Hello Joachim,
Let me clarify your points:
1) You write, "... Eav may be "out of range", i.e. not allowed as a value of E(t)". Nowhere in any of my results is Eav associated with a particular time, say E(t) = Eav. So this objection is mute and inconsequential.
2) You write, "... I guess that starting from Eq.(1) it is possible to promote many known relations or "laws" to "mathematical identities (tautologies)" in a similar way".
Certainly mathematical identities can be applied to physics whenever appropriate. I am using this 'trivial' mathematical identity Eq.(1) to derive Planck's Law. But if you know of other such applications of this 'trivial' identity to physics, I'd be very happy to know about them? But what's your point? Say there were 100 more such applications (like there are probably for the Pythagorean Theorem), does that take away anything from this application to Planck's Law? Please ...
3) You write, "...I do not think, that it may be regarded as a "mathematical derivation of the Planck Law"."
Actually, I am showing Planck's Law is only a reflection in Physics of a larger mathematical truth! Planck's Law I show is not a 'Law of Physics' but rather a Mathematical Identity applied to Physics. In much the same way that we can apply the Pythagorean theorem to measure distance. Here, we are measuring 'intensity of energy', knowing the amount of energy that is absorbed at a given temperature. Of course, this happens when measurement is made! And that is exactly why the experimental blackbody spectrum is indistinguishable from that obtained using Planck's Law!!!
4) You write, "In a mathematical approach to physical problems we cannot change the rules because of some physical limitations or constraints,..."
What rules am I changing? Or do you mean our 'views' which in fact do constraint us and mentally limit us? Physics has failed to provide us with a 'physical view' that 'makes sense'. It's time we change the rules! We can start with a proper understanding of Planck's Law as a mathematical identity that describes the interaction of measurement!
5) You write, "From the physical point of view, a blackbody radiates because it is a blackbody,"
Oh! And I thought it was because of some oscillators that clink on to the wall of a furnace! Now I know better! It is really because "a blackbody radiates because it is a blackbody". That makes perfect physical sense. Thank you!
6) You write, "... the identity \eta=\eta, remainded me at some point the famous verse "I am that I am" from the Torah"
That's the nature of IDENTITY! You should read the Torah more faithfully. It contains much truth!
7) You write, "..."prime physis" have to be rather an action functional..."
I left eta as an undefined quantity in my essay. Thus, all the results I have listed are purely mathematical and very general. Of course, these mathematical results are Basic Law in Physics - such as Newton's Second law of Motion, Conservation of Energy and Momentum, Kinetic Energy, Boltzman's Entropy Equation, etc. Planck's constant is such a quantity eta! Eta can be thought as being both 'action' as well as 'accumulation of energy'. All these results are obtained without prescribing any structure or properties to eta. If we were to give eta more specific structure, we will be able to obtain more results! I can only do so much! Perhaps you can do more ...