• [deleted]

Dear Daniele,

If your formalism allows you to consider finite open regions of space-time, then this is equivalent to inserting a classical boundary. Basically what you are probably doing is taking some fixed discrete structure, promoting this as a ''boundary'' and allow for fluctuations inside. Of course all these concepts depend at least on a background topology such as the notions of inside, outside and so on. And yes, such ''boundary'' would be classical in the sense that the superposition principle does not apply there, even causal set people do regard one causal set as classical. Second, such states are highly unrealistic (and distributional); even in QFT, one has that the physical states do not have a finite support.

Towards your comments on covariance, they all appear to be wrong. First of all, nobody has ever constructed a quantum Dirac algebra in 4 dimensions; as I said, the way LQG deals with these issues probably breaks covariance. In 2+1 dimensions, I grant this has been done already. Second, we do measure partial observables all the time, and never ever do we measure Dirac observables. By definition, these last ones are globally defined only unless you really add POINT particles. But then you still break manifest diffeomorphism invariance not on space-time but on the parametrization space of the point particle itself (even the free relativistic particle on Minkowski has no manifest covariant quantization, that is why we need QFT). All you seem to say is that one could quantize this in principle and define Dirac observables; even if I think this is false in 3+1 dimensions, and of course you are welcome to provide me a reference which shows me wrong, still one has no local observables for matter fields. One could have local observables for point particles but that breaks manifest reparameterization invariance and of course it is not a correct theory (probably not even mathematically).

Well, I do say you need to construct a quantum theory for matter without reference to any classical matter theory.

Concerning the terminology of asymptotic freedom, nobody I explained this to had a problem with it. Classical vacuum GR clearly is asymptotically free due to the equivalence principle (except when you meet a physical singularity of course). Take any solution and zoom in, then in a neighborhood of a point, space-time will look flat. Now, classically, if you couple point matter to gravity then the theory is not asymptotically free anymore because the Newton potential does not have an extremum at zero distance.

Concerning Einstein, I do not doubt the fact that he first tried out noncovariant approaches as Whitehead and many others did after him. However, my point was that progress was only made once he understood general covariance was a key element. That has put him in communication with Cartan and Hilbert to learn the new mathematics. So,this does not invalidate anything I said; my point was that he was messing around until he had a new idea which relegated everything he did before to the trashbin. What I told you is that any unfounded approach will suffer the same destiny; actually, axioms are the result of deep, hard work and going through the mud first. If you say you are swimming in the mud now, you will have to hope for a really original idea sooner or later, or you will get nowhere. That is how theoretical physics works.



  • [deleted]

Dear Daniele,

Concerning your second mail, did I ever dispute the fact that the q-deformed algebra's are not closed ? All I said is that they seriously differ from the Poincare algebra at high energies. Moreover, it is not enough to have the algebra only, you need to have the entire deformed group with it's complicated topology. The reason is very simple, the quantization of spin is a property of the orthochronous Lorentz group and not the algebra. And yes, I use terminology in a loose way because we have no space-time understanding whatsoever yet of these deformed algebraic structures; I invite you to construct its representation theory.

Concerning the development of this mathematical theory; yes, I am also glad people do it and I have played with these things myself once upon a time.

The development of representation theory of these deformed algebra's is still in its infancy which again does not imply it should stop, but on the other hand (and that was my point) my intuition tells me that even this kind of mathematical structures are not broad enough yet.

Concerning your statements about the motivation for the deformation, I agree with what you try to say intuitively (not physically though). Of course, all this flies straight in the face of naturalness and moreover, your deformations should be fully dynamical. Haven't seen that anywhere yet...



  • [deleted]

Finally, glad you read so many books, I never studied what philosophers of science had to say about scientific practice. Scientists themselves should find that out. As a general comment to what you say, I think that your ideas apply to most people; however they are terribly outdated what I am concerned. Ultimately, progress always comes from a new idea which of course is grounded in the failure of an older one. But what usually happens is that the later generations forget about the idea and only learn the math; this is very problematic and completely outdated. Often it is so that a masterpiece of ''engineering'' leads to new abstract insights which by themselves open a whole new world. Far too often, this new world is not studied and people stick to the engineering example. The best examples here are general relativity and quantum theory. If you do not understand what I say, I will use more words for it.

The basic problem in all attempts to formulate a principle of locality for quantum spacetime is that in the continuum, this is a topological fact which has nothing to do with the dynamics. In algebraic approaches to quantum space-time you can see very easily where the problem resides; in kappa Minkowski for example the space coordinates commute and do not commute with the time coordinate. So, first you have to define an event, are you going to say that it corresponds to eigenvectors in a representation which diagonalize the position coordinates, so that an event is effectively non-local in time? Clearly such thing is not invariant under the deformed group because time and space mix. So an event will become ''coordinate dependent'', likewise will the notion of neighborhood be. Actually, depending upon your deformation parameter, one single event in one coordinate system may stretch out formidably in another. So the laws themselves will have a non-locality scale depending upon this stretching. Of course, all such approaches seriously tamper with diffeomorphism invariance which is very poorly understood in that context (Majid once made an attempt). In my book, that reads like having an effective class of coordinate systems.



  • [deleted]

Dear Sir,

You say that whether reality is digital or analog "refers, at least implicitly, to the 'ultimate' nature of reality, the fundamental layer." You admit that "I do not know what this could mean, nor I am at ease with thinking in these terms." Then how could you discuss the issue scientifically? Science is not about beliefs or suppositions. Your entire essay exhibits your beliefs and suppositions that are far from scientific descriptions. You admit it when you talk about "speculative scenario". This is one of the root causes of the malaise that is endemic in scientific circles. Thus, theoretical physics is stagnating for near about a century while experimental physics is achieving marvelous results.

Let us take the example of space. You have not defined reality since you admit you have no idea about it. You discuss space without defining it. Both space and time are related to the order of arrangement in the field, i.e., sequence of objects and events contained in them like the design on a fabric. Both space and time co-exist like the fabric and its back ground color. The perception of each sequence is interrupted by an interval however infinitesimal. The interval between objects is called space and that between events is called time. We take a fairly intelligible and repetitive interval and use it as the unit, where necessary by subdividing it. We compare the designated interval with this unit interval and call the result measurement of space and time respectively.

Since space and time have no physical existence like particles and fields, we use alternative symbolism of objects and events to describe them. Thus, what Euclid called space is not the interval between objects, but the basic frame of reference on which the objects are placed as markers. To this extent he is right. Dedekind and others did not know this concept. Hence they wrongly held that "it is possible to construct discontinuous spaces in which Euclidean geometry holds". Geometry is related to measurement of space and no measurement except distance (line) is possible in discontinuous spaces like in the interval between a point on Earth and another point on the Sun or Moon. However, this fallacy was not apparent to the others who built theories upon such invalid foundation. Since space is the interval between objects, the space is continuous throughout the Universe. Thus your definition of quantum space is fundamentally wrong. Hence it is no wonder that you conclude "the question has no absolute meaning, so no answer."

The rest of your essay also exhibits the same beliefs and suppositions. Thus, it is strange that it has been highly rated by the FQXi community. Possibly "novelty of presentation (which means talking admittedly vaguely)" and incomprehensibility are the Bench marks of scientific excellence these days.



  • [deleted]

Daniele, it is good to see you in this contest and doing well. I have admired the group field theory approach since its origins with people such as Boulatov. I mentioned it in my review if discrete space-time concepts back in arXiv:hep-th/9506171. I am pleased that you and your colleagues are keeping the idea alive and continuing to develop it.

As you say geometrogenesis goes back a long way. For example I discussed very similar ideas in arXiv:hep-th/9505089 but did not come up with such a great name or concrete realization. Even earlier forms of similar work are mentioned in my review. Fotini Markopoulous has done a great job of making the concepts much clearer in the context of quantum graphity. It would be be a big development if such phase transitions could be found in relation to a more mathematically rich approach such as group field theory. Do you see any indications of this being possible?


I wish to warmly congratulate you on your provisional 1st place.

I hope now the 'competitive' pressure has gone we may return to good science. I'd be very appreciative if you read and genuinely commented on the model in my essay, which I beleive may be of major significance. http://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/803

Very many thanks


    Dear Daniele Oriti,

    Congratulations upon your placing first in the community voting.

    Edwin Eugene Klingman


      and congratulations on your placing second! I think that finer differences do not really mean much, at this stage, and all those essays that classified roughly at the top have really been appreciated equally. Anyway, good to have our work somehow valued positively, isn't it?




      believe me, the only reason why I could not read or comment all the essays that I would have wanted had nothing to do with competitive pressure, but only with the fact that I tried to keep doing good science. As a consequence, I do not have as much time as I would want.

      I'll try to read your essay, as you suggest, and let you know of comments, should I have any that could be of interest.



      Dear Daniele,

      I share Peter Jackson's view when he says "I wish to warmly congratulate you on your provisional 1st place. I hope now the 'competitive' pressure has gone we may return to good science." I also hope that the top essay authors are still willing to consider the pesky questions of the dedicated amateurs. I have one for you which have I started with Ian Durham just recently incidentally:

      Q: Coulomb's Law of electrostatics was modelled by Maxwell by mechanical means after his mathematical deductions as an added verification, which I highly admire. To me, this gives his equation some substance. I have a problem with the laws of gravity though, especially the mathematical representation that "every object attracts every other object equally in all directions." The 'fabric' of spacetime model of gravity doesn't lend itself to explain the law of electrostatics. Coulomb's law denotes two types of matter, one 'charged' positive and the opposite type 'charged' negative. An Archimedes screw model for the graviton can explain -both- the gravity law and the electrostatic law, whilst the 'fabric' of spacetime can't. Doesn't this by definition make the helical screw model better than than anything else that has been suggested for the mechanism of the gravity force?? Otherwise the unification of all the forces is an impossiblity imo. Do you have an opinion on my analysis at all?

        Dear Alan,

        thanks for your interest. As I replied to Peter, the reason why I did not reply and comment to all the submitted essays and contributed ideas is simply that, whatever their interest, I have not enough time to do so. I would like to, but I simply cannot. I do not know your model, and it will take some time to study and try to understand it. Therefore I cannot comment on it. As a general remark, I do of course agree that a theory that explains gravity at a more fundamental level, which is what models of quantum space or related quantum gravity models try to do, and that in addition explains electromagnetism (electrostatics is not enough) and possibly other interactions (i.e. nuclear ones) would be better than one that only explains gravity. Unfortunately, I do not know any such complete theory yet.



        Hi Philip

        Thanks a lot for your encouraging comments, and for the useful references. I do have indications that this type of phase transitions can be realized also in complex models like GFTs, although of course they are indirect indications and indications only. One example is that of matrix models for 2d gravity, where exactly something like this happens and which are in both conceptual and mathematical terms the (very successful) precursors of GFTs. We even have very preliminary work in this direction, but it is way to early to say whether our results will hold after further scrutiny and development.



        Thanks Daniele,

        I have plans to include the gravity force as well. You're all right, I need a working simualtion model that canb speak for itself.

        Kind regards,


        • [deleted]

        Since Danielle Oriti declared having no time for replying to criticism, I will just add remarks:

        He wrote: "The idea of a cosmological phase transition of space itself, replacing the Big Bang singularity, may provide a novel way to look at the puzzles of very early cosmology (horizon problem, flatness problem, etc), currently address by inflation, itself in need for a better explanation".

        Such promise is of course welcome even without a tangible basis.

        Danielle Oriti admitted in reply to Wilhelmus de Wilde: "Concerning singularities, indeed, several if not all practicing scientists believe the notion of singularity is but a label for a physical situation we do not understand yet, but not something physical in itself. However, the task is then to build up a theory of what happens in such situations, and unfortunately to simply deny their realities is not enough. We all have to be able to do better."

        I do not just agree on that. My essay tries to show a way that does not need the coward and lazy "it depends". Instead it offers an admittedly highly unwelcome approach:

        In order to do better let's focus on possible flaws in very basics of mathematics and its relationship to physics.

        Admittedly I am guided by my experience as an engineer: I like using singularities - as tools -, not as something real. I am fully aware that there is no ideal line current and no ideal point charge.

        Eckard Blumschein

          True, I do not have as much time as I would like to reply to all messages. Despite this, I did reply to quite a few of them, and tried both to clarify my point of view, and to counterargue some criticisms. But let me understand: what is, exactly, your ciriticism? I have tried to present a point of view according to which the answer: ''it depends'' has a clear meaning (beside the ironic tone), and it is a shorthand for ''it depends on the specific phase and regime of approximation in which quantum space is and is probed, just like in any condensed matter system, and we may have a formalism for studying all these phases and approximations, we just have to work much harder and do it properly''. So, I don't see what is cowardly and lazy about it. Beside, I don't see the use of using this type of tone and empty statements.


          • [deleted]

          Dear Daniele,

          You wrote: "... the notion of singularity is but a label for a physical situation we do not understand yet, but not something physical in itself."

          Why did you not at least try to reveal the reason for this calamity? Maybe an answer can be found here:

          ''it depends on the specific phase and regime of approximation in which quantum space is and is probed, just like in any condensed matter system, and we may have a formalism for studying all these phases and approximations, we just have to work much harder and do it properly''

          For you and many others, mathematics including quantum space and a lot of formalisms seem to be undoubtedly correct and absolutely adequate without any (foundational) question.

          You might feel my essay provocative and bold.

          I found three mathematical pillars of physics affected from unjustified generalization.

          Please do not hesitate taking issue if I am wrong and you have enough time.



          • [deleted]

          Dear Sir,

          Mr. Peter Jackson, one of the finalists had asked us some clarifications. We think it may be of interest to you. Hence we post the reply to him below your Essay.

          First let us answer to your question regarding how direct observation could be different. Since you are fond of spectroscopy, we will give you an example from that branch. Look at the mechanism behind the emission spectra and absorption spectra. Both the emitter and the observer are in the same bigger frame of reference linking both and separated by the field. You will admit that the scattering in the medium causes the difference.

          You say: "direct light hitting the eye is also scattered." In our theory, different forces co-exist. Thus, it is not scattering, but comparison like when we measure (compare) the length of a rod by a scale. The scale is not scattered by the rod. When you say "it can be apparent when we move", you are falling into the trap laid by Einstein. We have discussed it elaborately earlier by giving the example of Eddington.

          You have not defined dark matter or dark energy precisely. The phenomena cited by you as proof is indirect and not direct. We can explain those phenomena differently. You also admit this possibility indirectly when you say: "The plasma does the precise job our imaginary 'dark matter' does, and in the same places!"

          You say: "The references again show that curved space time exactly matches the effects of diffraction (gentle refraction delays and path curvature) via scattering in plasma." We have given our interpretation of "curved space-time", which is different from GR and it can also explain the effects of diffraction equally correctly.

          You say: "The separate terms plasma-sphere and ionosphere are really misnomers". But you admit their difference when you say: "they are a graded whole, proton rich low down and electron rich higher up." The grading is not smooth, but shows the same distribution like the arrangement of protons and electrons in an atom. Since protons and electrons are placed differently in nucleus and orbits, the plasma-sphere and ionosphere have to be treated as different. We divide the electric and magnetic fields into four types each based on their gradient. That, along with the interaction with the Solar wind will explain the rest of your comments.

          Now we will explain 'velocity of the field', which also will explain the constancy of 'c'. We have already explained that the basic nature of the field is equilibrium. The basic nature of forces is displacement. This gives rise to two different types of inertia: inertia of motion due to forces and inertia of restoration (elasticity) due to the field. This leads to both these inertia acting against a point of equilibrium to create locally confined structures. These structures, which are nothing but confined field is called "rayi". Both the inertias further act on "rayi". In such a scenario, the combined effect leads to repeated confinement around the point of equilibrium. The confined structures in which inertia of restoration dominates, is called particle (moorty). In the opposite case, it is called "amrita". This can be considered as your DFM.

          The confinement could be strong, weak or loose, which leads to the formation of solids, fluids (including gases) and plasma. We call these 'dhruva", "dhartra" and "dharuna" respectively. Where the inertia of motion dominates, it appears as heat. Depending upon the nature of the particles, the propagation of heat is also classified into three categories. In solids, plasma and fluids, these are done by conduction, radiation and convection. We call these as "nirbhuja", "pratrirnna" and "ubhayamantarena" respectively. The third category gives rise to the electric field. Thus, electric behaves like a hot fluid.

          Till now we were discussing about the confinement of "rayi" (where inertia of restoration dominates). In the opposite case, where inertia of motion dominates, "rayi" gives rise to three corresponding forces of cold confinement. These can explain the effects of the so-called "dark matter and dark energy". Magnetism belongs to this category. Thus, magnetism is a cold confining force. Since both these are different states of "rayi", electricity and magnetism are two sides of the same coin.

          Till now we were discussing "rayi", which is a part of the primordial field dominated by inertia of restoration. The other part is dominated by inertia of motion, which we call "praana". The effect of this is felt by other bodies. Hence this gives rise to force. Depending on their effects on different bodies, these forces are classified into different groups discussed earlier. While strong, weak, electromagnetic and radioactive disintegration forces belong to this category associated with inertia of motion and heat, gravitational interaction is associated with inertia of restoration and cold. Thus, they cannot be united.

          After a part of the primordial field is confined within "rayi", inertia of restoration in the field becomes weak and inertia of motion dominates. Thus, the field generates waves that expand rapidly in all directions. You call this big bang. The effects of "rayi" and "praana" in the primordial medium create the bow shock effect. This leads to reduced velocity of the wave, which ultimately stabilizes, cutting off a vast volume which we call universe. Since there is no reason to believe that it happens only in our locality, we believe in multiverses, which are similar universes and not as described by MWI.

          After the bow shock comes to rest, the forces of inertia of motion and inertia of restoration cancel each other leading both to a superposition of states. We call this "maayaa". But the equilibrium is momentary, since the balance between "rayi" and "praana" within the confinement of "maayaa" has not been equated, the next moment inertia of restoration dominates and there is massive contraction. You call this inflation. We call this force "dhaaraa". This creates further interaction, which leads to structure formation. We call this "jaayaa". Outside the structures, the inertia of restoration still dominates. You call it the cosmic microwave back ground radiation. We call it "aapah". Thus, the universe can be picturised as an ocean containing many islands. The galaxies can be imagined to float in an "ocean" called "saraswaan", the stars can be imagined to float in an "ocean" called "nabhaswaan", and the Earth like planets can be imagined to float in an "ocean" called "samudra arnava".

          Just like the Earth orbits the Sun and spins around its own axis due to the combined effects of the Sun's movement and that of the inter-stellar medium that move in different directions on the one hand, the different magnetic fields on the other hand (in a broader scale, these are the effects of "rayi and praana" and "dhaaraa and jaayaa"), the Universe as a whole also moves within the confines of "maayaa". This appears as the receding galaxies, just like the planets sometimes appear to move away from each other. This movement of the Universal field is constant for all structures. This is what you describe as "space has inertia and angular momentum."

          It is well known that objects are perceived only during transition. The transition can be of two types: the object can move or the field containing the object can move while the object is stationary (both together are also possible, but they fall into these two groups). In the case of electromagnetic field in space, it is the field that moves at a constant velocity. You also admit it when you say: "ALL matter in motion is in motion with respect to a LOCAL background. Light entering the galaxy is Doppler shifted by the Halo to the galaxies 'c', again at the heliopause to the Sun's 'c', and at the Ionosphere to the Earths 'c', and on ad infinitum." The only difference is that you presume the particle is moving at 'c' with respect to the back ground, which you take as at rest. We take the opposite view of the background with us moving at 'c'. Like we do not experience the motion of the Earth, but think the Sun and the stars are orbiting it, we do not experience the motion of the back ground since we are also moving with it. But the effects in both cases are the same.

          Regarding the 3 frames, you are on the right track. Here we quote from one of our posts under the Essay of Mr. Rafael Emmanuel Castel, where we had commented elaborately about Einstein's 1905 paper.

          Einstein: We assume that this definition of synchronism is free from contradictions, and possible for any number of points; and that the following relations are universally valid:

          3. If the clock at B synchronizes with the clock at A, the clock at A synchronizes with the clock at B.

          4. If the clock at A synchronizes with the clock at B and also with the clock at C, the clocks at B and C also synchronize with each other.

          Thus with the help of certain imaginary physical experiments we have settled what is to be understood by synchronous stationary clocks located at different places, and have evidently obtained a definition of "simultaneous", or "synchronous", and of "time". The "time" of an event is that which is given simultaneously with the event by a stationary clock located at the place of the event, this clock being synchronous, and indeed synchronous for all time determinations, with a specified stationary clock.

          Our comments: Einstein sets out in the introductory part of his paper: "...the phenomena of electrodynamics as well as of mechanics possess no properties corresponding to the idea of absolute rest. They suggest rather that, as has already been shown to the first order of small quantities, the same laws of electrodynamics and optics will be valid for all frames of reference for which the equations of mechanics hold good. We will raise this conjecture (the purport of which will hereafter be called the "Principle of Relativity") to the status of a postulate...". The "Principle of Relativity" is restricted to comparison of the motion of one frame of reference relative to another. Introduction of a third frame of reference collapses the equations as it no longer remains relativistic. The clock at B has been taken as a privileged frame of reference for comparison of other frames of reference. If privileged frames of reference are acceptable for time measurement, then the same should be applicable for space measurement also, which invalidates the rest of the paper.

          Simultaneity refers to occurrence of more than one action sequences, e.g.; events, which measure equal units in two similar action sequence measuring devices, e.g.; clocks, starting from a common reference point, e.g.; an epoch. It is the opposite of successive events. Synchronisation refers to the readings of more than one clock (or interval between event from an epoch), which do not require "clock correction", i.e.; when such readings are compared with a common or identical repetitive action sequence or action sequence measuring devices, their readings match. It is not the opposite of successive events, but can also be simultaneous - for example, two clocks synchronised with each other will give similar readings simultaneously. If one of the clocks give 24 hour reading while the other gives 12 hour reading, then half of the time they will give readings that are synchronized and simultaneous, while half of the time they will not be so. Yet, the results can be made to synchronize by deducting 12 hours from any reading beyond it in the clock giving 24 hours reading. Here the clocks will be synchronized through out, but give simultaneous readings alternatively in succession or otherwise.

          In the definition of simultaneity given by Einstein, the two clocks situated at two distant points in the same frame of reference (whether the frame of reference is inertial or not is not relevant as both the clocks and points P and P' are fixed in the frame) are said to be synchronous, if their readings of the identical events in both clocks match. This only refers to the accuracy of mechanical functioning of the clocks and uniformity of the time unit used in both the clocks. This definition is nothing but telling the obvious in a complicated and confusing manner. Since the two clocks are synchronised, they should record equal time in both the frames of reference over equal interval.

          We have also shown that if we follow the logic of Einstein, then we will land in a problem like the Russell's paradox of set theory. In one there cannot be many, implying, there cannot be a set of one element or a set of one element is superfluous. There cannot be many without one meaning there cannot be many elements, if there is no set - they would be individual members unrelated to each other as is a necessary condition of a set. Thus, in the ultimate analysis, a collection of objects is either a set with its elements or individual objects, which are not the elements of a set.

          Let us examine set theory and consider the property p(x) : x  x, which means the defining property p(x) of any element x is such that it does not belong to x. Nothing appears unusual about such a property. Many sets have this property. A library [p(x)] is a collection of books. But a book is not a library (x  x). Now, suppose this property defines the set R = {x : x  x}. It must be possible to determine if RR or RR. However if RR, then the defining properties of R implies that RR, which contradicts the supposition that RR. Similarly, the supposition RR confers on R the right to be an element of R, again leading to a contradiction. The only possible conclusion is that, the property "x  x" cannot define a set. This idea is also known as the Axiom of Separation in Zermelo-Frankel set theory, which postulates that; "Objects can only be composed of other objects" or "Objects shall not contain themselves".

          In order to avoid this paradox, it has to be ensured that a set is not a member of itself. It is convenient to choose a "largest" set in any given context called the universal set and confine the study to the elements of such universal set only. This set may vary in different contexts, but in a given set up, the universal set should be so specified that no occasion arises ever to digress from it. Otherwise, there is every danger of colliding with paradoxes such as the Russell paradox, which says that "S is the set of all sets which do not have themselves as a member. Is S a member of itself?" Or as it is put in the everyday language: "A man of Serville is shaved by the Barber of Serville id and only if the man does not shave himself?" Such is the problem in Special theory of Relativity.

          Thus, "when we have to connect in time series of events occurring at different places, or - what comes to the same thing - to evaluate the times of events occurring at places remote from the watch", we must refer to a common reference point for time measurement, which means that we have to apply "clock corrections" to individual clocks with reference to a common clock at the time of measurement which will make the readings of all clocks identical. (Einstein has also done it, when he defines synchronization in the para below). This implies that to accurately measure time by some clocks, we must depend upon a preferred clock, whose time has to be fixed with reference to the earlier set of clocks whose time is to be accurately measured. Alternatively, we will land with a set of unrelated events like the cawing of a crow and falling of a ripe date palm simultaneously. A stationery clock and a clock in a moving frame do not experience similar forces acting on them. If the forces acting on them affect the material of the clock, the readings of the clocks cannot be treated as time measurement. Because, in that case, we will land with different time units not related to a repetitive natural event - in other words, they are like individual elements not the members of a set. Hence, the readings cannot be compared to see whether they match or differ. The readings of such clocks can be compared only after applying clock correction to the moving clock. This clock correction has nothing to do with time dilation, but only to the mechanical malfunction of the clock.

          There is nothing like empty space. Space, and the universe, is not empty, but full of the Cosmic Background Microwave Radiation from the Big-Bang. In addition to this, space would also seem to be full of a lot of other wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation from low radio frequency to gamma rays. This can be shown by the fact that we are able to observe this radiation across the gaps between galaxies and even across the "voids" that have been identified. Since the universe is regarded as being homogeneous in all directions, it follows that any point in space will have radiation passing through it from every direction, bearing in mind Olber's paradox about infinite quantities etc. The "rips" in space-time that Feynman and others have written about are not currently a scientifically defined phenomenon. They are just a hypothetical concept - something that has not been observed or known to exist. Thus, "light signals, given out by every event to be timed, and reaching him through empty space" would be affected by these radiations and get distorted.



          • [deleted]

          Dear Basudeba,

          I see you have understood the problem of self-referential statements and connected it to relativity ... Indeed, Einstein's theory does not offer a way out of that, but all I want to say is that your statements are not in conflict with Einstein's equivalence principle; they are just contradictory to GR.

          Concerning your evaluation of the work at hand; it is indeed exemplary of the modern culture where vague statements are cultivated and interpreted as a sign of presumed intelligence. It goes even deeper than that, those people will defend themselves by saying they are politically correct, while the simple truth is of course that the emperor has no clothes. I, on the other hand, say that whatever space-time picture you want, it has to be constructed from whatever representation of a totally ordered number system containing the reals. Of course, people then might still want to defend the discrete attitude by saying you can construct the reals from the naturals, but of course this is not a finite construction. Point is that nature cannot be locally finite a priori without any reference to the continuum or infinity.

          Now, you may ask, do I have a strict mathematical proof of this? Well then, let me ask you for a mathematical proof that planets are not kept in their orbital motion by means of little angels. Physics does not operate in this way, alas very few are willing to accept that and reading books of Feyerabend is not going to help anybody in this matter.



          • [deleted]

          Dear Sir,

          You must be congratulated for maintaining your stand.

          In the essay, you admitted that "I do not know what this could mean, nor I am at ease with thinking in these terms." You are showing the same ignorance and unease in replying to the points raised by us - both on your essay and on the comments of Mr. Jackson.

          In stead of long political dialogues, kindly give specific and scientific replies raised by us or express your inability to address the points. There is no need to advertise your ignorance and unease in discussing scientific topics.



          I have no trouble expressing my inability to address the points you raised, because I do not think I understood what the scientific points to be addressed are. This must be certainly due to my own limitations. As you know, nobody is perfect and we should not pretend to be. I do not think I can fruitfully contribute to this nice, profound and instructive discussion you are having in the comments tread to my essay, but feel free to continue. The use of a certain tone and a certain style of statements only improves the interest and quality of your exchange. So, please keep going....and thanks a lot for contributing so much.