An example this brings to mind is that of the problem of determining Avogadro's number as an integer (which would be related to something physically significant). Unfortunately they have been trying to determine this integer as a cube so that it fits neatly within the cubic space. I do not think that it can be done and that it would be trivial and un natural. See: http://www.americanscientist.org/issues/pub/an-exact-value-for-avogadros-number

    The problem of relating Avogadro's number as an integer (related to something physically or naturally significant) is going to probably be related to black hole physics. ;)

      • [deleted]

      Wonderful essay. No such thing as too many exclamation marks. I agree strongly with Luboš that this is clearly a great essay.

      Now, I wouldn't usually make a big deal of this, but if you ever look back here, what do you think of the a priori structural requirement that is often required of a QFT that the Hilbert space we use must be separable? Hee!

      Salutations, Professor Tong:

      Havent' read your essay, but will next and am confident fqxi made the right choice so will look forward to it, based on the excellence of the first prize winner's entry.

      To be a little more specific and a lot more cryptic: G. Boole's law of thought is X(X-1)=0. it's the symbolic mathematics I used to derive a definition of consciousness in my own (middle--of-the-road--of finalists) Essay. It is clear that the standard QM Model considers this principle to actually be X(X-1)=1 or 0 or anywhere in between, before a Measurement. This is path I'll use to write my next Essay (whenever they announce the next Contest). I'll use modern LHC results of experiments, in technical English, to derive another definition of Consciousness based on modern observations (as opposed to the original law I used to derive C from the classic double slit experiment). Then C (old) can be equated with C (new), and an equation capturing the essense of Consciousness incorporating repeated experimentation with new experimental results will be the result. This will be a (perhaps complex form, to be simplified) representation of Everything. I'll make a wager it will help to answer some unresolved questions like: why are there 5 Forms of SuperString Theories, what is M-Theory, and which of the MultiVerse theories can be eliminated and which have support, and which can be experimentally verified, and maybe why e/m is what it is? And other non-trivial results. Any thought's on these matters?

      Enough of that though--on to your winning essay!

        • [deleted]

        Dear All,

        If the universe is a matrix, who am I?

        I am an integer I is the zero

        I am a Neo I is the architect.



        • [deleted]

        Does God allow we apply 'natural number' to 'electron' ?Especially , We konw that electron isn't 'Apple' or Richard Feynman's 'clicks' . as he said that all the surprising wisdom of quantum mechanics is hiding in the double slit experiment. I think maybe the field of natural number's application is restricted by nature, e.g. quantum phenomenon. If we do not reconstruct quantum phenomenon on the old picture(natural number) , that could be think as another reality?

        Good essay. Emergent Integers indeed! Can't help but notice that your view is decidedly not Pythagorean! I disagree: math IS reality. Whether this is a Virtual Reality or no that I am typing this comment in, there can be little doubt that if this is virtual, then reality is digital. If it isn't, nevertheless your DNA (the code that programs life--is).

        If we were to program a simulated Reality which would be indistinguishable from this one (the one we agree is Objectively Real), we would simplify the code to a few mathematical equations (e.g. Gravity the other three forces). Then we would transform those laws into the code of our programmed reality.

        'Many years later', or iterations, the inhabitants of the virtual reality would develop sophisticated experiments and methods to discover the underlying mathematics governing their reality. Ultimately, they would begin to question then why the math is what it is. They would form hypotheses about Virtual Realities and Hidden Dimensions and Utimate Multiverses. All in an attempt to shy away from the suspected Truth: they are programs in a Virtual World. Or that God did it. Such has Science come to be: a strident clarion-call that everthing is godless (but nevertheless beautiful and true and elegant). It's time to capitulate, and begin to accept a melding of Religion and Science as we move forward. And harken back to making Aristotle's MetaPhysiks rigourous.

        Eh, what am I doing in here anyway; shouting in dark? Oh yeah almost forgot: it is my conclusion that the VR Hypothesis is no Hypothesis at all, and all this various verbiage of mine is an attempt to be exceptional in this Reality. To try to stand out and get the programmer to notice me. Oh, and incidentally, to try to convince someone to offer me a job or a Grant so some serious attention can be paid to this perhaps most important of topics by this point-like wave-ish program who imagines himself an Author...

        And to become what Destiny demands: Doctor (Ph.D) Witch Doctor. Has a better resonance than merely witch dr., no?

        6 days later
        • [deleted]

        Dear David,

        A simple mathematical equation to represent everything is as follows, application of this simple fact will solve all other complex equations.

        0 = infinity

        "absolutely" nothing = "relatively" everything



          • [deleted]

          Dear Tommy,

          We have successfully divided intelligence and conscience into scientific and spiritual communities. Intelligence arises from conscience. Heart is the first organ to form in a human being and is involuntary and it is where the conscience resides, Brain is developed later and intelligence is acquired and resides in the brain. As a being is not complete without the either of them, understanding the universe will also be incomplete without realizing the conscience or the self. Intelligence or science alone cannot answer the fundamental questions of who we really are and what is the purpose of the creation. Scientific community is terming the self or conscience as singularity and is unable to define it mathematically to fit in its theories. Some of these scientific theories suggest that there is no singularity and some of them thinnk it is infinite. In fact conscience is both "absolutely" nothing and "relatively" infinite at the same time. I am posting in these forums for promoting scientific spirituality and importance of self realization and beauty of love and to merge these too fields into one. It is out of love of the self or singularity that everything emerges and eventually has to merge back in it.

          Conscience is the cosmological constant.

          Intelligence is the cosmological variant.

          Hence several inelligent or complex theories of the truth.

          Truth or conscience is simple, accepting it is not.

          You are not alone, there are billions of us who have accepted the inherent truth of conscience. Only a few of us are taking the longer and tedious scientific route to the truth and eventually both these realms will merge back and all of us will live in love and peace.

