Dear Basudeba,
I see you have understood the problem of self-referential statements and connected it to relativity ... Indeed, Einstein's theory does not offer a way out of that, but all I want to say is that your statements are not in conflict with Einstein's equivalence principle; they are just contradictory to GR.
Concerning your evaluation of the work at hand; it is indeed exemplary of the modern culture where vague statements are cultivated and interpreted as a sign of presumed intelligence. It goes even deeper than that, those people will defend themselves by saying they are politically correct, while the simple truth is of course that the emperor has no clothes. I, on the other hand, say that whatever space-time picture you want, it has to be constructed from whatever representation of a totally ordered number system containing the reals. Of course, people then might still want to defend the discrete attitude by saying you can construct the reals from the naturals, but of course this is not a finite construction. Point is that nature cannot be locally finite a priori without any reference to the continuum or infinity.
Now, you may ask, do I have a strict mathematical proof of this? Well then, let me ask you for a mathematical proof that planets are not kept in their orbital motion by means of little angels. Physics does not operate in this way, alas very few are willing to accept that and reading books of Feyerabend is not going to help anybody in this matter.