My dear Sri (do you mean Illustrus or just Mr ?)
Thanks for your post, you say "created with every birth and destroyed with every death", this is true when we look at the causal deterministic universe that we are "living" in, before birth there is no conscioussness and after death in the causal universe there is no more individual consciousness, but ... in the Total Simultaneity that I propose all the moments and places are simutanuesly presnet,it is the non causal "everything", you can compare it with "the center of everything where there is absolutely nothing and the center of nothing where there is absolutely everything" (thanks for your article). So in fact all the moments we survived are eternally present, but the word eternally has no meaning here.
Change the word Big Bang for "Origin", an origin is not a unique mement it is for every causal consciousness a special moment in Total Simultaneity.
For mankind Love and Hate come from the same source...
keep on thinking free